Rayi Adjie Zulfikar, - (2018) ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK MOTOR BRUSHLESS DIRECT CURENT (BLDC) PADA KENDARAAN ELECTRIC. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Sebagianbesartransportasidaratyang masihdigunakanolehhampirsemuanegaramasihmenggunakanbahanbakarminyak. Meningkatnyajumlahkendaraan di duniamembuatkenaikanpolusiudara di atmosferbumiini.Di Indonesia rata-rata menghasilkan 2,053 miliar ton CO2 padatahun 2011.Tentubilakitabiarkaninimakaefekpemanasan global akanmencapaipuncaknyadanmenyebabkanbencana.Padasaatinisudahbermunculankendaraandenganteknologi hybrid untukmengurangipolusi yang dihasilkandarihasilpembakaran, tetapihargadarikendaraan hybrid inicukupmahalbagikalanganmasayrakatmenengahkebawah. Makadariituperluadanyasebuahinovasidalammengurangi CO2, salahsatunyaadalahdenganmemanfaatkan motor listrik, tentu motor denganukuran yang lebihkecil, memilki torsi yang cukuptinggi, portable, danmemilikiefisiensi yang tinggi. Brushless DC (BLDC) merupakan motor yang dapatmemenuhikarakter yang dibutuhkandiatas. Tujuandalampenelitianiniadalahmengetahuibagaimanakarakterisitik motor BLDC untukkendaraanlistrik (e-bike) dilihatdarikecepatanterhadaptorsinya. Dalampenelitianinimetode yang digunakanadalahsimulasimenggunakan software MATLAB Simulinkdenganblok diagram six-step inverter controller PImerupakancontrollerpadaumumnya.Dalamsimulasiinipenulismenggunakanbeban torsi sebesar 1,7 N.mdanhasil yang didapatyaitupengaruhkecepatan motor saatterbebanimengalamipenurunansesaatdan drop rpm sebesar 193rpm, teganganratingnyanaikmenajdi 42.5Vdanarus inputnaikdari 2.6 sampaisebesar 19A, danefisiensinya 92.5%;---Most land transportation that is still used by almost all countries still uses fuel oil. The increasing number of vehicles in the world makes an increase in the amount of air in this earth's atmosphere. In Indonesia, the average yield of 2,053 billion tons of CO2 in 2011. At the moment vehicles have emerged with hybrid technology to reduce pollution generated from combustion, but the prices of these hybrid vehicles are quite expensive for the middle to lower class. Therefore, there needs to be someone who emits CO2, one of which uses an electric motor, of course, a smaller size motor, has a high enough torque, is portable, and has high efficiency. Brushless DC (BLDC) is a motor that can fulfill the characters needed above. The purpose of this study was to study how the characteristics of BLDC motors for electric vehicles. In this study, the method used is a simulation using MATLAB Simulink software with a six-step block diagram inverter PI controller is a controller in general. In this simulation the author uses a torque load of 1.7 Nm and the results obtained are the motor speed when burdened at a momentary decrease and an rpm drop of 193 rpm, the rating voltage rises to 42.5V and the input current rises from 2.6 to 19A, and efficiency of 92.5%.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : S TE RAY a-2018; Nama Pembingbing : I. Sumarto II. Wasimudin Surya; NIM : 1401743;
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Ryan Taufiq Qurrohman
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2020 03:53
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2022 07:46

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