Bagas Ardi Wijaya, - (2024) SURVEI KEPUASAN PROGRAM LATIHAN SEKOLAH SEPAK BOLA SE KABUPATEN KEBUMEN TAHUN 2023-2024. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu guna menentukan tingkat kepuasan atlet dengan program latihan sekolah sepakbola Kabupaten Kebumen dari tahun 2023-2024. Studi survei ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang dilakukan secara deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data melalui penggunaan kuesioner. Metode ini telah diujikan kepada 40 atlet, dan hasilnya menunjukkan 43 soal valid dan 12 soal tidak valid, dengan reliabilitas 0,924. Studi ini melihat 96 atlet dari empat SSB di Kabupaten Kebumen: SSB Indonesia Muda, SSB Perseka, SSB Jaya Mandiri, dan SSB Sawunggalih. Analisis deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan dalam teknik analisis data, dan hasil ditampilkan dalam bentuk rasio persentase. Menurut hasil penelitian, tingkat kepuasan dengan program latihan sekolah sepak bola di Kabupaten Kebumen dari tahun 2023–2024 menyatakan bahwa 45% dari atlet dimasukkan ke dalam kategori "cukup memuaskan" (43 atlet), 23% dimasukkan ke dalam kategori "kurang memuaskan" (22 atlet), dan 17% dimasukkan ke dalam kategori "memuaskan" (16 atlet), 10% dimasukkan ke dalam kategori “sangat memuaskan” (10 atlet), dan 5% dimasukkan ke dalam kategori “sangat kurang memuaskan” (5 atlet). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan program latihan sekolah sepakbola di Kabupaten Kebumen tahun 2023-2024 berada pada kategori “cukup memuaskan”. Jika dilihat dari faktor-faktor penunjang kepuasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa 35 atlet merasa cukup puas dengan faktor tangibles dengan persentase sebesar 36%, pada faktor empathy 31 atlet merasa cukup puas dengan persentase 32%, pada faktor reliability 30 atlet merasa cukup puas dengan persentase sebesar 31%, pada faktor responsiveness 32 atlet merasa puas dengan tingkat persentase sebesar 33%, dan yang terakhir yaitu faktor assurance 31 atlet merasa cukup puas dengan tingkat persentase sebesar 32%. Kata Kunci : Sepak Bola, Kepuasan Atlet, Program Latihan The purpose of this study was to determine the level of athlete satisfaction with the Kebumen Regency football school training program from 2023- 2024. This survey study is a quantitative research conducted descriptively. The data collection method is through the use of a questionnaire. This method was tested on 40 athletes, and the results showed 43 valid questions and 12 invalid questions, with a reliability of 0.924. This study looked at 96 athletes from four SSBs in Kebumen Regency: SSB Indonesia Muda, SSB Perseka, SSB Jaya Mandiri, and SSB Sawunggalih. Quantitative descriptive analysis was used in the data analysis technique, and results were displayed in the form of percentage ratios. According to the results of the study, the level of satisfaction with the training program of football schools in Kebumen Regency from 2023-2024 stated that 45% of the athletes were put into the "moderately satisfactory" category (43 athletes), 23% were put into the "less satisfactory" category (22 athletes), and 17% were put into the "satisfactory" category (16 athletes), 10% were put into the "very satisfactory" category (10 athletes), and 5% were put into the "very less satisfactory" category (5 athletes). It can be concluded that the level of satisfaction of the football school training program in Kebumen Regency in 2023-2024 is in the "quite satisfying" category. When viewed from the factors supporting satisfaction, based on the evidence, it can be inferred that 35 athletes are highly content with thetangibles factor with a percentage of 36%, at the empathy factor 31 athletes are quite satisfied with a percentage of 32%, at the reliability factor 30 athletes are quite satisfied with a percentage of 31%, at the responsiveness factor 32 athletes are satisfied with the percentage level of 33%, and the last is the assurance factor 31 athletes are quite satisfied with the percentage level of 32%. Keywords: Football, Athlete Satisfaction, Training Program

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing Anin Rukmana: 6042017 Muhammad Nur Alif: 6183716
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sepak Bola, Kepuasan Atlet, Program Latihan
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: UPI Kampus Sumedang > PGSD Penjas UPI Kampus Sumedang
Depositing User: Kampus Daerah UPI Sumedang
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2024 01:44
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2024 01:44

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