Regita Musfita, Regita (2020) MENGKAJI ULANG WACANA KESIAPAN SEKOLAH DI SEKOLAH CENDANI BANDUNG (Penelitian Studi Kasus di Sekolah Cendani Bandung). S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


ABSTRAK Wacana kesiapan bersekolah di gembor-gemborkan sebagai penentu dari keberhasilan sekolah bahkan menjadi investasi anak di masa depan. Semua aspek pendukung dimulai dari orang tua, sekolah, lingkungan maupun masyarakat berperan penting terhadap kesuksesan kesiapan sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ulang wacana kesiapan bersekolah dengan melihat Sekolah Cendani mempersiapkan kesiapan bersekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus, kemudian hasil diskusi dan analisis berdasarkan teori grounded yang menghasilkan tiga poin utama yaitu; Pertama, sisi lain wacana kesiapan sekolah yang ternyata tidak bisa didefinisikan secara jelas dan definitif. Kesiapan sekolah harus didefinisikan secara kontekstual dalam situasi dan kondisi tertentu. Demikian juga dengan kesiapan sekolah di Sekolah Cendani yang menunjukkan kontekstualitas tersebut. Namun, kesiapan sekolah juga tidak terlepas dari hierarki sosial dalam masyarakat yang kemudian membentuk inklusi-eksklusi sosial dalam proses implementasinya. Kedua, Sekolah Cendani sangat berhati-hati melakukan proses seleksi calon peserta didiknya menggunakan standar penilaian “Sit in”, namun pada kenyataanya proses akhir penilaian hanya berlaku untuk anak “aman“ dan mampu secara ekonomi saja, sehingga mengakibatkan bentuk pengucilan baru. Sekolah Cendani tidak menekankan calistung dalam setiap program kegiatan maupun pembelajarannya, namun Sekolah Cendani mendefinisikan kesiapan bersekolah sebagai upaya mempersiapkan anak menuju jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya dengan berfokus kepada program pembelajaran ciri khasnya “nature”. Ketiga, Sekolah Cendani perlu mengevaluasi proses kesiapan bersekolah, karena masih ditemukannya problematika yang menghambat proses kesiapan bersekolah, sehingga aspek penting yang menjadi faktor penunjang keberhasilan kesiapan bersekolah anak cenderung terabaikan. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bentuk eksklusivitas dari proses kesiapan belajar di Sekolah Cendani dimana belum adanya keselarasan antara tujuan kebijakan pembelajaran PAUD dan SD. Kata Kunci : Kesiapan Bersekolah, PAUD, SD ABSTRACT The discourse of school readiness is heralded as a determinant of school success and even becomes an investment for children in the future. All supporting aspects starting from parents, school, environment, and community play an important role in the success of school readiness. This study aims to review the discourse of school readiness by looking at the Cendani School preparing for school readiness. This research uses a case study approach, then the results of discussion and analysis based on the grounded theory that produces three main points, namely; First, the other side of the discourse on school readiness which apparently cannot be clearly and definitively defined. School readiness must be defined contextually in certain situations and conditions. Likewise with the readiness of schools at Cendani School which shows this context. However, school readiness is also inseparable from the social hierarchy in the society which then forms social inclusions in the implementation process. Second, Cendani School is very careful in conducting the selection process of prospective students using the “Sit in” assessment standard, but the final assessment process only applies to “safe” and economically capable children, resulting in a new form of exclusion. Cendani School does not emphasize Calistung in every activity or learning program, but Cendani School defines school readiness as an effort to prepare children for the next level of education by focusing on learning programs that are characteristic of "nature". Third, Cendani School needs to evaluate the process of school readiness, because problems are still found that hinder the school readiness process so that important aspects that become factors that support the success of children's school readiness tend to be neglected. This shows the form of exclusivity of the learning readiness process at Cendani School where there is no alignment between the objectives of PAUD and SD learning policies. Keyword: School Readiness, ECE, Elementary School

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: No Panggil : T PAUD REG m-2020; NIM :1803023
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kesiapan Bersekolah, PAUD, SD School Readiness, ECE, Elementary School
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini S-2
Depositing User: Regita Musfita
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2020 07:48
Last Modified: 01 Sep 2020 07:48

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