Musfadli Ridha, - (2019) IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM WASTE COLLECTING POINT SEBAGAI UPAYA MENGATASI PERMASALAHAN SAMPAH SEKOLAH : Studi Kasus di SMP Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Waste collecting point merupakan salah satu upaya mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan aspek persampahan, penting untuk terus menciptakan sikap peduli lingkungan melalui sistem ini, pembentukan sikap peduli lingkungan dapat ditumbuhkan dengan pendidikan, upaya komprehensif dapat dilakukan dengan implementasi sistem waste collecting point di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan strategi sistem waste collecting point; implementasi sistem waste collecting point; mengkaji faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi sistem waste collecting point; dan nilai pembelajaran melalui sistem waste collecting point. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi sistem waste collecting point di SMP Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh melalui pendekatan aspek sosialisasi, teknik operasional, pembiayaan, organisasi, kelembagaan, hukum, peran warga sekolah, dan kurikulum sekolah; implementasi sistem waste collecting point berjalan berdasarkan aktor pelaksana, komunikasi dan sosialisasi, sumber daya, dan keintegrasian seluruh pelaksana; faktor pendukung dan penghambat terlihat dari aspek internal dan eksternal pelaksanaan; nilai pembelajaran dari sistem waste collecting point ialah nilai kerjasama, moral dan norma, kedisiplinan, kepedulian lingkungan, kreatifitas, dan kebersihan, serta bentuk penerapan sistem ke dalam pembelajaran dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar berdasarkan kurikulum sekolah. Proses implementasi sistem waste collecting point belum berjalan begitu efektif, hal ini disebabkan oleh terbatasnya sarana prasarana, pembiayaan, sosialisasi serta evaluasi dan monitoring maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan dengan rekomendasi ialah adopsi indikator adiwiyata ke dalam pelaksanaan; penyesuaian strategi pada lingkungan sekolah; proses sosialisasi, evaluasi dan monitoring yang lebih intensif.;--Waste collecting point is one of the efforts to overcome the environmental problems of waste aspects, it is important to continue to create an attitude of caring for the environment through this system, the formation of an attitude of caring for the environment can be grown with education, comprehensive efforts can be made by implementing a waste collecting point system in schools. The purpose of this study is to describe the strategy of waste collecting point systems; waste collecting point system implementation; examine the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the waste collecting point system; and learning value through the waste-collecting point system. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data validity uses triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of the study show the strategy of collecting waste point systems in SMP Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh through approaches to the aspects of socialization, operational techniques, financing, organization, institutions, law, the role of school residents, and the school curriculum; implementation of the waste collecting point system is based on implementing actors, communication and outreach, resources, and the integration of all implementers; supporting and inhibiting factors are seen from the internal and external aspects of implementation; the learning value of the waste collecting point system is the value of cooperation, morals and norms, discipline, environmental care, creativity, and cleanliness, as well as the form of applying the system to learning used as a learning resource based on the school curriculum. The process of implementing the waste-collecting point system has not been running so effectively, this is due to the limited infrastructure, financing, outreach and evaluation and monitoring, so it is necessary to make improvements with recommendations, namely the adoption of adiwiyata indicators into implementation; adjusting strategies to the school environment; a more intensive process of socialization, evaluation and monitoring.

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Implementasi, Waste Collecting Point, Sekolah, Implementation, School.
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Geografi S-2
Depositing User: Musfadli Ridha
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2020 07:11
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2020 07:11

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