Pembuatan Program Home-based Childcare untuk Stimulasi Perkembangan Nilai Moral Anak Usia Dini

Novi Sintia, - (2019) Pembuatan Program Home-based Childcare untuk Stimulasi Perkembangan Nilai Moral Anak Usia Dini. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Program home-based childcare untuk stimulasi perkembangan nilai moral anak usia dini dibuat dengan memperhatikan karakteristik lingkungan childcare seperti suasana di rumah yang diterapkan pada Tempat Penitipan Anak (TPA) atau day care/childcare. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Research and Development (R&D) dengan model penelitian PPE yaitu Planning, Production, Evaluation. Teknik pengumpulan data ini menggunakan wawancara dan validasi expert judgement. Partisipan pada penelitian ini yaitu ahli pendidikan anak usia dini, ahli pendidikan keluarga serta praktisi childcare/day care. Komponen program home-based childcare yang dihasilkan meliputi jenis layanan, ruang lingkup layanan, tujuan program, sasaran program, waktu layanan program, pendamping layanan kegiatan, perencanaan kegiatan program, pengelolaan proses kegiatan dan laporan kegiatan program yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat pencapaian perkembangan nilai moral anak usia dini. Hasil penelitian direkomendasikan pada pengelola childcare/day care bahwa program home-based childcare untuk stimulasi perkembangan nilai moral anak usia dini yang telah dibuat dapat digunakan dan dijadikan panduan pembuatan program di childcare, serta bagi calon peneliti yang ingin melanjutkan penelitian dapat mengimplementasi program home-based childcare untuk stimulasi perkembangan nilai moral anak usia dini. Home-based childcare program to stimulate the development of early childhood moral values is created by taking the characteristics of the childcare environment such as the atmosphere at home that is applied to day care centers (TPA) or childcare. Research methodology used the research and development with the research PPE covering the planning, production, and evaluation. Technique data collection uses interviews and validation expert judgement. The participants are family education expert, early childhood education, and practitioner childcare. The components of a home-based childcare program that are the type of service, scope of services, program objectives, program goals, program service time, activity service companions, program activity planning, process management activities and program activity reports. The results of the study are recommended to the manager of childcare /day care that home-based childcare programs to stimulate the development of moral values of early childhood that have been made can be used and used to guidelines for making programs in childcare, and for prospective researchers who wish to continue research can implement the home-based childcare programs to stimulate the development of oral values of early childhood. Key Word: Home-based Childcare, Moral Value Development, Programming, Stimulation.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No panggil : S PKK NOV p-2019; Pembimbing : I. Melly Sri Sulastri, II. Nenden Rani; NIM : 1505054
Uncontrolled Keywords: Home-based Childcare, Pembuatan Program, Stimulasi, Perkembangan Nilai Moral.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Teknik dan Industri > Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga > Program Studi Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
Depositing User: Novi Sintia
Date Deposited: 14 May 2020 10:19
Last Modified: 14 May 2020 10:19

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