Wresni Pujiyati, - (2018) STUDI KEPEMIMPINAN EFEKTIF DI UNIVERSITAS TELKOM. S3 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengembangkan kepemimpinan efektif di Univesitas Telkom yang meliputi (1) visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran pada Unversitas Telkom; (2) Implementasi visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran pada tridharma perguruan tinggi di Universitas Telkom. (3) Penjaminan mutu dan pengawasan pada Universitas Telkom. Metode ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi kasus dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi dokumen dengan sumber data pimpinan dan dosen. Triangulasi dilakukan kepada Wakil Rektor, dekan, dan dosen. Keabsahan data dilakukan melalui: kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, konfirmabilitas. Temuan penelitian adalah pengembangan kepemimpinan efektif Universitas Telkom yang meliputi (1) Kepemimpinan efektif pada visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran; (2) kepemimpinan efektif pada implementasi visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran tridharma perguruan tinggi; (3) Kepemimpinan efektif pada penjaminan mutu dan pengawasan. Kesimpulan secara umum adalah bahwa kepemimpinan efektif sudah terjadi pada pimpinan perguruan tinggi. Hal ini dapat ditemukan pada (1) Kepemimpinan efektif terkait visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran, dalam formulasinya melibatkan stakeholder, pihak internal maupun pengguna; (2) Kepemimpinan efektif dalam implementasi visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran pada tridharma perguruan tinggi, pimpinan membangun komitmen dan memfasilitasi;(3) kepemimpinan efektif pada penjaminan mutu dan pengawasan, pemimpin memberdayakan unit-unit kerja fungsional dalam bidang kepengawasan. Rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Kepemimpinan efektif pada visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran dengan menganalisis, merumuskan, memonitor, mengatur, mengevaluasi secara berkelanjutan; (2) Implementasi kepemimpinan efektif pada visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran pada tridharma perguruan tinggi dengan merencanakan, memprakarsai, mengontrol, memberi dukungan, memberi informasi, mengevaluasi, kinerja yang unggul; (3) kepemimpinan efektif pada penjaminan mutu dan pengawasan dengan mengendalikan, menganalisis mutu, mengembangkan.;--The research aims to find about and develop effective leadership at Telkom University, which include: (1) Vision, mission, goals, and objectives of Telkom University; (2) Implementation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the Tridharma (three pillars) of higher education at Telkom University;and (3) Quality assurance and control at Telkom University. This research used a qualitative approach through case study method by means of observation, interviews, and documentary study with informants consisting of university leaders and lecturers. Triangulation was done to the vice rectors, deans, and faculty members. Data were validated through the following tests: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Research findings show that effective leadership development at Telkom University includes: (1) Effective leadership in the vision, mission, goals, and objectives; (2) Effective leadership in the implementation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the Tridharma of higher education; and (3) Effective leadership in quality assurance and control. The general conclusion is that effective leadership has already been implemented by the university leaders. The effective leadership can be found in: (1) The formulation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives, that involves stakeholders, internal parties, and users; (2) The implementation of the vision, mission, objectives, and goals of the Tridharmaof higher education, in which university leaders build commitment and facilitate the implementation; (3) The quality assurance and control, empowering leaders of functional working units in the field of control. The recommendations drawn from the results of this research highlight the importance of: (1) Effective leadership in the analysis, formulation, monitoring, regulation, evaluation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives on an ongoing basis; (2) Implementation of effective leadership in the vision, mission, objectives, and goals of theTridharmaof higher education by planning, initiating, controlling, supporting, informing, and evaluating superior performance; and (3) Effective leadership in quality assurance and control by controlling, analyzing, and developing the quality.

Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : D ADPEN WRE s-2018; Promotor : Johar Permana; co Promotor : Dadang Suhardan; Anggota : Deddy A. Kurniady; NIM : 1502711
Uncontrolled Keywords: kepemimpinan efektif, mutu perguruan tinggi, world class university, Effective leadership, higher education quality, world class university
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Administrasi Pendidikan S-3
Depositing User: Agung Rizki Sulistino
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2019 04:52
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2019 04:52

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