Andriani, Ana (2014) PENGEMBANGAN MODEL SIMULASI SOSIAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKN UNTUK PENINGKATAN SIKAP DEMOKRATIS PESERTA DIDIK. eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Fenomena empiris menunjukkan rendahnya sikap demokratis peserta didik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Degradasi moral dan erosi etika mengindikasikan hal tersebut. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran apa yang dapat meningkatkan sikap demokratis peserta didik. Simulasi sosial dari Joyce dan Weil memiliki muatan pendidikan nilai khususnya pendidikan demokrasi menjadi jawaban, dengan tahapan menjelaskan, mewasiti, melatih, dan diskusi. Tujuan penelitian menemukan suatu produk model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk peningkatan sikap demokratis peserta didik. Penelitian menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan karena dianggap paling sesuai dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Dalam penelitian ini pengujian dilakukan secara sistematis, evaluatif, dan perbaikan sehingga memenuhi kriteria tertentu dengan cara yang efektif. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan peserta didik di lima SMA dengan eksperimen dilakukan pada dua sekolah. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah: a) pengumpulan data dan informasi, b) perencanaan, c) pengembangan produk awal, d) uji coba produk awal, e) revisi terhadap produk utama, f) pengujian produk utama, g) revisi produk secara operasional, h) pengujian lapangan secara operasional, i) revisi akhir. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner, tes skala sikap, pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan lembar perangkat pembelajaran. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan studi pendahuluan, uji coba model dan uji validitas. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah model pembelajaran PKn melalui pengembangan model simulasi sosial (SSPSD) terbukti signifikan meningkatkan sikap demokratis peserta didik. Implikasi praktis hasil penelitian ini bersumber dari komponen-komponen penting yang terdapat di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran PKn. Guru, peserta didik, menjadi sumber utama dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran PKn dengan menggunakan pengembangan model SSPSD, selain sumber dan media pembelajaran, suasana pembelajaran, dan evaluasi belajar menjadi komponen lain yang tidak kalah penting. Bertolak dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti merekomendasikan pada perguruan tinggi khususnya pengelola program studi PKn untuk dapat mengembangkan berbagai inovasi pembelajaran melalui penelitian yang berorientasi pada peningkatan sikap demokratis peserta didik. Bagi para peneliti, dapat mengembangkan penelitian yang lebih komprehensif dengan melibatkan para guru dalam proses penelitian sejak proses awal. Rekomendasi diberikan pada para guru, dan calon guru untuk menjadikan model SSPSD sebagai model dalam pembelajaran PKn, karena terbukti dapat meningkatkan sikap demokratis peserta didik.;--- The empirical phenomena showed the lowness of learners’ democratic attitudes in their daily life. The indication of these phenomena can be shown by the decrease of learners respect to their parents and teachers, the involvement of learners in juvenile delinquent and their indiscipline behavior in society. The problem in this study is to formulate the model of teaching and learning of Civics in context social studies to improve the learners’ democratic attitude. Social simulation proposed by Joyce and Weil has an education value specially in democratic education. This becomes the solution to the problem. The stages of these are explaining, judging, training and discussing. The model was being developed had the values of education particularly in democratic education. The purposes of the study was to find out an outcome of a teaching learning model that can be implemented to the improvement of the learners’ democratic attitude in order to support the learners’ life in the future. The study used research and development method since it is suitable with the purposes of the study will be reached. In this research, the testing was done as systematic, evaluative, and corrective possible. As a result, this study meets the criteria required effectively. The participants in this research are teacher and students of the five of Senior High Schools. In addition, the experiment approach was done at two schools. The steps of this research are as follow: a) collecting data and information, b) planning, c) the initial development of the product, d) the initial trying out of the product, e) revising of the main product, f) the testing of the main product, g) revising the product operationally, h) The testing of the field operationally, i) Final revision. The instruments used in this research are questionnaires, attitude scale test, observation guidance, interview guidance, and teaching kit sheets. The technique of data analysis using preliminary studies, trials and test the validity of the model. The conclusion of the research are as follows: the Civics learning model through the development of social simulation model (SSPSD) significantly could improve the democratic attitude of the students. The practical implementation of the result of the research came from the important components of the learning Civics. Teachers and students was the main sources in implementing learning of Civics by using the development of SSPSD. In addition, the important components in this research are learning, material, learning media, leaning circumstances, and learning evaluation as well. Simulation models in learning Civics improved democratic attitudes of learners. Based on the results of this research, the researcher recommends to the teacher to make the simulation model as a model of the teaching and learning of Civics and also recommended to be taught to student teachers as it is proved it can improve the democratic attitude of the learning of Civics.


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Item Type: Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd)
Additional Information: No.panggil : D IPS AND p-2014; Pembimbing : I.Sapriya, II.Aim Abdul Karim.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Model simulasi sosial, PKn, sikap demokratis, Social simulation model, Civics, democratic attitude.
Subjects: J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan IPS S-3
Depositing User: Mr mhsinf 2017
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2017 07:52
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2017 07:52

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