Wina Safitri, - (2021) ANALISIS INSTAGRAM “VISIT CIANJUR” DALAM MEMBENTUK BRAND IMAGE. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Cianjur dikenal banyak wisatawan melalui instagram Visit Cianjur yang aktif membagikan informasi mengenai wisata. Belum banyak penelitian yang meneliti bagaimana instagram Visit Cianjur dapat mendukung brand image wisata di Kabupaten Cianjur. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana instagram Visit Cianjur membentuk brand image. Salah satu pembentukan brand image dapat dilihat melalui postingan di instagram, karena postingan tersebut terdapat user generated content yang didalamnya berisi pernyataan positif atau negatif dari konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli sampai dengan bulan Oktober. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu netnografi yang dilakukan pada instagram. Data yang ditemukan dianalisis dengan user generated content pada instagram Visit Cianjur untuk strategi komunikasi dalam pembentukan brand image. User generated content yang dianalisis yaitu berupa like, caption, dan tagar “#visitcianjur”. Dalam menganalisis user generated content, dilakukan dengan cara web crawling menggunakan Phyton 3.8 dengan InstaLooter. Selain itu, peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada 6 narasumber diantaranya 5 followers instagram Visit Cianjur dan 1 orang yang merupakan founder instagram Visit Cianjur. Hasilnya brand image wisata di Kabupaten Cianjur terbentuk dari kekuatan, keungulan, dan keunikan pada konten wisata di instagram Visit Cianjur. Tetapi, kekuatan yang dimilikinya masih belum terlihat. Kedua, instagram Visit Cianjur dapat membentuk brand image melalui konten yang didalamnya terdapat context, communication, collaboration, dan connection yang menjadi daya tariknya. Dan yang terakhir, dalam pembentukan brand image, followers instagram Visit Cianjur berperan dalam melakukan promosi melalui konten yang mereka bagikan sehingga dapat dilihat oleh lebih banyak orang lagi. Cianjur is known by many tourists through Instagram Visit Cianjur who actively share information about tourism. Not many studies have examined how Instagram Visit Cianjur can support tourism brand image in Cianjur Regency. The main purpose of this study is to see how Instagram Visit Cianjur forms a brand image. One form of brand image formation can be seen through postings on Instagram, because these posts contain user generated content which contains positive or negative statements from consumers. This research was conducted from July to October. The research method used is netnography conducted on Instagram. The data found were analyzed with user generated content on Instagram Visit Cianjur for communication strategies in brand image formation. The analyzed user generated content is in the form of likes, captions, and the hashtag "#visitcianjur". In analyzing user generated content, it is done by web crawling using Python 3.8 with InstaLooter. In addition, researchers conducted interviews with 6 sources including 5 Instagram followers of Visit Cianjur and 1 person who is the founder of Instagram Visit Cianjur. As a result, the tourism brand image in Cianjur Regency is formed from the strength, favorability, and uniqueness of the tourism content on Instagram Visit Cianjur. However, its power is still not visible. Second, Instagram Visit Cianjur can form a brand image through content in which there is context, communication, collaboration, and connection which is the main attraction. And finally, in the formation of a brand image, Instagram followers of Visit Cianjur play a role in promoting through the content they share so that it can be seen by more people.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing : Rani Andari : 6000526 Tomy Andrianto : 6762799
Uncontrolled Keywords: Visit Cianjur, brand image, instagram, followers, dan user generated content.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Manajemen Pemasaran Pariwisata
Depositing User: Wina Safitri
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2023 09:20
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2023 09:20

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