Rizkia Amalia Hermawanti, - (2018) KOMIK STRIP DIGITAL “PAMALI” DARI KARAKTER TOKOH FOLKLOR SUNDA. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Folklore is a literature that is part of folklore or a discipline that is about hereditary culture. Folk stories, especially myths, are stories that have good philosophy and moral values to be used as learning. In line with the time the folklore is less attractive to the younger generation. Comic strip media is a good and short means to absorb information and be easier to understand. The author has the idea to make the comic strip "Pamali" tell a mythical story from folklore that elevates local genius and becomes a good educational medium for conveying moral values of manners. The author formulates the problem that is how to develop moral value ideas in the digital comic strip "Pamali"? and how to aesthetically visualize the character of the Sundanesefloclor in the digital comic strip "Pamali"? The purpose of creating this work is to find out the development of moral value ideas in the digital strip comic "Pamali" and to know the design of aesthetic visualization of the character of Sundanese folklore in the digital strip comic "Pamali. The creation method used is the development of story ideas through digital techniques. Therefore by reading the comic strip "Pamali" the audience is able to learn moral values that are not only introduced by the story and the language used in comics alone but in terms of visuals, how clothes are used by characters such as wearing polite clothes. The figures used are Sundanese cultural folklore namely Kabayun, Lamsijun and Karnadung visualized using cartoon style so that it is easy to understand and attract the attention of readers who are adjusted to their age. The technique used is digital techniques so that comics are easy to market and are relatively inexpensive in the process of working faster;---Cerita rakyat merupakan kesustraan yang merupakan bagian dari folklor atau suatu disiplin ilmu yang mengenai kebudayaan masyarakat yang turun temurun. Cerita rakyat khususnya mitos merupakan cerita yang memiliki falsafah dan nilai moral yang baik untuk dijadikan pembelajaran. Media komik strip merupakan sarana yang baik dan singkat untuk menyerap informasi dan lebih mudah dipahami. Penulis memiliki gagasan untuk membuat komik strip “Pamali” menceritakan suatu cerita mitos dari folklor yang mengangkat local genius dan menjadi medium edukasi yang baik bagi menyampaikan nilai moral bertatakrama. Dengan membaca komik strip “Pamali” audience mampu mempelajari nilai moral yang bukan hanya saja diperkenalkan oleh cerita dan bahasa yang digunakan pada komik saja tetapi dari segi visual, bagaimana fasion yang digunakan oleh karakter tokoh seperti menggunakan baju yang rapih. Tokoh yang digunakan merupakan folklor budaya Sunda yaitu Kabayun, Lamsijun dan Karnadung divisualkan menggunakan gaya kartun agar mudah dimengerti dan menarik perhatian audience yang disesuaikan dengan segmentasi. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik digital agar komik mudah dipasarkan dan relatif murah dalam proses pengerjaannyapun menjadi lebih cepat.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : S SRP RIZ k-2018; Nama Pembingbing : I. Harry Sulastianto II. Arief Johar; NIM : 1401313;
Uncontrolled Keywords: Comic Strip, Digital, character figure, Folklore, Sundanese, Komik Strip, Digital, katakter tokoh , Folklor, Sunda.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa
Depositing User: Ryan Taufiq Qurrohman
Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2020 05:07
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2020 05:07
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/47695

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