Safa’at, - (2018) LAGU “TITIP RINDU BUAT AYAH” KARYA EBIET G.ADE DALAM KARYA SENI LUKIS. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Sebagaiungkapanestetik, inspirasidalamberkaryasenibisahadirmelaluiapapun. SebuahInspirasi yang hadirtersebutberhubungandengansubjektifitaspenciptanyadalammenghayatisuatuobjek yang dianggapnyamemilikinila-nilai. Haltersebuttentutidakluputdaritafsiran personal berkaitandengansensibilitaspelakunya.berkaitandenganhaltersebut, Melaluiskripsipenciptaanini, penulisinginmendeskripsikansebuah proses penciptaan,konsepkaryasertabentuk visual dalamkaryasenilukis,dimanakaryasenilukisyang dibuatdisiniterinspirasidarisebuahlagu . Ialahlagu “TitipRindubuat Ayah” karyaEbiet G. Ade. Merupakansebuahpraktikintertekstualitas yangmembangunkembalimaknamelaluiteksberupalagumenjadisebuahteksbaruperupakaryasenilukis. Metodepenciptaan yang digunakanmelaluitahappencarian ide, stimulasi, kontemplasi, proses penciptaankarya, dan deskripsi visual karya.Dalamprosesnya, penciptaankaryadimulaidenganmepersiapkanalatbahan, dilanjutkandenganmembuatsketsa yang kemudiandieksekusidalamkanvas. Lukisan yang penulisbuatberjumlah lima buahdenganberbagaiukuran, yang secarakeseluruhannyamenampilkanfigur sang Ayah dengangestursertaaktivitas yang berbeda-beda. Karyapertamaberjudul“ MasalaluDalamKebiruan” berukuran 135 x 145 cm,Karyakeduaberjudul “Beban Di Atas Tanah Merah” berukuran 175 x140 cm,Karyaketigaberjudul “ Termenung”berukuran 140 x 140 cm,Karyakeempatberjudul “ Yang Menampi”berukuran 95 x 140 cm, danterakhirkaryakelimaberjudul “ CahayaItu Masih Ada”berukuran 110 x 145 cm. Melaluikaryalukisinipenulisinginsedikitmengungkapkan rasa hormatpenuliskepada sang Ayah;---As an aesthetic expression, inspiration in the work of art can come through anything. An Inspiration that is present relates to the subjectiveity of the creator in living an object that he considers to have values. This certainly does not escape the personal interpretation related to the perpetrators' sensibility. related to this matter, Through this creation thesis, the author wants to describe a process of creation, the concept of works and visual forms in painting, where the paintings created here are inspired by a song. It is the song "TitipRinduBuat Ayah" by Ebiet G. Ade. It is an intertextuality practice that rebuilds the meaning through text in the form of a song into a new text of artists of painting. The creation method is used through the stages of idea searching, stimulation, contemplation, the process of creating works, and visual descriptions of works. In the process, the creation of works begins with preparing material tools, followed by sketching which is then executed in canvas. The paintings made by the author amounted to five pieces of various sizes, all of which featured the father's figure with different gestures and activities. The first work was titled "MasalaluDalamKebiruan" measuring 135 x 145 cm, the second work entitled "Beban Di Atas Tanah Merah" measuring 175 x 140 cm, the third work entitled "Termenung" measuring 140 x 140 cm, the fourth work entitled "Yang Menampi" sized 95 x 140 cm, and finally the fifth work entitled "CahayaItu Masih Ada" measuring 110 x 145 cm. Through this painting the author wants to express a little respect for the author's father.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : S SRP SAF l-2018; Nama Pembingbing : I. Tri Karyono II. Hery Snatosa; NIM : 1405069;
Uncontrolled Keywords: Lagu ”TitipRinduBuat Ayah” karyaEbiet G. Ade, Ayah, SeniLukis, The song "TitiprinduBuat Ayah" by Ebiet G. Ade, Father, Painting.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa
Depositing User: Ryan Taufiq Qurrohman
Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2020 05:07
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2020 05:07

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