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Keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi sangat penting dikuasai oleh siswa karena melalui menulis teks eksposisi akan mengasah kemampuan berpikir kritisnya. Kemampuan berpikir kritis tersebut merupakan salah satu komptensi yang harus dikuasai seseorang di abad ke-21 ini. Berdasarkan kajian data dan fakta di lapangan, ternyata masih ditemukan masalah yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa masih banyak yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menguasai keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tesebut maka penulis melakukan penelitian yakni mengembangkan suatu model pembelajaran yaitu model problem based learning berbantuan media Facebook dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi. Maka dari itu, tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan suatu model pembelajaran yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang dialami guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi. Metode penelitan yang digunakan yaitu research and development dengan desain penelitian 4-D (Thiagarajan dkk., 1974). Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu produk model pembelajaran yang tediri atas rasionalisasi, tujuan, prinsip dasar, sintaks, sistem sosial, prinsip reaksi, sistem pendukung, dampak instruksional, dan dampak pengiring. Selain itu dilengkapi juga dengan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP dan juga evaluasi pembelajarannya. Temuan atau hasil penelitian ini yakni berupa validasi kelayakan produk yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata desain model yang dikembangkan yakni sebesar 87% dengan kriteria predikat “sangat layak.” Selain itu respons pengguna yang terdiri atas guru dan siswa menunjukkan hasil yang positif yakni sebesar 92% dan 86% dengan kriteria predikat “sangat layak.” Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model problem based learning berbantuan media Facebook dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi di MTs. efektif digunakan untuk membantu kebutuhan menulis teks eksposisi. It is very important for students to master the skill of writing expository texts because writing expository texts will hone their critical thinking skills. The ability to think critically is one of the competencies that must be mastered by someone in the 21st century. Based on the study of data and facts in the field, it turns out that there are still problems which indicate that many students still experience difficulties in mastering the skills of writing expository texts. To overcome these problems, the authors conducted research, namely developing a learning model, namely the problem-based learning model assisted by Facebook media in learning to write exposition texts. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a learning model that can overcome the problems experienced by teachers and students in learning to write exposition texts. The research method used is research and development with a 4-D research design (Thiagarajan et al., 1974). This research produced a learning model product consisting of rationalization, objectives, basic principles, syntax, social systems, reaction principles, support systems, instructional impacts, and accompanying impacts. Besides that, it is also equipped with learning tools in the form of lesson plans and also learning evaluations. The findings or results of this study are in the form of product feasibility validation which shows that the average value of the developed model design is 87% with the predicate criteria "very feasible." In addition, user responses consisting of teachers and students showed positive results, namely 92% and 86% with the criteria for the title "very feasible." This shows that the problem based learning model is assisted by Facebook media in learning to write exposition texts at MTs. effectively used to help the needs of writing exposition text.
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Additional Information: | Link Google Scholar : ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Yeti Mulyati : 5993970 Khaerudin Kurniawan : 5993472 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | model problem based learning, media sosial, facebook, menulis teks eksposisi |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) P Language and Literature > PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia S-2 |
Depositing User: | Etih Pandu Windari |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2023 06:51 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2023 06:51 |
URI: | |
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