Hikmah Nur Insani, - (2018) PROMOTING STUDENTS’ CRITICAL LITERACY THROUGH NARRATIVE TEXT. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Meskipun penerapan literasi kritis telah diterapkan di banyak kelas Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa asing (EFL), studi literasi kritis dalam konteks EFL di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki bagaimana guru membantu siswa sekolah menengah pertama untuk mempunyai kemampuan literasi kritis melalui teks naratif dan juga manfaat serta tantangan dalam mempromosikan literasi kritis melalui teks naratif dari perspektif guru dan siswa. Enam dari delapan siswa kelas di sekolah menengah pertama swasta di Bandung terlibat sebagai peserta. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian praktisi di mana peneliti mengambil peran sebagai guru dengan menerapkan empat model sumber daya literasi kritis Four Resource Model of Critical Literacy yang diadaptasi dari Luke dan Freebody (1999). Siswa dibimbing untuk berdiskusi di kelas, menulis jurnal reflektif pembelajaran, menghasilkan tanggapan kritis, dan melakukan beberapa pekerjaan kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan literasi kritis siswa dipromosikan melalui penerapan Four Resource Model of Critical Literacy, yaitu breaking code (memecahkan kode), text participating (berpartisipasi dalam teks), text using (menggunakan teks), and text critics (mengkritik teks). Participating in meaning dan text critics dianggap sebagai tahap yang sering muncul selama implementasi empat model sumber daya dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini juga menyelidiki manfaat dan tantangan dari implementasi Four Resource Model of Critical Literacy dari pendekatan literasi kritis yang diharapkan untuk mendapatkan informasi terhadap perkembangan kemampuan kemampuan literasi kritis siswa dalam menerapkan pendekatan literasi kritis. ;--- Despite the implementation of critical literacy has been applied in many EFL classrooms, critical literacy studies in Indonesian EFL context are very few. This study was aimed to investigating how the teacher assisted junior high school students to be critically literate at some degrees through narrative text and the benefits as well as challenges in promoting critical literacy through narrative texts from the perspectives of teacher and students. Six of eight graders in a private junior high school in Bandung were involved as the participants. This study employed practitioner research in which the researcher took the role as the teacher by implementing four resources model of critical literacy adapted from Luke and Freebody (1999). Students were guided to have classroom discussions, write reflective learning journals, produce critical responses, and do several groups works. The findings showed that students’ critical literacy ability was promoted through the implementation of four resource model, namely breaking code, text participating, text using, and text critics. Participating in meaning and text critics were considered as the stages that often appeared during the implementation of four resources model in the teaching and learning process. This study also investigated the benefits and challenges of the implementation of four resources model of critical literacy approach that was expected to gain information towards the students’ critical literacy ability teacher’s development in implementing critical literacy approach.

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: No. Panggil: T B.ING HIK p-2018; Pembimbing : I Suherdy, II Gin Gin Gustine; NIM : 1605566
Uncontrolled Keywords: critical literacy, narrative text, four resources model, literasi kritis, teks naratif, four resources model
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris S-2
Depositing User: Ryan Taufiq Qurrohman
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2020 04:04
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2020 04:04

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