Muji Gunarto, - (2018) MODEL CO-CREATION DAN IMPLIKASINYA TERHADAP LOYALITAS MAHASISWA PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA : Studi pada PTS di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. S3 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Persaingan perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) di Indonesia sekarang ini semakin ketat, sehinga tidak sedikit PTS yang mengalami kekurangan jumlah mahasiswa. Kondisi ini dialami juga oleh beberapa PTS di Sumatera Selatan, dimana setiap tahun ajaran baru banyak PTS yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mendapatkan mahasiswa baru. Model pemasaran perguruan tinggi selama ini belum dilakukan secara holistik, untuk itu perlu dilakukan kajian secara holistik melalui pendekatan manajemen pemasaran di perguruan tinggi untuk mendapatkan loyalitas mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan model co-creation dan implikasinya terhadap loyalitas mahasiswa sebagai strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan tinggi di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan explanatory survey. Survey dilakukan pada PTS di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dari berbagai bentuk (Universitas, Sekolah Tinggi, Akademik dan Politeknik). Jumlah responden sebanyak 357 orang mahasiswa dan alumni yang diambil dengan multistage random sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan structural equation modeling (SEM) dan program LISREL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model loyalitas mahasiswa pada PTS perlu mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor secara holistik, meliputi internal marketing, ekternal merketing dan interaksi marketing. Faktor internal marketing dalam model tersebut adalah kepuasan mahasiswa (satisfaction), kepercayaan mahasiswa (trust) dan nilai pengalaman mahasiswa (experience). Faktor ekternal marketing adalah citra perguruan tinggi (image), sedangkan faktor interaksi marketing adalah co-creation antara mahasiwa dengan PTS. Model co-creation yang dibangun di PTS berdampak bagi strategi pemasaran baik dalam jangka pendek, menengah maupun dalam jangka panjang. Model co-creation yang dibangun akan berdampak jangka pendek yaitu terciptanya nilai pengalaman dan citra PTS yang baik. Dampak jangka menengah adalah munculnya kepuasan dan kepercayaan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Implikasi jangka panjang co-creation adalah terciptanya loyalitas mahasiswa baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Sehingga pengelola pendidikan tinggi khususnya PTS diharapkan mampu melaksanakan strategi kompetitif yang dapat menghasilkan nilai lebih bagi mahasiswa dan juga akan sulit ditiru oleh kompetitor yaitu dengan mengembangkan model co-creation.;--Private higher education (PTS) in Indonesia today is getting tighter, no private university suffered from the lack of students. This condition is experienced by some private universities in South Sumatra. This research is conducted to develop loyalty model by giving information, that is internal marketing through satisfaction and trust, external marketing by creating image of college and interactive marketing with co-creation between student and university. The purpose of this study is also to observe the co-creation of student loyalty as a result of high education service in South Sumatera province. The design of this study using a quantitative approach. The survey was conducted on private universities in South Sumatera Province which studied 105 of various forms (University, College, Academic and Polytechnic). The number of respondents in this study were 357 students and alumni from 32 PTS obtained at random. The data retrieval technique is done by multistage random sampling. Data analysis was done in statistical and inferential statistic with approach Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result of descriptive analysis shows that respondent's perception for co-creation variable, student experience value and university image in high category although still not optimal, while for student satisfaction and loyalty variable is in medium category. From 12 hypothesis, there are 9 (nine) hypotheses that have significant influence and the rest (3 hypothesis) is not significant, that is the relationship between co-creation with satisfaction, university image with trust and university image with student loyalty. Factors forming student loyalty is cocreation, student's satisfaction and trust. Factors affecting trust is co-creation and student satisfaction, while student satisfaction is determined by the image of higher education and experience value. The variables of trust, satisfaction, higher education image and experience value are good interventions for co-creation with student loyalty. The novelty of this research is in addition to the model of student loyalty formation in private higher education, and also to produce co-creation model in good education project in short, medium and long term. PTS is expected to be able to implement competitive strategies that can generate more value for students and will also be difficult to imitate by competitors that is by developing co-creation.

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Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : D MAN MUJ m-2018; Pembimbing : I. Ratih Hurriyati, II. Disman; NIM : 1503292.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Co-creation, nilai pengalaman, kepuasan mahasiswa, citra perguruan tinggi, kepercayaan mahasiswa, loyalitas mahasiswa, perguruan tinggi swasta, experience value, student satisfaction, higher education image, student trust, student loyalty, private higher education.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Ilmu Manajemen S-3
Depositing User: Cintami Purnama Rimba
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2019 01:56
Last Modified: 01 Aug 2019 01:56

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