Fitrayadi, Dinar Sugiana (2014) PERAN PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KARAKTER TANGGUNGJAWAB PESERTA DIDIK DI ERA GLOBALISASI : StudiDeskriptifAnalitis Di SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Penelitianinididasarkankepadafaktademoralisasisudahsedemikianakut, pendidikansekolahselamainibisadikatakangagalpadaaspekkarakter.Sekolahterlaluterpesonadengan target-target akademis, danmelupakanpendidikankarakter.Realitasinimembuatkreativitaskeberanianmenghadapiresiko, kemandirian, danketahanandalammelaluiberbagaiujianhidupmenjadirendah, Anakmudahfrustasi, menyerahdankehilangansemangatjuang.PendidikanKewarganegaraanbertujuanuntukmembentukwarganegara yang baik, warganegara yang kreatif, warganegara yang bertanggungjawab, warganegara yang cerdas, warganegara yang kritis, danwarganegara yang partisipatif.Masalahinidikajiuntukmendeskripsikanpentingnyapengembangankarakterbagipesertadidikmelaluipendidikankewarganegaraandalammenghadapi era globalisasi.Dalampenelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdenganmetodedeskriptifanalitisdengantujuanpenulisinginmendeskripsikankondisidilapangan yang berkaitandenganPKnsebagaisalahsatumatapelajaran yang berfungsisebagaipendidikankarakter.Pengumpulan data dilakukandengancarawawancara, observasi, dokumentasidanangketsebagai data pendukung. Lokasipenelitiandilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Baleendahdengansubjekpenelitian guru, pesertadidikdankeaplasekolah.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukan 1) perencanaanpembelajaranPKndilakukandenganmemasukannilainilaikarakterdanmengintegrasikannilai-nilaikaraktertersebutdalamsilabusdan RPP yang merupakansalahsatusyaratsebelummelakukan proses belajar-pembelajaran. 2) dalam proses pembelajaran, nilai-nilaikaraktertanggungjawabdiintegrasikankedalamtigatahappembelajaran, yaitukegiatanpendahuluan, penutupdankegiatanintipembelajaran. 3) Karaktertanggungjawab yang dimilikiolehpesertadidik di era globalisasiinisangatlahbaik, pesertadidik yang ada di SMA Negeri 1 Baleendahpadamulanyasedikitbanyakterpengaruholehdampak-dampaknegatif yang dibawaoleharusglobalisasi, akantetapisetelah proses pengembangankaraktertanggungjawabpesertadidikdiintegrasikankedalampembelajarankhsusnyaPendidikanKewarganegaraanterdapatperubahan yang sangatsignifikan. 4) solusi yang dikembangkandalamupayapengembangankaraktertanggungjawabpesertadidikterfokuspadapengembangan media, metodedan model pembelajaran yang lebihinovatif. 5) faktorpendukungdalamupayapengembangankaraktertanggungjawab di era globalisasi, karenakemajuandalamsegalabidangmisalnyateknologi, informasi, dankomunikasidapatdimanfaatkandalamproses pembelajaran di kelas. Rekomendasipenelitianiniditujukankepadasekolah, guru, orang tua, pesertadidikdanpenelitiselanjutnya. Given the fact demoralization is so acute, as long as the school education can be said to fail on this aspect of the character. Schools too fascinated with academic targets, and forget about character education. This reality makes the courage to face the risk of creativity, independence, and resilience in life through a variety of tests to be low, Children easily frustrated, give up and lose morale. Citizenship education aims to form good citizens, citizens who are creative, responsible citizens, citizens who are intelligent, critical citizens, and citizen participation. This problem is studied to describe the importance of character development for students through civic education in the era of globalization. In this study used a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical method with the purpose of the writer wanted to describe the condition of the field related to the civic education as one of the subjects that serve as character education. The data was collected by interview, observation, documentation and questionnaires as supporting data. Location of the research conducted at SMAN 1 Baleendah the research subject teachers, learners and school keapla. The results showed 1) Civics lesson planning is done by entering the character values and integrate the character values in the syllabus and lesson plan is one of the requirements before making the teaching-learning process. 2) in the learning process, the values of the characters responsibility is integrated into the three stages of learning, namely preliminary activities, cover and core activities of learning. 3) The character of the responsibilities held by the students in the era of globalization is very good, there are learners in SMA 1 Baleendah at first somewhat influenced by the negative impacts brought about by globalization, but after the process of character development responsibilities learners integrated into the learning khsusnya Citizenship Education are very significant change. 4) solutions developed in the development of character responsibility learners focused on the development of media, methods and more innovative learning model. 5) supporting factors in the development of the character of responsibility in an era of globalization, because of advances in all fields of technology, for example, information, and communication can be utilized in the learning process in the classroom. This research recommendation is addressed to the school, teachers, parents, learners and researchers next. Keywords: Citizenship Education, Character Responsibility and Globalization
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Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Additional Information: | No.Panggil: T PKN FIT p-2014 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | PendidikanKewarganegaraan, KarakterTanggungjawabdanGlobalisasi |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan S-2 |
Depositing User: | DAM STAF Editor |
Date Deposited: | 25 Feb 2015 07:34 |
Last Modified: | 25 Feb 2015 07:34 |
URI: | |
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