Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan, - (2022) AJÈN MORAL DINA NASKAH DRAMA “JUAG TOÈD” KARYA YOSEPH ISKANDAR : Ulikan Struktural. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


AJÈN MORAL DINA NASKAH DRAMA “JUAG TOÈD” KARYA YOSEPH ISKANDAR (Ulikan Strutural)1 Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan2 ABSTRAK Kasang tukang ieu panalungtikan nyaèta kurangna jumlah jeung kualitas naskah drama basa Sunda dibandingkeun wangun karya sastra sèjènna. Tujuan panalungtikan ieu, pikeun ngadeskripsikeun (1) struktur carita, (2) struktur naskah drama, jeung (3) ajèn moral. Metode anu digunakeun nyaèta deskriptif analitik kalawan talaah pustaka. Naskah drama “Juag Toèd” karya Yoseph Iskandar dipilih minangka objèk panalungtikan. Hasil dina ieu panalungtikan nyaèta kieu. Struktur carita nu ngawengku (1) tèma, nyaèta kahariwangan pamajikan-pamajikan gegedèn ka salakina anu gampang nyèroan awèwè lain, anu ahirna ngagunakeun kasombongan pangkat luhur pikeun nindes kabudayaan masarakat, (2) galurna galur maju, (3) tokoh utamana aya dua, (4) latar tempat aya dua, latar waktu dua, latar sosial aya hiji, ngeunaan karinèkaan sosial masarakat. Sarana sastra nu ngawengku (5) judul nyaèta “Juag Toèd”, (5) puseur implengan jalma katilu, (6) simbolisme minangka nu nuduhkeun kana tèma carita. Struktur naskah drama (1) prolog, (2) dialog, (3) pembabakan, (4) adegan, (5) wawancang, (6) kramagung, (7) solilokui, (8) aside, (9) episode, jeung (10) epilog. Dina ieu naskah teu kapanggih babak jeung aside, hal ieu kurang hadè minangka naskah dina wangun struktur. Ajèn moral dina ieu naskah aya 14 sikep kamanusaan anu kapaluruh, nyaèta (1) ajèn moral nuduhkeun hubungan jalma jeung dirina sorangan (JJDS) aya dua, (2) nuduhkeun hubungan jalma jeung Gustina (JJG) aya hiiji, jeung (3) anu nuduhkeun hubungan jalma jeung jalma lianna kaasup kana hubungan jalma jeung lingkungan (JJLA) aya sabelas. Kacindekanna, ieu naskah sacara struktur carita kawilang basajan, tapi anu mantak ngirut dina ieu naskah tèh nyaèta tina jihat konflikna, sedengkeun pikeun struktur naskah dramana, ieu naskah tèh kawilang teu lengkep. Ajèn moral dina ieu naskah kawilang loba jeung nyurup minangka rèprèsèntasi tina eusi carita. Kecap galeuh: naskah drama, struktur carita, struktur naskah drama, ajèn moral. MORAL VALUES IN THE DRAMA LONGSÉR TEXT OF “JUAG TOÈD” BY YOSEPH ISKANDAR (Structural Study)1 Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan2 ABSTRACT The background in this research is the lack of quantity and quality of Sundanese drama scripts compared to other literary works. The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the structure of the story, (2) the structure of the drama script, and (3) moral values. The method used is descriptive analytic with literature review. The drama script "Juag Toèd" by Yoseph Iskandar was chosen as the object of research. The results of this study are as follows. The structure of the story includes (1) themes, namely the worries of officials' wives towards their husbands who easily attract other women, which in the end they use arrogance because of their rank to oppress the culture of the people, (2) the plot is used advanced plot, (3) the main character has two main characters. , (4) there are two place and time settings, and one social setting, (5) the title is "Juag Toed" (6) third person point of view, (7) symbolism shows the theme of the story. Drama script structure (1) prologue, (2) dialogue, (3) chapter, (4) scene, (5) wawancang, (6) kramagung, (7) soliloquy, (8) aside, (9) episode, and (10) epilogue. In this manuscript, there are no asides and rounds, this is not perfect as a script in terms of its structure. The moral values in this manuscript, there are 14 identified human attitudes, namely (1) there are two moral values that show the relationship between humans and themselves (JJDS), (2) show the relationship between humans and their God (JJG) there are one, and (3) shows the relationship between humans and other humans including the relationship between humans and their environment (JJLA) there are eleven. Keywords: drama script, story structure, drama script structure, moral values

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ilham13@student.upi.edu DEDI KOSWARA: 5987715 RETTY ISNENDES: 5994546
Uncontrolled Keywords: naskah drama, struktur carita, struktur naskah drama, ajèn moral.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Daerah
Depositing User: Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan
Date Deposited: 24 Mar 2023 04:22
Last Modified: 24 Mar 2023 04:22
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/89315

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