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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang pencapaian dan peningkatan literasi statistis (LS), kemampuan penalaran statistis (KPS) dan self-esteem statistis (SES), serta kualitas KPS mahasiswa olahraga pada pembelajaran Statitical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran tipe sequential yakni analisis kuantitatif terlebih dahulu kemudian analisis kualitatif. Analisis kuantitatif dengan metode quasi eksperimen dan analisis kualitatif dengan metode grounded theory. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 106 mahasiswa olahraga dari dua program studi yaitu program studi Ilmu Keolahragaan (IKOR) yang terdiri dari 25 mahasiswa yang mendapat pembelajaran SRLE dan 23 mahasiswa yang mendapat pembelajaran langsung, dan program studi Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga (PKO) di mana yang mendapat pembelajaran SRLE dan pembelajaran langsung masing-masing 29 mahasiswa. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) tidak terdapat perbedaan pencapaian dan peningkatan LS, KPS mahasiswa IKOR antara pembelajaran SRLE dengan PL, (2) terdapat perbedaan pencapaian dan peningkatan LS, KPS mahasiswa PKO antara pembelajaran SRLE dengan PL, dilihat dari rata-ratanya SRLE lebih baik dari PL, (3) tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan tingkat KAS terhadap pencapaian dan peningkatan LS dan KPS mahasiswa IKOR maupun PKO (4) terdapat perbedaaan pencapaian dan peningkatan LS, KPS antara mahasiswa IKOR kategori KAS (tinggi, sedang, rendah) yang mendapat pembelajaran SRLE dan PL. Dari hasil uji posthoc perbedaan antara kategori KAS tinggi dengan sedang dan kategori KAS tinggi dengan rendah untuk LS dan kategori KAS tinggi dengan rendah pada pencapaian KPS, (5) tidak terdapat perbedaaan pencapaian dan peningkatan LS dan KPS antara mahasiswa PKO tingkat KAS (tinggi, sedang, rendah) yang mendapat pembelajaran SRLE dan PL. Tidak terdapat perbedaaan pencapaian dan peningkatan LS dan KPS antara mahasiswa kategori profesi (atlet, non atlet) yang mendapat pembelajaran SRLE dan PL untuk IKOR dan PKO, (6) tidak terdapat perbedaan pencapaian self-esteem statistis antara pembelajaran SRLE dengan PL, untuk keseluruhan, kategori KAS dan kategori profesi (atlet, non atlet). (7) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kategori KAS ataupun dengan katagori profesi (atlet, non atlet) terhadap pencapaian self-esteem statistis (8) terdapat lima kategori untuk menggambarkan kualitas kemampuan penalaran statistis mahasiswa olahraga yaitu pemahaman terhadap masalah, penguasaan konsep, keberlakuan argumen, keruntutan berpikir dan ketepatan interpretasi.-----This research aims at describing the sports students’ Statistical Literacy (SL), Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA), Statistical Self-esteem (SSE), and SRA quality achievement and improvement through the Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE). This research employs a sequential combined method started with a quantitative analysis and then followed with a qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis is conducted using a quasi-experimental method, while the qualitative analysis is performed with a grounded theory method. The research subjects are 106 sports students consisting of 25 Sport Science study program (IKOR) students receiving the SRLE learning and the other 23 students receiving the direct learning, while each of 29 Sports Coaching Education Study Program (PKO) students receiving SRLE learning and direct learning. The research conclusion shows that: (1) there is no achievement and improvement difference of IKOR students’ Statistical Literacy (SL) and Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) after obtaining both SRLE learning and Direct Learning; (2) there is achievement and improvement difference of PKO students’ Statistical Literacy (SL) and Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) after obtaining both SRLE learning and Direct Learning when viewed from the SRLE learning’s average which is better than Direct Learning’s; (3) there is no interaction influence of the IKOR and PKO students’ learning model and Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) level with their Statistical Literacy (SL) and Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) achievement and improvement; (4) there is a difference of IKOR students’ Statistical Literacy (SL) and Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) achievement and improvement with their (high, medium, low) Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) category after obtaining both SRLE learning and Direct Learning. The posthoc test result shows that there is a difference between the high and medium, high and low Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) category for the students’ Statistical Literacy (SL) and between the high and low Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) category for the students’ Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) achievement; (5) there is no difference of PKO students’ Statistical Literacy (SL) and Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) achievement and improvement with (high, medium, low) Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) level after obtaining both SRLE learning and Direct Learning. There is no difference between both IKOR and PKO (categorized into professional athlete and non-athlete) students’ Statistical Literacy (SL) and Statistical Reasoning Ability (SRA) achievement and improvement after receiving both SRLE learning and direct learning; (6) there is no difference of the students’ statistical self-esteem achievement after obtaining both SRLE learning and Direct Learning, for all category of both Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) level and profession (athlete and non athlete). (7) There is no interaction influence of the (categorized into professional athlete and non-athlete) students’ learning model and Initial Statistical Ability (ISA) level with their statistical self-esteem achievement; (8) there are five categories to describe the quality of sports students’ statistical reasoning ability: problem understanding, concept mastery, argument validity, well-orderly thinking process and interpretation accuracy.
Item Type: | Thesis (S3) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Literasi Statistis, Kemampuan Penalaran Statistis, Self-esteem Statistis, Mahasiswa Olahraga, Pembelajaran SRLE |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) Q Science > QA Mathematics |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Matematika S-3 |
Depositing User: | Santi Santika |
Date Deposited: | 30 Mar 2020 08:10 |
Last Modified: | 30 Mar 2020 08:10 |
URI: | |
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