PENERAPAN PENDEKATAN “MUTUAL-ADAPTIVE”DALAM IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM PPKn 1994: Penelitian Kualitatif Komparatif terhadap Pembelajaran PPKn untuk Siswa Kelas 5 di Tiga SD, Kotamadya Banda Aceh.

IBRAHIM, Sakdiah (2005) PENERAPAN PENDEKATAN “MUTUAL-ADAPTIVE”DALAM IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM PPKn 1994: Penelitian Kualitatif Komparatif terhadap Pembelajaran PPKn untuk Siswa Kelas 5 di Tiga SD, Kotamadya Banda Aceh. eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


The objective of the research is to uncover the information about the application of the mutual-adaptive approach in the curriculum implementation of 1994 PMCE for five grade student. The information is very important in order to know how do teachers applicate the mutual-adaptive approach as a part of the effort to achieve the objective the PMCE curriculum. The approach demand the creativity of the teacher to do the adaptation on the internal and external conditions that contribute the process and result of the students instruction. In accordance with the mutual-adaptive approach, the teacher is demanded to consider the factors: educational policies, teacher ability, student, the availability of the facilities, and school environmental that contribute the achievement of the curriculum objectives. The problem of the research is focussed on two research questions: (1) How the instructional objectives, material, method, tools and media, and evaluation are completed in accordance with the ability and conditions of the students, teacher, facilities, and the environmental based on the mutual-adaptive approach?; and (2) How does the impact of mutual-adaptive approach which is implemented by teacher on the achievement of students in the instruction of PMCE? The research approach is done by researcher to uncover the required information and to respond the research questions is the qualitative research. The resources of data in this research are from three state elementary schools, each school is the quality representation based on the local education department, i.e. as a good school (A), an average school (B), and a lower school (C). The techniques of collecting data are interview, observation, and documentation; whereas the data analysis techniques are data reduction, display, and conclusion and verification. The validity of the research findings are achieved through the procedures: credibility, transferability, dependability (as the representation of research reliability, external validity, and internal validity based on the positivist research paradigm); and the confirmability of the research findings were done through the procedures of audit-trail and triangulation The collected research data are described and analyzed in accordance with the research questions. Before the researcher collected data, she did pre-survey in order to obtain the information or data are related to the school and classroom setting and facilities, students, instructional tools and media, learning resources, and PMCE teaching and learning activities for the five grade students in each school. In accordance with the field data, it can be interpreted that only a part of five grade teachers who percept (understand) the importance of their creativity to implement the curriculum through the application of mutual-adaptive approach. The consequence of the perceptions is only a part of teachers who prepare the instructions in accordance with the characteristics of curriculum, i.e. the application of mutual-adaptive approach in order to implement the change or innovation; whereas the others made the preparation in order to complete the administrative requirements of the school management. The teachers always use the curriculum syllabus as a manual (guide) to prepare and implement the instructional program. The available instructional tools, media, and learning resources are not conducive to the expectation. The difficulties of mutual-adaptive application in the implementation of curriculum comes from the understanding of teacher to the characteristics of mutual-adaptive and the acceptance of school and community to the change requirements of the curriculum. The efforts of teachers to respond the difficulties are to prepare the annual, quarterly, and daily instructional program, include to formulate the change of student behaviors in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. In the last, in can be interpreted that the perceptions of the teacher to the curriculum affect his/her achievement to fulfil the change requirements through the application of mutual-adaptive approach in the instructional activities. In accordance with the research findings, it can be formulated several rules that influence the successful of application the mutual-adaptive approach by teacher as implementer and developer of curriculum, i.e. (1) the teacher must be creative in application the behaviorist (S–R) principles in the real situation, by mean, the teacher must be creative in responding all stimulus that influence the successful of the curriculum implementation, e.g. through the application the mutual-adaptive approach; (2) instructional objective is a center of designing and implementation the teaching and learning activities; and (3) the creativity of teacher is very important to select the instructional content, tools, media, learning resources, and evaluation procedures, and also the follow-up activities in order to increase the instructional quality. The implication of the research in accordance to the research findings are as follow: (1) the requirement to increase the qualifications of teachers to implement the curriculum; (2) the leadership of principal to motivate the teachers in order to increase their quality in the implementation of curriculum; (3) the monitoring and controlling of the related official should increase quality of principal and teachers in the implementation of curriculum; and (4) the importance of follow-up research in relation with the characteristics of mutual-adaptive of curriculum.


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Item Type: Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd)
Additional Information: No Panggil D PK IBR p-2005
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mutual-adaptive, implementasi kurikulum
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2361 Curriculum
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pengembangan Kurikulum S-3
Depositing User: Staf Koordinator 3
Date Deposited: 11 Jun 2014 08:16
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2014 08:16

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