Suyaman, Dede Jajang (2012) PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PENDIDIKAN NILAI CATUR GATRA MELALUI MATA PELAJARAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN :Studi pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Sekolah Pertanian Pembangunan Tanjungsari. eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini berangkat dari pemikiran bahwa SMK SPP memiliki kedudukan yang strategis dalam mewujudakan visi pembentukan sumberdaya manusia pertanian Indonesia dengan empat landasan filosofis yang disebut “Catur Gatra”. Konsep catur gatra tersebut berisikan empat nilai budi utama yakni berbudi pekerti luhur (morale); rajin dan tekun (diligent); mampu bekerjasama (cooperative); dan bersifat pembaharu (innovative). Namun demikian, dalam praktiknya masih terdapat distorsi, hal tersebut tampak dalam proses pembelajaran yang belum berbasis pendidikan nilai dan hasil pendidikan yang belum dapat menghasilkan lulusan dengan kepribadian yang utuh atau setidaknya menghasilkan lulusan dengan empat filosofi catur catra terintegrasi kedalam kepribadiannya. Terdapat tiga masalah utama yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran berbasis catur gatra yang dipraktikan di SMK SPP, proses pendidikan nilai catur gatra melalui pembelajaran kewirausahaan yang dipraktikan di SMK SPP, dan model pengembangan yang dapat menjadi alternatif dalam mempraktikan pendidikan nilai catur gatra melalui pembelajaran kewirausahaan di lingkungan SMK SPP. Tiga masalah tersebut berkembang sepanjang penelitian dan menjadi bahan awal terbentuknya teori yang di bangun dari data, dalam konteks penelitian ini disebut dengan grounded theory. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan mode of inquiry qualitative interactive. Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan kebanyakan penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu metode deskriptif analitik, lokasi penelitiannya di SMK SPP Tanjungsari Kabupaten Sumedang. Subyek penelitianya adalah guru mata pelajaran kewirausahaan, kepala sekolah, tenaga kependidikan, siswa/i, dan komite sekolah. Sumber data utamanya adalah kata-kata dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh guru mata pelajaran kewirausahaan, kepala sekolah, tenaga kependidikan, siswa/i, dan komite sekolah SMK SPP yang menjadi subjek penelitian. Selain itu dimanfaatkan pula berbagai dokumen resmi yang mendukung, seperti rencana strategis BPP SDM Pertanian Kementrian Pertanian, perangkat pembelajaran guru, buku sumber, data base siswa dan profile sekolah. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini dalah peneliti sendiri. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan empat teknik yakni observasi/pengamatan berperanserta, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Penelitian menemukan beberapa hal, di antaranya bahwa nilai-nilai catur gatra diimplementasikan melalui pengembangan dua pendekatan utama, Pertama; pendekatan integrasi dalam kurikulum formal. Kedua, melalui pendekatan pengembangan diri. Proses pendidikan nilai berbasis catur gatra melalui mata pelajaran kewirausahaan di SMK SPP Tanjungsari secara implisit lebih banyak dikembangkan di kelas X, hal tersebut tampak dalam rancangan tujuan, materi, metode, media, sumber dan evaluasi yang dikembangkan guru. Model pengembangan yang dapat menjadi rujukan bagi guru mata pelajaran kewirausahaan di SMK SPP secara umum dibagi menjadi tiga tahap pengembangan, pertama pengembangan dalam aspek perencanaan pembelajaran, kedua pengembangan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, ketiga pengembangan dalam proses evaluasi pembelajaran. Temuan-temuan tersebut di atas diharapkan memberikan manfaat dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran kewirausahaan yang diintegrasikan dengan empat filosofi catur gatra, khususnya di SMK SPP Tanjungsari dan umumnya pada tingkat sekolah menengah di Indonesia. The main problem that the writer deals with in this study start from the idea that SMK SPP Tanjungsari (the SPP vocational school) has vey strategic position in realizing the phylosophies called ”Catur Gatra”. These concepts contain of the four main pillars : high profilr morale, being volevoted or dilligent, cooperative and able to do an innovation (innovative). In spite of these, however, in practice a distortion still occurs as seen in the teaching learning processes which have yet to be value based oriented and the educational out puts which have yet to produce the intergrated selnes (personalities) nor at least produce the outputs with the four phylosophies being intergrated withim their inner personalities. Three main problems have been formulated in thie reasearch, those are : the practiced Catur Gatra (four phylosophies) based learning model at SMK SPP, the educational process of Catur Gatra based value by means of entrepreneurship practiced at the SMK SPP and the development model which may be an alternative in the implementation of Catur Gatra value system on the entrepreneurship in and aroun the SMK SPP. Three matters have developmend along the time during which the research has been conducted and they have become the preliminary materials for the formulation of the theories from the data, which, in this study, are called the grounded theory. The approach being employed here in this reasearch is the model of inquiry qualitative in teractive. The method used in this reasearch has been in which employ the qualitative approach, that is the analytic descriptive method. The location of the research takes place at SMK SPP Tanjungsari the Regency of Sumedang. The research subjects comprise the teachers of entrepreneurship, the school principal, teacing staff, students (both male and female) and school comitte, as the reasearch subjects. In additions, the reasearch also takes the advantage of such various supporting documents as : the strategic blue print of BPP SDM (human reasources) for agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture, teacher learning facilities, books, student data base and the school profile. The instrument of the reasearch is the researcher himself. In collecting the data, he makes use of the four techniques : obervation / observing by becoming the participant, interview, studying document and library study. This research has succeeded in finding a number of case, one of which is that the values of Catur Gatra are implemented through the two main approaches : first, an intergrated approach on formal curriculum. Second, through self development approach. The process of Catur Gatra value based education through the subject of entrepreneurship at SMK SPP Tanjungsari is implicitly more developed in level X. Such a case can apparently be noticed in the frameworks of : the objectives, material, method, media, learning resources and evaluation which are developed by the teacher. The development model that can be referred to by the teachers of entrepreneurship subject at the SMK SPP can, in general be divided into 3 (three) stages of development on the aspect of learning plan, the development on the development on the process of learning evaluation. Those above findings are expected to give some benefits in enhancing the learning quality of entrepreneurship which is affliated with the four philosophies of Catur Gatra, particularly at SMK SPP Tanjungsari and generally in the senior high school across the country Indonesia


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Item Type: Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd)
Additional Information: No Panggil D PU SUY p-2012
Uncontrolled Keywords: Catur Gatra, kewirausahaan
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Umum/Nilai S-3
Depositing User: Mr Tatang Saja
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2014 07:07
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2014 07:07

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