
Aulia Adytia Putri : Desain Bahan Ajar Matematika pada Topik SPLDV untuk Meminimalisir Kesalahan Siswa SMP Berdasarkan Prosedur Newman Pendidikan merupakan usaha sadar dan terencana dalam mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran bagi peserta didik agar secara aktif dapat mengembangkan potensi dirinya dan memiliki kekuatan spritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Proses pembelajaran matematika memerlukan pemikiran yang luas serta pemahaman yang baik dalam proses memecahkan masalah. Siswa mengalami kesulitan mengerjakan soal pada materi SPLDV karena biasanya siswa hanya mengahafal rumus, jadi ketika soal yang diberikan berbeda dengan contoh yang biasa diberikan, siswa mengalami kesulitan untuk menyelesaikannya. Hal ini menjadi masalah pokok yang perlu dipecahkan dalam penelitian ini, untuk itu peneliti merumuskan masalahnya, sebagai berikut, Apa saja kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah SPLDV berdasarkan prosedur Newman?, Apa saja faktor yang memepengaruhi siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan masalah SPLDV berdasarkan prosedur Newman? dan Bagaimana desain bahan ajar yang dapat meminimalisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan SPLDV?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan model Design Research. Model penelitian Design Research terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu a preliminary design, conducting teaching experiment dan recontructive analysis. (1) Tahapan a preliminary design terdiri dari uji permulaan, wawancara, tahap analisis kebutuhan, analisis peserta didik, analisis kurikulum, analisis konsep dan desain awal bahan ajar, (2) Tahapan conducting teaching experiment, bahan ajar yang telah disusun akan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran dan peneliti bertindak sebagai guru, (3) Tahapan recontructive analysis, dilakukan uji akhir dengan tujuan melihat kesalahan siswa yang masih muncul setelah penerapan bahan ajar. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII berjumlah 9 orang siswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar validasi, angket uji praktikalitas, tes awal, tes formatif dan tes akhir peserta didik untuk uji efektif. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar matematika yang memuat rangkaian aktivitas dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang mendorong siswa untuk bekerja lebih mandiri dan mengasah kemampuannya untuk memperoleh suatu pengetahuan baru. Kesalahan siswa awalnya muncul hampir pada semua tipe kesalahan berdasarkan analisis kesalahan prosedur newman, yaitu kesalahan memahami, kesalahan transformasi, keterampilan proses, dan kesalahan penulisan jawaban akhir, yang memiliki persentase kesalahan yang tinggi. Setelah menggunakan bahan ajar SPLDV, kesalahan tersebut dapat terminimalisir, walaupun masih ada kealahan yang muncul, seperti di tahap transformasi dan kesalahan penulisan jawaban akhir, yang memiliki persentase kesalahan sangat kecil. Dengan demikian, desain bahan ajar efektif untuk meminimalisir kesalahan siswa pada SPLDV. Kata kunci : Desain Bahan Ajar, Kesalahan Belajar Siswa, SPLDV, Prosedur Newman Aulia Adytia Putri: Design of Mathematics Teaching Materials on the Topic of SPLDV to Minimize Errors of Junior High School Students Based on the Newman Procedure. Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process for students so that they can actively develop their potential to have spiritual and religious strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed for themselves, society, nation, and state. The process of learning mathematics requires broad thinking and good understanding in the process of problem-solving. Students have difficulty solving problems in SPLDV material because they usually only memorize formulas, so when the given problems are different from the examples usually given, students have difficulty solving them. This becomes the main problem that needs to be solved in this study, for which the researcher formulates the problem as follows: What are the errors made by students in solving SPLDV problems based on the Newman procedure? What are the factors that influence students to make mistakes in solving SPLDV problems based on the Newman procedure? And how is the design of teaching materials that can minimize student errors in solving SPLDV? This research is a qualitative study using the Design Research model. The Design Research model consists of three stages: a preliminary design, conducting teaching experiments, and reconstructive analysis. (1) The preliminary design stage consists of initial testing, interviews, needs analysis, student analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis, and initial design of teaching materials, (2) The conducting teaching experiment stage, the teaching materials that have been prepared will be applied in learning with the researcher acting as a teacher, (3) The reconstructive analysis stage, a final test is conducted to see the errors that still arise after the teaching materials are applied. The research subjects were 9 eighth-grade students. The data collection instruments were validation sheets, practicality test questionnaires, initial tests, formative tests, and final tests of students for effectiveness testing. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. From this research, a mathematics teaching material was produced that contains a series of activities and tasks that encourage students to work more independently and hone their ability to acquire new knowledge. Student errors that initially appeared in almost all types of errors based on Newman's error analysis procedure, namely understanding errors, transformation errors, process skills, and final answer writing errors, which have a high percentage of errors. After using the SPLDV teaching material, these errors can be minimized, although there are still errors that appear, such as in the transformation stage and final answer writing errors, which have a very small percentage of errors. Thus, the design of effective teaching materials to minimize student errors in SPLDV. Keywords: Instructional Material Design, Student Learning Errors, SPLDV, Newman Procedure

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Nanang Priatna: 5980973 Kusnandi: 6700094
Uncontrolled Keywords: Desain Bahan Ajar, Kesalahan Belajar Siswa, SPLDV, Prosedur Newman Instructional Material Design, Student Learning Errors, SPLDV, Newman Procedure
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Program Studi Matematika - S1 > Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: Aulia Adytia Putri
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2024 07:12
Last Modified: 26 Apr 2024 07:12

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