
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan pengembangan gerakan literasi di sekolah dasar. Memasuki abad ke 21, pembelajaran literasi memiliki tujuan utama untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa dalam mengembangkan diri sebagai komunikator yang kompeten dalam konteks multiliterasi, multikultur, dan multimedia. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mewujudkan pembelajaran literasi adalah meningkatkan kualitas guru. Melalui peningkatan mutu guru, guru mampu mengembangkan mutu pembelajaran yang dilaksanakannya. Pendidikan karakter dipahami sebagai upaya penanaman kecerdasan dalam berpikir, penghayatan dalam bentuk sikap, dan pengamalan dalam bentuk perilaku yang sesuai dengan nilsi-nilai luhur yang menjadi jati diri. Penanaman pendidikan karakter perlu proses, contoh teladan, dan pembiasaan atau pembudayaan dalam lingkungan peserta didik dalam lingkungan sekolah, keluarga, serta lingkungan masyarakat. Model Circuit learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang memaksimalkan pemberdayaan pikiran dan perasaan dengan pola penambahan dan pengulangan. Circuit learning menambah kreativitas siswa dan mengaktifkan sehingga menjadi bermakna dan sulit dilupakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan: (1) rancangan mendongeng guru dengan model circuit learning untuk menumbuhkan karakter siswa di sekolah dasar, (2) mengetahui struktur atau sistem penyajian dongeng yang dapat menarik minat siswa di sekolah dasar, (3) mengetahui respons siswa dalam literasi mendongeng guru di sekolah dasar, (4) mengetahui pembentukan karakter yang terjadi melalui model circuit learning sehingga meningkatkan karakter pada siswa di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru SD kota Bandung. Sumber data penelitian adalah: (1) sumber tertulis, (2) sumber lisan, (3) dokumen, dan (4) rekaman. Teknik Pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Proses penelitian analisis data yang dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. (1) Pelaksanaa literasi mendongeng guru dengan model circuit learning berjalan dengan baik., (2) Struktur atau sistem penyajian dongeng yang dibuat oleh guru dapat menarik minat siswa, dan (3) Respons siswa dalam literasi mendongeng guru sangat baik., 4) Terjadi pembentukan karakter pada diri siswa setalah penerapan mendongeng menggunakan model circuit learning.Siswa mulai aktif membaca buku dongeng atau buku cerita yang terdapat pada pojok baca dan perpustakaan sekolah serta siswa aktif dalam berkomunikasi dengan teman-temanya. Kata kunci: Literasi mendongeng guru, model circuit learning, pembentukan karakter siswa, sekolah dasar.   ------- This research was carried out based on the development of the literacy movement in elementary schools. Entering the 21st century, literacy learning has the main objective to provide opportunities for students to develop themselves as competent communicators in the context of multiliteration, multiculture, and multimedia. Efforts are made to realize literacy learning is to improve the quality of teachers. Through improving the quality of teachers, teachers are able to develop the quality of learning that they carry out. Character education is understood as an effort to instill intelligence in thinking, appreciation in the form of attitudes, and practice in the form of behavior in accordance with noble values that become identity. Cultivation of character education requires processes, examples, and habituation or acculturation in the environment of students in the school environment, family, and community environment. Circuit learning model is a learning model that maximizes the empowerment of thoughts and feelings with patterns of addition and repetition. Circuit learning increases student creativity and activates so that it becomes meaningful and difficult to forget. This study aims to describe: (1) the design of storytelling teachers with the circuit learning model to foster the character of students in primary schools, (2) find out the structure or system of fairy tale presentation that can attract students' interest in primary schools, (3) find out student responses in storytelling literacy teachers in primary schools, (4) know the character formation that occurs through the circuit learning model so as to improve the character of students in primary schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers in Bandung. Sources of research data are: (1) written sources, (2) oral sources, (3) documents, and (4) records. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The process of data analysis research is carried out with qualitative descriptive techniques. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The implementation of literacy storytelling of teachers with the circuit learning model goes well., (2) The structure or system of fairytale presentation created by the teacher can attract students' interest, and (3) The response of students in literacy storytelling of the teacher is very good., 4) Occurs the formation of characters in students after the application of storytelling using the circuit learning model. Students begin actively reading fairy tale books or story books contained in the reading corners and school libraries and students are active in communicating with their friends. Keywords: Teacher storytelling literacy, circuit learning model, student character building, elementary school.

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Official URL: http://repository.upi.edu
Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Literasi mendongeng guru, model circuit learning, pembentukan karakter siswa, sekolah dasar
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Dasar S-2
Depositing User: Cherawati
Date Deposited: 02 Jun 2020 09:11
Last Modified: 02 Jun 2020 09:11
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/39645

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