Puji Rahayu, - (2022) ANALISIS PENULISAN POSTER BERDASARKAN OBSERVASI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


ANALISIS PENULISAN POSTER BERDASARKAN OBSERVASI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil analisis penulisan poster berdasarkan observasi lingkungan sekolah peserta didik kelas V SDN Cijulangadeg. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Subjek pada penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik kelas V SDN Cijulangadeg berjumlah 15 orang. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui penugasan dan dokumetasi untuk mengetahui hasil penulisan poster peserta didik pada pembelajaran menulis poster berdasarkan observasi lingkungan sekolah peserta didik kelas V SDN Cijulangadeg dan hasilnya dianalisis berdasarkan indikator yang telah ditentukan meliputi 2 aspek, yaitu (1) Isi poster, dan (2) Kebahasaan poster, dengan masing-masing 5 indikator. Dimana (1) Isi poster diantaranya: mengandung pesan dan bujukan, objektif (Keadaan yang sebenarnya bersifat fakta), huruf dan gambar menarik, jelas, tidak bertentangan dengan SARA, (2) Kebahasaan poster diantaranya: bahasa yang singkat, padat, komunikatif, kreatif, dan persuasif. Berdasarkan analisis data hasil tulisan tiga menulis poster diketahui bahwa hasil tulisan pertama rata-rata 8,6 dan mencapai skor 129. Hasil menulis kedua secara keseluruhan 110 dengan rata-rata 7,3. Hasil menulis ketiga skor keseluruhan adalah 131 dengan rata-rata 8,7. Berdasarkan dari ketiga data didapatkan skor akhir adalah 8,2. Dapat dikatakan bahwa penelitian yang telah dilakukan ada pada kategori baik. Dengan demikian hasil penulisan poster berdasarkan observasi lingkungan sekolah pada peserta didik kelas V SDN Cijulangadeg menunjukan bahwa peserta didik memiliki kecenderungan yang baik dalam menulis poster dari kategori yang dicapai. ANALISIS PENULISAN POSTER BERDASARKAN OBSERVASI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH ABSTRACT This study aims to describe the results of the analysis of poster writing based on observations of the school environment of fifth grade students at SDN Cijulangadeg. This type of research is a research using a quantitative approach with descriptive method. The subjects in this study were 15 students of class V SDN Cijulangadeg. The research data was collected through assignments and documentation to find out the results of student poster writing in poster writing lessons based on observations of the fifth grade student's school environment at SDN Cijulangadeg and the results were analyzed based on predetermined indicators covering 2 aspects, namely (1) the content of the poster, and (2) Language of posters, with 5 indicators each. Where (1) the contents of the poster include: containing messages and persuasion, objective (actual conditions are factual), interesting letters and pictures, clear, not contrary to SARA, (2) The language of the poster includes: short, concise, communicative, creative language , and persuasive. Based on the data analysis of the results of the three writing posters, it is known that the results of the first writing are on average 8.6 and reach a score of 129. The overall results of the second writing are 110 with an average of 7.3. The results of writing the three overall scores were 131 with an average of 8.7. Based on the three data, the final score was 8.2. It can be said that the research that has been done is in the good category. Thus, the results of poster writing based on observations of the school environment for fifth grade students at SDN Cijulangadeg indicate that students have a good tendency to write posters from the categories achieved.


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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Poster, Observasi Lingkungan Sekolah
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya > PGSD UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya
Depositing User: Puji Rahayu
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2022 05:52
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2022 05:52

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