Muhammad Rizki Risdianto, - (2020) MODEL INTERNALISASI NILAI TOLERANSI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK DI SEKOLAH DASAR (Studi Kasus Di SDN Melong Mandiri 2 Kota Cimahi). S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Kecerdasan sikap toleransi harus ditanamkan pada usia sekolah dasar, usia sekolah dasar merupakan masa emas pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Sekolah dasar menjadi salah satu jalan dalam menginternalisasi nilai toleransi, saat ini sekolah menerapkan model pembelajaran tematik, metode pembelajaran yang memungkinkan siswa, baik secara individu maupun kelompok, aktif menggali dan menemukan konsep serta prinsip-prinsip keilmuan secara bermakna. Sehingga penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang model internalisasi nilai toleransi dalam pembelajaran tematik yang dilakukan di SDN Melong Mandiri 2 Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini melibatkan guru yang telah melaksanakan proses pembelajaran tematik. masalah pokok dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana proses internalisasi nilai toleransi dalam pembelajaran tematik di sekolah dasar. Pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana perencanaan pembelajaran internalisasi nilai toleransi dalam pembelajaran tematik di sekolah dasar? (2) Bagaimana pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran tematik di sekolah dasar? (3) Bagaimana evaluasi pembelajaran internalinasi nilai toleransi dalam pembelajaran tematik di sekolah dasar?. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis melalui tahapan pengumpulan, reduksi, display, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil analisis data sebagai berikut: (1) Guru kelas telah mengembangkan silabus dan RPP namun didalamnya tidak tercantum nilai toleransi (2) Proses kegiatan pembelajaran nilai toleransi pada peserta didik dilakukan dengan mengaitkan tema pembelajaran terhadap nilai toleransi. Yang diterapkan melalui kegiatan pembiasaan selain itu guru menjadikan dirinya sebagai tauladan nilai toleransi dalam proses pembelajaran. (3) Tidak ada format khusus yang tercantum dalam RPP, guru melakukan evaluasi dengan pengamatan terhadap aktifitas siswa secara langsung dan di evaluasi secara spontan pada saat proses pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Toleransi, Pembelajaran Tematik, Sekolah Dasar TOLERANCE VALUE INTERNALIZATION MODELS IN THEMATIC LEARNING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Case Study at Melong Mandiri 2 Public Elementary School in Cimahi City) Muhammad Rizki Risdianto 1802867 ABSTRACT Intelligence of tolerance must be instilled in elementary school age, elementary school age is a golden period of growth and development. Primary schools are one way to internalize the value of tolerance, currently schools are implementing thematic learning models, learning methods that allow students, both individually and in groups, to actively explore and find meaningful scientific concepts and principles. So that the authors are interested in conducting research on the internalization model of tolerance values in thematic learning conducted at SDN Melong Mandiri 2, Cimahi City. This research involves teachers who have carried out the thematic learning process. The main problem in this thesis is how the process of internalizing the value of tolerance in thematic learning in elementary schools. Research questions: (1) How is the planning of learning the internalization of tolerance values in thematic learning in elementary schools? (2) How is the implementation of thematic learning activities in elementary schools? (3) How to evaluate the internalization of tolerance values in thematic learning in elementary schools? This research used a research method with a qualitative approach with observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data were analyzed through the stages of collection, reduction, display, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data analysis are as follows: (1) The class teacher has developed a syllabus and lesson plans but there is no tolerance value in it. (2) The learning process for the value of tolerance in students is carried out by linking the theme of learning to the value of tolerance What is applied through habituation activities besides that the teacher makes himself an example of the value of tolerance in the learning process. (3) There is no specific format listed in the lesson plan, the teacher evaluates by directly observing student activities and evaluating spontaneously during the learning process. Keywords: Tolerance, Thematic Learning, Elementary School

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tolerance, Thematic Learning, Elementary School
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Umum/Nilai S-2
Depositing User: 1802867 MUHAMMAD RIZKI RISDIANTO
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2020 03:22
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2020 03:22

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