Puspitasari, Puspitasari (2016) MODEL NON DIRECTIVE LEARNING PADA PEMBELAJARAN SENI TARI BERBASIS KURIKULUM 2013 UNTUK MEMBENTUK SISWA BERKARAKTER : Studi Eksperimen Melalui Kritik Tari Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA PGRI 1 Subang. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
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Pentingnya pembelajaran yang mengarah pada pembentukan karakter peneliti merasa penerapan pembelajaran seni tari yang dilakukan di SMA PGRI 1 Subang kurang optimal. Hal tersebut terlihat dengan lemahnya karakter yang dimiliki siswa terutama dalam karakter yang berkaitan dengan disiplin, percaya diri dan tanggung jawab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter siswa pada pembelajaran seni tari berbasis kurikulum 2013 sebelum menggunakan model non directive learning, mengetahui karakter siswa pada saat diterapkan model non directive learning dan mengetahui perubahan karakter siswa pada setelah diterapkannya model non directive learning. Metode peneltian yang digunakan yaitu pre-experimental design dengan one-group pretest-posttest yang dilakukan di kelas X IPS 1 SMA PGRI 1 Subang dengan bahan ajar kritik tari. Hasil analisis menyatakan nilai rata-rata pretest siswa yaitu 68,5, membuktikan lemahnya karakter siswa sebelum diterapkannya model non directive learning. Nilai rata-rata proses pembelajaran menggunakan model non directive learning yaitu 70,5, membuktikan adanya peningkatan dalam proses pembelajaran menggunakan model non directive learning. Hasil analisis nilai rata-rata posttest siswa yaitu 78.3 membuktikan adanya peningkatan karakter siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan thitung > ttabel yaitu 13,6 > 1,699. Berdasarkan bukti pengolahan data dari nilai pretest, proses, dan posttest membuktikan bahwa nilai dari siswa meningkat secara signifikan. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa model non-directive learning menjadi salah satu model alternatif untuk membentuk siswa berkarakter.; Importance of learning leading to the formation of character researchers feel the application of learning the art of dance performed in SMA PGRI 1 Subang less than optimal. This is evident by the lack of character of the students especially in character with regard to discipline, confidence and responsibility. This study aims to determine the character of the students in learning the art of dance-based curriculum in 2013 before using non-directive model of learning, knowing the character of the students when applied to a model of non directive learning and knowing the character changes in the students after the implementation of a model of non directive learning. The method used is pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest done in class X IPS 1 SMA PGRI 1 Subang with teaching materials of dance criticism. The results of the analysis declared value of the average pretest students is 68.5, proving weak character of the student prior to the implementation of a model of non directive learning. The average value of the learning process using non-directive model of learning is 70.5, proving an increase in the learning process using a model of non directive learning. The results of the analysis of the average value is 78.3 posttest students prove their increase students' character. The results showed thitung> ttable is 13.6> 1.699. Based on the evidence of the value pretest data processing, process, and posttest prove that the value of students increased significantly. Conclusions from this research that the model of non-directive learning to be one of the alternative models for shaping students' character.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Additional Information: | S STR PUS m-2016 ; Frahma Sekarningsih, beben Barnas. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Model Non-directive Learning, Karakter, Kritik Tari, Non-directive Learning Model, Characters, Dance Criticism. |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Tari |
Depositing User: | Mr mhsinf 2017 |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jul 2017 08:53 |
Last Modified: | 10 Jul 2017 08:53 |
URI: | http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/23515 |
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