Sania Nur'aini, - (2021) PERSEPSI ORANG TUA MENGENAI JUNK FOOD DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP KESEHATAN, FUNGSI KOGNITIF, DAN MASALAH PERILAKU ANAK USIA DINI (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Sarijadi, Kota Bandung). S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh meningkatnya konsumsi junk food akibat maraknya restoran fast food. Banyak fast food tergolong pada junk food dan mengandung bahan-bahan yang dapat memberikan dampak negatif bagi tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggali persepsi orang tua mengenai junk food dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan, fungsi kognitif, dan masalah perilaku anak usia dini di Kelurahan Sarijadi, Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah tiga orang ibu dari anak berusia 3-6 tahun yang sering mengonsumsi junk food. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi (KMS). Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis tematik. Penelitian menghasilkan temuan bahwa konsumsi junk food pada anak cukup tinggi, yaitu 5-8 kali perminggu. Persepsi orang tua mengenai dampak junk food terhadap kesehatan adalah mengakibatkan permasalahan kesehatan berupa penyakit infeksi seperti diare dan ISPA, juga gigi berlubang. Salah satu anak memiliki berat badan kurang, sementara dua lainnya normal. Persepsi orang tua mengenai dampak junk food terhadap fungsi kognitif adalah gangguan memori dan kesulitan berkonsentrasi. Persepsi orang tua mengenai dampak junk food terhadap masalah perilaku adalah munculnya gejala perilaku hiperaktivitas seperti memanjat dan bergelantungan. Berbagai upaya dilakukan orangtua untuk mengurangi konsumsi junk food seperti memberikan makanan berserat dan membatasi asupan junk food, namun terdapat keterbatasan dalam pelaksanaannya, anak menjadi tantrum dan menolak makanan selain junk food. Peneliti merekomendasikan penelitian selanjutnya menggunakan metode penelitian berbeda atau dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih banyak. This research was motivated by the increasing consumption of junk food due to the rise of fast food restaurants. Many fast foods are classified as junk food and contain ingredients that can have a negative impact on the body. The purpose of this research was to explore parents perceptions of junk food and its impact on health, cognitive function, and behavioral problems in early childhood in Sarijadi, Bandung. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study design. The participants in this study were three mothers of children aged 3-6 years, who often consumed junk food. The data collection technique were in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies (KMS). The data were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The research found that the consumption of junk food in children was quite high, it is about 5-8 times per week. Parents perceptions of the impact of junk food on health are infectious diseases such as diarrhea and ARI, as well as cavities. One of the children is underweight, while the other two are normal. Parents perceptions of the impact of junk food on cognitive function is memory problems and difficulty concentrations. Parents perceptions of the impact of junk food on behavior problems is the emergence of symptoms of hyperactivity behavior such as climbing and hanging. Various efforts were made by the parents to reduce the consumption of junk food such as providing fibrous food and limiting the intake of junk food, but there were limitations in its implementation, children having tantrums and refuse food other than junk food. The researcher recommends further research using different research methods or with a larger number of samples. Keywords: Junk food Consumption, Health, Cognitive Function, Behavioral Problem, Early Childhood

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Konsumsi Junk food, Kesehatan, Fungsi Kognitif, Masalah Perilaku, Anak Usia Dini, Junk food Consumption, Health, Cognitive Function, Behavioral Problem, Early Childhood
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan > Pedagogik > PGPAUD Bumi Siliwangi
Depositing User: Sania Nur'aini
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2021 06:25
Last Modified: 29 Oct 2021 06:25

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