Reza Adriantika Suntara, - (2019) IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KEPEMIMPINAN MELALUI PROGRAM SEKOLAH DENGAN SISTEM BOARDING SCHOOL : Studi Kasus di SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School Bandung. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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ABSTRAK REZA ADRIANTIKA SUNTARA (1507216). IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KEPEMIMPINAN MELALUI PROGRAM SEKOLAH DENGAN SISTEM BOARDING SCHOOL (STUDI KASUS DI SMK DAARUT TAUHIID BOARDING SCHOOL BANDUNG) Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya implementasi pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan bagi generasi muda dewasa ini. Pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan menjadi sebuah harapan baru untuk memberikan pembinaan soft skill bagi siswa di sekolah sebagai bekal untuk dapat menunjang kehidupannya di masyarakat serta memaksimalkan tugas mulia bagi setiap manusia yakni menjadi pemimpin di muka bumi. Namun pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan ini belum menjadi konsentrasi yang serius bagi beberapa sekolah yang ada di Indonesia, sekolah masih lebih memperhatikan perkembangan kognitif dibanding dengan perkembangan afektif dan psikomotor siswa. SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School Bandung menjadi tempat pelaksanaan penelitian ini, peneliti berusaha menggali setiap hal yang ada di sana untuk menunjang hasil penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, karena pendekatan ini dianggap sangat sesuai dengan penelitian yang sedang dilaksanakan. Proses pengumpulan data dilaksanakan melalui observasi, wawancara, serta analisis dokumen. Melalui ketiga teknik tersebut peneliti berusaha mendalami masalah dengan menggunakan beberapa sumber penelitian, yakni lingkungan sekolah, Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Guru, Musyrif, serta siswa. Penelitian ini mengedepankan pembahasan pada implementasi pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan yang terjadi di sekolah melalui beragam program, aktivitas, serta perkembangan yang nyata pada siswa. Hasil dalam penelitian ini berupa penjelasan mengenai program-program yang telah terselenggara, rangkaian kegiatan harian siswa dengan penjelasan mengenai pelaksanaan implementasi pendidikan karakter yang diintegrasikan dalam setiap kegiatan tersebut, serta beragam hambatan dengan upaya solusi yang dilakukan. Setelah penelitian dilaksanakan, ditemukan bahwa implementasi pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan terlaksana dengan baik di SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School Bandung sebagai salah satu sekolah yang melaksanakan sistem boarding school, terlihat dengan perkembangan yang terjadi pada karakter kepemimpinan siswa di sekolah dalam kegiatan sehari-hari maupun dalam kegiatan organisasi. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan, program sekolah, boarding school. ABSTRACT REZA ADRIANTIKA SUNTARA (1507216). THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LEADERSHIP CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH THE PROGRAMS OF BOARDING SCHOOL SYSTEM (Case Study at SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School Bandung This research was motivated by the importance of implementing leadership character education for today's young generation. Leadership in character education is a new hope for providing soft skills coaching for students in school as a provision to be able to support their lives in the community and maximize the noble task of every human being to be a leader on earth. However, this leadership character education has not become a serious concentration for some schools in Indonesia, schools still pay more attention to cognitive development compared to the affective and psychomotor development of students. SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School Bandung was the place for conducting this research, researcher was trying to explore everything that is there to support the research results. In this study the researcher used a qualitative approach, because this approach was considered very in accordance with the research being carried out. The process of collecting data was carried out through observation, interviews, and document analysis. Through these three techniques the researcher tried to explore the problem by using several research sources, namely the school environment, the Principal, the Deputy Principal, Teachers, Musyrif, and students. This study puts forward the discussion on the implementation of leadership character education that occurs in schools through a variety of programs, activities, and real developments in students. The results in this study are in the form of an explanation of the programs that have been held, a series of daily activities of students with an explanation of the implementation of character education that is integrated in each of these activities, as well as various obstacles to the efforts of the solutions taken. After the research was conducted, it was found that the implementation of leadership character education was well done at SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School Bandung as one of the schools that implemented the boarding school system, seen with the development of student leadership in school in daily and organization activities. Keywords: Leadership character education, school program, boarding school.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : S PKN REZ i-2019 ; Pembimbing : I. Dasim Budimansyah, II. Kokom Komalasari ; NIM : 1507216
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan, program sekolah, boarding school.
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Depositing User: Reza Adriantika Suntara
Date Deposited: 20 Jun 2019 03:26
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2019 03:26

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