IMPLEMENTASI NILAI-NILAI KEDISIPLINAN SISWA DALAM MEMATUHI NORMA TATA TERTIB SEKOLAH : Studi Deskriptif penerapan nilai-nilai kedisiplinan di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung

Subagja, Riki (2016) IMPLEMENTASI NILAI-NILAI KEDISIPLINAN SISWA DALAM MEMATUHI NORMA TATA TERTIB SEKOLAH : Studi Deskriptif penerapan nilai-nilai kedisiplinan di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih tingginya tingkat pelanggaran tata tertib yang dilakukan oleh siswa di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. Hal ini terjadi karena masih terdapat kendala yang menghambat proses penerapan nilai kedisiplinan dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan siswa terhadap norma tata tertib sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi nilai-nilai kedisiplinan siswa dalam mematuhi norma tata tertib sekolah. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pelanggaran terhadap norma tata tertib sekolah yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung yaitu terlambat datang ke sekolah, pakaian PSAS tidak sesuai aturan, bolos sekolah, kerapihan rambut, keluar kelas saat jam pelajaran, pemakaian alat komunikasi. Faktor penyebab siswa melanggar tata tertib sekolah yaitu buruknya manajemen waktu, faktor lingkungan dan pergaulan teman, kurangnya kesadaran diri, pengaruh perkembangan alat komunikasi, dan kurangnya motivasi belajar. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh sekolah dalam menerapkan kedisiplinan dengan menggunakan cara preventif dan represif. Cara preventif seperti memberikan sosialisasi kedisiplinan, mempublikasikan tata tertib, dan membiasakan siswa untuk disiplin. Dan cara represif seperti menegur, memberikan sanksi hukuman, dan memanggil orang tua siswa. Kendala yang dihadapi sekolah seperti kurangnya kesadaran diri siswa, pengaruh lingkungan dan teman, kurangnya komunikasi dengan orang tua, dan kurangnya kerjasama dari semua guru. Solusi untuk mengatasi kendala dalam penerapan nilai kedisiplinan oleh pihak sekolah diantaranya kontrol sosial dari pihak sekolah secara preventif, represif dan edukatif; konsistensi pemberian sanksi yang tegas, komunikasi yang baik dengan orang tua, kerjasama yang baik dari semua guru, dan menumbuhkan self disiplin siswa. Kata Kunci: Nilai kedisiplinan, Norma tata tertib   This research was distributed by high levels of violations of order made by the high school students of Pasundan Bandung 2. It happens because there are many obstacles which obstruct the application of discipline in improving compliance order norms against students of the school. This research aims to find out how implementation of the values discipline in students comply with the norm of order of the school. The researcher used a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. The results of this study stated that the violation of norms of school order that are often performed by high school students of Pasundan Bandung 2, i.e. too late to come to school, PSAS are not appropriate clothing rules, skip school, neatness of hair, out of class when the hours of instruction, the use of communication tools. These factors caused the students violated the school's order was poor in time management, environmental factors and the association of friends, lack of self awareness, influence the development of communication tools, and lack of motivation to learn. The efforts made by schools in applying discipline by using preventive and repressive ways. Preventive ways such as providing socialization discipline, order publicize and familiarize students to the discipline. And repressive ways such as reprimand, providing penalties, sanctions and calling the parents of students. The school faced constraints such as the lack of self awareness, environmental influence students and friends, lack of communication with parents, and less cooperation from all teachers. Solutions to overcome barriers in the application of discipline by the school include social control of the school are preventive, repressive and educational; consistency of sanctions that unequivocally, good communication with parents, good cooperation from all the teachers, and pound with self discipline students. Key words: Value of discipline, Norm of the order


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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : S SOS SUB i-2016; Pembimbing : I. Warlim Isya, II. Maftuhin
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nilai kedisiplinan, Norma tata tertib
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Sosiologi
Depositing User: Mrs. Neni Sumarni
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2017 00:46
Last Modified: 27 Mar 2017 00:46

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