Perancangan Hotel Resort di Geopark Ciletuh

Annisa Millati Hanifa, - (2019) Perancangan Hotel Resort di Geopark Ciletuh. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Geopark Ciletuh merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang sudah ditetapkan oleh UNESCO sebagai UNESCO Global Geopark. Penetapan tersebut didasarkan pada potensi yang dimiliki Geopark Ciletuh, diantaranya potensi geologi, pendidikan, dan pariwisata. Untuk menyebarluaskan nama Geopark Ciletuh, pengelola menyusun beberapa visi, misi, dan strategi dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya pariwisata. Dalam visi dan misinya pariwisata ditempatkan di urutan pertama dengan beberapa strategi yang mencakup strategi atraksi, akomodasi, dan akses dalam pariwisata. Dalam salah satu poinnya strategi pengembangan Geopark Ciletuh dilakukan melalui pengembangan fasilitas akomodasi yaitu hotel resort. Geopark CIletuh dibagi menjadi tiga geoarea : utara, tengah, dan selatan. Geoarea bagian utara memiliki banyak hotel resort karena aksesnya yang lebih dekat dari pusat kota (47 km), sedangkan bagian tengah dan selatan belum banyak dijamah karena aksesnya yang cukup jauh dari pusat kota (72 km). Padahal destinasi wisata di geoarea selatan cenderung lebih banyak dibanding kedua geoarea lainnya. Sehingga pembangunan hotel resort ditetapkan berada di geoarea selatan. Hotel resort dirancang dengan tema arsitektur yang terintegrasi dengan alam. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada keadaan alam Geopark Ciletuh yang masih asri dan banyaknya destinasi wisata alam yang tersebar di seluruh Geopark Ciletuh, khususnya geoarea selatan. Kata Kunci: Geopark Ciletuh, pariwisata, akomodasi, hotel resort UNESCO had already announced that Ciletuh Geopark has been appointed as one of UNESCO’s Global Geopark. It was also one of the local tourism attractions in Indonesia. UNESCO decided to appoint the title to the park due to the Geopark’s potentials which are: geological, educational and tourism potentials. In order to publicize this Geopark, the developer had developed the objectives and strategies in a lot of different aspects. Tourism has been said as one of the goal, which as lead the team to develop a lot of strategies including local attraction, accommodation, and tourist access. It was said that the developers are going to build a resort hotel as one of the accommodation facilities. The Geopark itself was divided in three geolocations: Northern part, Central part, and Southern part. The northern part would be allocated for hotels and resorts because it is located 47 KM away from the city. The central and southern part has not been touched because it is located much farther from the city, being said 72 KM away from the city. However, the attraction located in the southern part is much more interesting than the other parts of the Geopark. That leads to a decision that the developer will also build resorts in the southern area. The resorts are designed with nature integrated theme because of the natural beauty of the Geopark. More important than that, the beautiful scenery will also be supported by a lot of natural tourism attraction spreaded across the park, especially in the southern part. Keyword: Geopark Ciletuh, tourism, accommodation, resort hotel

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Arsitektur
Depositing User: Annisa Millati Hanifa
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2020 06:39
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2020 06:39

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