KORELASI ANTARA GENDER EQUALITY DENGAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DAN SIKAP SOSIAL SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR: Penelitian pada Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Cidahu Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat

Agung Rozali, - (2023) KORELASI ANTARA GENDER EQUALITY DENGAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DAN SIKAP SOSIAL SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR: Penelitian pada Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Cidahu Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


ABSTRAK Agung Rozali, Tesis, 2023, Korelasi antara Gender Equality dengan Tanggung Jawab dan Sikap Sosial Siswa Sekolah Dasar Penelitian ini berfokus pada korelasi antara gender equality dengan tanggung jawab dan sikap sosial siswa secara keseluruhan dan dari perbedaan gender sekolah dasar. Terdapat 5 aspek tanggung jawab (mandiri, tekun, sikap positif, sikap proaktif, dan kontrol diri) serta 5 aspek sikap sosial (jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli, dan percaya diri). Berdasarkan hasil kajian pustaka, terdapat permasalahan dalam perlakuan bias gender di sekolah, bullying karena kurangnya rasa peduli dan kontrol diri, serta kurangnya sikap jujur pada siswa. Tujuan penelitiannya adalah mengidentifikasi serta mengkaji korelasi antara gender equality dan tanggung jawab serta sikap sosial siswa di sekolah dasar, dengan metode survei sebagai pendekatan utama. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa kuesioner dengan menggunakan Skala Likert. Sampel terdiri dari 285 siswa sekolah dasar terdiri dari 134 laki-laki dan 151 perempuan diambil dari populasi sebesar 989 siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi sederhana menggunakan Pearson Product Moment. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara gender equality dengan tanggung jawab dan sikap sosial siswa secara keseluruhan namun tidak signifikan dan pada kelompok laki-laki tidak terdapat korelasi pada aspek mandiri dan kontrol diri. Dari 5 aspek tanggung jawab, aspek tekun memiliki korelasi paling tinggi diantara aspek lainnya, sedangkan aspek kontrol diri memiliki korelasi paling rendah dan pada 5 aspek sikap sosial, aspek percaya diri memiliki korelasi paling tinggi diantara aspek lainnya, sedangkan aspek peduli memiliki korelasi paling rendah. Siswa sekolah dasar cenderung memiliki sikap proaktif, sikap positif, jujur dan percaya diri. ------------- This research focuses on examining the correlation between gender equality and students' overall responsibility and social attitudes, both in elementary school as a whole and in terms of gender differences. There are five aspects of responsibility (independence, diligence, positive attitude, proactive attitude, and self-control) as well as five aspects of social attitudes (honesty, discipline, courtesy, empathy, and self-confidence). Based on the literature review, there are issues related to gender bias in schools, bullying due to a lack of empathy and self-control, as well as a lack of honesty among students. The research aims to identify and assess the correlation between gender equality and students' responsibility and social attitudes in elementary school, with a survey method as the primary approach. The research instrument used is a questionnaire employing the Likert Scale. The sample consists of 285 elementary school students, comprising 134 males and 151 females, selected from a population of 989 students. Data analysis is conducted using a simple correlation test using Pearson's Product Moment. The results indicate that there is a correlation between gender equality and students' overall responsibility and social attitudes; however, it is not significant. In the male group, there is no correlation observed in the aspects of independence and self-control. Among the five aspects of responsibility, diligence has the highest correlation, while self-control has the lowest correlation. Among the five aspects of social attitudes, self-confidence has the highest correlation, while empathy has the lowest correlation. Elementary school students tend to exhibit proactive attitudes, positive attitudes, honesty, and self-confidence.

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Official URL: http://repository.upi.edu
Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: Link Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rfAuqYIAAAAJ&hl=en ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Asep Herry Hernawan : 5992721 Ai Sutini : 6004075
Uncontrolled Keywords: Gender Equality, Tanggung Jawab Siswa, Sikap Sosial, Students Responsibility, Social Attitudes
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: UPI Kampus cibiru > S2 PGSD
Depositing User: Agung Rozali
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2023 02:07
Last Modified: 14 Sep 2023 02:07
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/103923

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