PROSES MENJADI BUKAN MANUSIA: Proses Kreatif Pembuatan Buku Kumpulan Cerpen Bukan Manusia

Cantika Hana Hanifah, - (2021) PROSES MENJADI BUKAN MANUSIA: Proses Kreatif Pembuatan Buku Kumpulan Cerpen Bukan Manusia. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Pembuatan tugas akhir berupa buku proses kreatif Proses Menjadi Bukan Manusia dan buku kumpulan cerpen Bukan Manusia. Konsepnya cerita kesehatan mental manusia dari sudut pandang benda dan makhluk selain manusia. Masalahnya seputar kehidupan, terutama tema kehilangan. Kesehatan mental dan fisik merupakan satu kesatuan. Keduanya saling memengaruhi performa manusia untuk menjalani hidup. Karya ini memuat nilai-nilai kehidupan yang biasanya luput saat sibuk, hal-hal yang biasanya terlewat ketika manusia bergerak terlalu cepat. Utamanya pengingat untuk hadir utuh “di sini dan kini”. Cerita-cerita ini berasal dari peron, pot, gorden, sudut langit-langit, rumah tetangga, remahan kayu, lampu jalan, biji tumbuhan, embun, koin, teh celup, kaca akuarium, kucing, gelembung dialog komik, dan bunga kecil. Sastra sebagai media ajaran dan hiburan bisa turut menyajikan fenomena ini kepada masyarakat dengan cara lebih dekat. Cerpennya pendek (short short story) dan bergenre surealisme. Kenyataan realitas dalam masyarakat dilihat dari sudut pandang lain. Proses ini mengaburkan sekaligus memberikan cara kreatif dalam melihat suatu permasalahan. Teknik penceritaannya: telling, showing, dan campuran. Alur utamanya: pengenalan, inti masalah, dan penyelesaian. Teknik pengalurannya: linier, ingatan, dan bayangan. Majas personifikasi jadi dominan. Proses kreatif mulai dari pengumpulan ide-ide acak, studi pustaka, observasi, simak, catat, wawancara, perumusan garis besar, penulisan cerpen, pembimbingan, pengeditan, peninjauan ulang, perbaikan, dan penyelesaian. Penyusunan buku hasil karya dan proses kreatifnya pada Januari—Agustus 2021. Harapannya kedua buku ini bisa menjadi referensi atau inspirasi lebih lanjut terkait proses kreatif penggarapan karya, khususnya sastra. Selain itu, turut mendukung gerakan kesehatan mental agar masyarakat makin ikut peduli terhadap tema ini. The final project in the form of a creative process book The Process of Being Non-human and an antology of short stories Non-human. The concept is the story of human mental health from the point of view of objects and creatures other than humans. The issues revolve around life, especially the theme of loss. Mental and physical health are one unit. Both affect each other's human performance to live life. This work contains life values that are usually missed when busy, things that are usually missed when humans move too fast. Mainly a reminder to be present fully "here and now". These stories come from platform, pottery, curtain, ceiling corner, neighbors' house, wood chips, street lamp, plant seed, dew, coin, tea bag, aquarium glass, cats, comic dialogue bubbles, and small flower. Literature as a medium of teaching and entertainment can help present this phenomenon to the public in a closer way. Contain short short stories with surrealism. The reality in society is seen from another point of view. This process obscures as well as provides a creative way of looking at a problem. The storytelling techniques are: telling, showing, and mixed. The main plot: introduction, main of the problem, and resolution. The plotting techniques: linear, memory, and shadow. Personification figure of speech becomes dominant. The creative process starts from collecting random ideas, literature studies, observing, listening, taking notes, interviews, formulating outlines, writing short stories, mentoring, editing, reviewing, repairing, and completing. The compilation of the books and their creative process in January—August 2021. It is hoped that these two books can become further references or inspirations related to the creative process of working on works, especially literature. In addition, they also support the mental health movement so that people are more concerned about this theme.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: proses kreatif, kumpulan cerpen, kesehatan mental
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (nonpendidikan)
Depositing User: Cantika Hana Hanifah
Date Deposited: 03 Sep 2021 08:01
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2021 08:01

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