
Nurwataniah (2023). Evaluasi Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru SD. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluatif yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi kurikulum pendidikan profesi guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru SD dengan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan wawancara, dokumentasi dan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Perumusan tujuan kurikulum PPG sudah sesuai dengan analisis kebutuhan PPG SD Daljab, dalam menjawab tuntutan dan permasalahan kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, kepribadian, dan sosial guru sehingga dapat mempersiapkan kebutuhan abad 21. 2) Kualifikasi dan kompetensi dosen PPG guru SD, pengembang kurikulum PPG SD Direktorat Jenderal GTK, penulis modul SD Direktorat Jenderal GTK, tim penilai/Panitia Nasioanal (PN) UKMPPG SD Direktorat Jenderal GTK, guru pamong adalah berkompeten, dan administrator IT LPTK sudah mumpuni dilihat dari aspek pendidikan, spesialisasi, dan pemahaman sesuai pada bidang tugas yang dijalankan masing-masing. Sarana dan prasarana memenuhi, strategi yang digunakan berpengaruh pada tercapainya tujuan kurikulum. Struktur kurikulum PPG, silabus/RPS sudah mencakup pembelajaran dengan kompetensi abad 21, HOTS dan TPAK yang terkait 4 kompetensi guru yaitu: pedagogik, profesional, kepribadian, dan sosial. 3) a. Implementasi kurikulum PPG SD untuk guru Daljab berjalan dengan baik dengan hasil yang sangat baik dan tingkat kelulusan ditahap LPTK guru SD Daljab kelulusannya adalah 100%. b. Implementasi 4 kompetensi yang dilakukan dosen hasilnya yang dominan adalah di level sangat tinggi dan tinggi, yaitu: kompetensi pedagogik (sangat tinggi = 25%, tinggi 61%, sedang = 14%, rendah = 0, sangat rendah = 0); Kompetensi profesional (sangat tinggi = 21%, tinggi = 55% , sedang = 18%, dan rendah = 1%, sangat rendah 5%); Kompetensi kepribadian (sangat tinggi = 43%, tinggi = 57%, sedang = 0%, rendah = 0%, sangat rendah 0%); Kompetensi sosial (sangat tinggi = 46%, tinggi = 52%, sedang = 0%, rendah = 0%, sangat rendah 2%). 4) Hasil implementasi kurikulum PPG SD Daljab di LPTK UPI hasilnya sangat baik, hal ini singkron dengan hasil penilaian nasional UKMPPG dalam kategori sangat baik. Namun demikian LPTK UPI maupun Direktorat Jenderal GTK perlu memperhatikan hal-hal sesuai yang menjadi rekomendasi. Nurwataniah (2023). Evaluation of the Implementation of the Teacher Professional Education Curriculum (PPG) to Improve Elementary Teacher Competence. This research was evaluative research which aims to evaluate the implementation of the teacher professional education curriculum to improve elementary teacher competence using the CIPP evaluation model. The data collected was qualitative and quantitative data using interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The results of the research showed that: 1) The formulation of the objectives of the PPG curriculum is in accordance with the analysis of the needs of PPG SD Daljab, in responding to the demands and problems of teachers' pedagogical, professional, personal and social competencies so that they can prepare for the needs of the 21st century. 2) Qualifications and competencies of PPG teacher lecturers SD, SD PPG curriculum developer Directorate General of GTK, author of SD modules Directorate General of GTK, assessment team/National Committee (PN) UKMPPG SD Directorate General of GTK, tutors are competent, and LPTK IT administrators are qualified in terms of education, specialization and understanding according to the field of work carried out by each. Facilities and infrastructure are adequate, the strategies used influence the achievement of curriculum objectives. The PPG curriculum structure, syllabus/RPS includes learning with 21st century competencies, HOTS and TPAK related to 4 teacher competencies, namely: pedagogical, professional, personality and social. 3) a. The implementation of the SD PPG curriculum for Daljab teachers is going well with very good results and the graduation rate at the LPTK stage for Daljab SD teachers is 100%. b. The dominant results of the implementation of the 4 competencies carried out by lecturers are at very high and high levels, namely: pedagogical competence (very high = 25%, high 61%, medium = 14%, low = 0, very low = 0); Professional competence (very high = 21%, high = 55%, medium = 18%, and low = 1%, very low 5%); Personality competency (very high = 43%, high = 57%, medium = 0%, low = 0%, very low 0%); Social competence (very high = 46%, high = 52%, medium = 0%, low = 0%, very low 2%). 4) The results of the implementation of the SD Daljab PPG curriculum at LPTK UPI were very good, this is in line with the results of the UKMPPG national assessment in the very good category. However, the LPTK UPI and the Directorate General of GTK need to pay attention to matters according to the recommendations. Keywords: Curriculum, PPG, Teacher competence

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Official URL: http://repository.upi.edu
Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Nurwataniah : Tidak Ada ID SINTA Pembimbing Said Hamid Hasan: 6193496 Rudi Susilana: 5985142 Cepi Riyana: 5978187
Uncontrolled Keywords: Curriculum, PPG, Teacher competence
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2361 Curriculum
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan > Pengembangan Kurikulum-S3
Depositing User: Nurwataniah
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2023 08:19
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2023 08:19
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/109834

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