Raden Muhammad Wafa'Muhadzdzib, - (2023) RANCANG BANGUN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS ANDROID PADA MATA PELAJARAN MATEMATIKA MATERI PECAHAN DI KELAS V SEKOLAH DASAR: Penelitian Design and Development di Sekolah Dasar. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Penelitian ini berisi tentang perancangan media pembelajaran berbasis android sebagai sarana belajar peserta didik pada materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan berbeda penyebut. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi kurangnya ketertarikan dan pengetahuan peserta didik dalam mempelajari pecahan dan kurangnya pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis android sebagai media yang dinilai inovatif dan menarik. Penelitian difokuskan kepada rancang bangun media pembelajaran berbasis android dengan muatan materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses rancang bangun media, melihat kelayakan dari media yang sudah dirancang, mengetahui respon guru dan siswa terhadap media serta mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik setelah pengimplementasian media pembelajaran berbasis android pada mata pelajaran matematika materi pecahan di kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan model penelitian Design and Depelopment (D&D) dengan prosedur penelitian ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahapan, yaitu Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Penelitian ini melibatkan beberapa ahli dan pengguna. Instrument penilaian yang digunakan meliputi angket dan lembar wawancara. Hasil penilaian dari para ahli untuk kelayakan media mendapatkan kategori “Sangat Layak” dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 93,3%. Hasil penilaian respon Guru dan Siswa untuk media mendapatkan kategori “Sangat Layak” dengan persentase sebesar 93,75% dari guru pertama, 95,83% dari guru kedua, dan 92,12% dari siswa. Hasil belajar siswa juga mendapatkan kategori “tuntas” dengan rata-rata keseluruhan nilai sebesar 92. Berdasarkan data tersebut, media pembelajaran berbasis android pada mata pelajaran matematika materi pecahan sangat layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran matematika kelas V Sekolah Dasar. --------------- This research contains the design of android-based learning media as a means of learning for students on the material of addition and subtraction of different denominator fractions. This research is motivated by the lack of interest and knowledge of students in learning fractions and the lack of utilization of android-based learning media as a medium that is considered innovative and interesting. The research focused on the design of android-based learning media with the content of addition and subtraction of different fractions. The purpose of this research is to find out the process of media design, see the feasibility of the media that has been designed, find out the responses of teachers and students to the media and find out the learning outcomes of students after implementing android-based learning media in mathematics subjects of fraction material in grade V elementary school. The research design used is the Design and Depelopment (D&D) research model with the ADDIE research procedure which consists of five stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research involved several experts and users. The assessment instruments used include questionnaires and interview sheets. The results of the assessment of the experts for media feasibility get the category "Very Feasible" with an average percentage of 93.3%. The results of the teacher and student response assessment for the media received the "Very Feasible" category with a percentage of 93.75% from the first teacher, 95.83% from the second teacher, and 92.12% from students. Student learning outcomes also get the "complete" category with an overall average score of 92. Based on these data, android-based learning media in the subject of mathematics fraction material is very feasible to use for learning grade V elementary school mathematics.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android, Design and Development, Pecahan Android-based Learning Media, Design and Development, Fractions
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: UPI Kampus cibiru > PGSD UPI Kampus cibiru
Depositing User: Raden Muhammad Wafa'Muhadzdzib
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 2024 04:04
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2024 04:04
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/99157

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