Gilang, Muhammad Ilham (2016) PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH PADA SEKOLAH LINGKUNGAN MILITER: Studi Kasus di SMA Angkasa Landasan Udara Sulaiman Kabupaten Bandung. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini berangkat dari semakin lunturnya watak dan karakter positif pada peserta didik tingkat SMA yang mengakibatkan terjadinya degradasi moral. Pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah sebagai sebuah identitas dengan nilai-nilai karakter bangsa di dalamnya semakin sulit ditemukan karena minimnya contoh sekolah yang dapat mengembangkan pendidikan karakter melalui elaborasi pada kegiatan kurikuler, kokurikuler dan ekstrakulikuler, serta habituasi dalam kegiatan keseharian di sekolah. Minimnya contoh pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran sejarah semakin tidak menyentuh peserta didik. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, ialah (1) Bagaimana proses pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman (2) Bagaimana proses pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman (3) Bagaimana hasil pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman (4) Bagaimana tanggapan siswa mengenai pendidikan karakter di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman (5) Apa keunggulan dan kelemahan pengembangan pendidikan karakter di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada SMA Angkasa Landasan Udara Sulaiman Kabupaten Bandung (selanjutnya SMA Angkasa Sulaiman) dengan subjek penelitian warga sekolah (Kepala Sekolah, Guru Sejarah, Peserta Didik kelas X IIS 1 dan XI IIS 1). Metodologi penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus untuk mengungkap dan memahami kenyataan dalam latar alamiah tanpa manipulasi subjek yang diteliti. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui dokumen, rekaman arsip, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan triangulasi dengan tipe triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa; (1) konsep pendidikan karakter di SMA Angkasa Lanud Sulaiman Kabupaten Bandung merupakan penjabaran dari strategi mikro pendidikan karakter yang meliputi; integrasi dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) pada setiap Mata Pelajaran, pembiasaan dalam kehidupan keseharian di satuan pendidikan, integrasi dalam kegiatan ekstrakulikuler, dan penerapan pembiasaan kehidupan keseharian di rumah yang dilakukan dengan perencanaan, pendekatan, dan metode belajar dan pembelajaran yang efektif sebagai usaha bersama sekolah; (2) proses pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman dilakukan melalui dokumen RPP serta terjadinya pembelajaran observasi (observational learning) peserta didik pada guru sejarah; (3) hasil pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman kerap muncul nilai karakter cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan, disiplin dan tanggung jawab; (4) tanggapan siswa mengenai pendidikan karakter di SMA Angkasa Sulaiman menunjukkan hal positif karena mereka mendapatkan contoh keteladanan dari guru sejarah, kepala sekolah, dan dukungan lingkungan sekolah yang kondusif; (5) keunggulan pendidikan karakter di SMA Angkasa terdapatnya pembiasaan (habituasi) dalam budaya sekolah, sedangkan kelemahannya ialah terbawanya sanksi kemiliteran (push-up, bending, dan “sikap taubat”), padatnya kegiatan pengembangan diri di luar kelas (ekstrakulikuler sampai sore, partisipasi kegiatan seremonial sekitar kawasan militer). ---------- This study was based on the decline of positive nature and character of high school students which apparently lead to moral degradation. The character education through the subject of history as an identity containing the values of national character is increasingly hard to find due to the lack of schools and educational institutions that provide and evolve character education to be elaborated into curricular and extracurricular activities, and to set its habituation in daily activities at school. The lack of exemplification of character education in the teaching of history at school was further disassociating the learners. In accordance with the background, the research problems aroused namely, (1) How the concept of character education in the teaching of history subject in Angkasa Sulaiman high school is conducted, (2) how the process of character education in the teaching of history in Angkasa Sulaiman high school is performed, (3) What the result (of character education in the teaching of history in Angkasa Sulaiman high school) is, (4) How the students respond to the character education in the teaching of history in Angkasa Sulaiman high school, and (5) What advantages and disadvantages of character education in the teaching of history in Angkasa Sulaiman high school emerge. This study took place in Angkasa high school at Sulaiman Air Force Base Bandung (hereinafter Angkasa Sulaiman high school) by administering the school members as the subject of the research (principal, history teachers, and the students of class X IIS 1 and XI IIS 1). Qualitative approach with case study design was employed as the research method to figure out and comprehend the reality in natural setting without any subject manipulation under study. The data collection was conducted through documentation, archive footage, interviews, field notes, and observation technique. Data were analyzed by using triangulation with the types of technique triangulation and source triangulation. The findings of the research show that; (1) the concept of character education in Angkasa Sulaiman high school was the elaboration of micro strategy of character education that includes integration in teaching and learning activities in any subject, habituation in daily activities at the school, integration in extracurricular activities, and the implementation of habituation in daily life outside the school, such as at home, that is carried out with effective planning, approaches, and methods of teaching and learning as a joint effort; (2) the process of character education in the teaching-learning of history at Angkasa Sulaiman high school was conducted through the lesson plan document and the observational learning of the students towards their history teachers; (3) the character education in the teaching-learning of history at Angkasa Sulaiman high school resulted in the accretion of sense of nationalism, patriotism, discipline, and responsibility in the students’ character and personality; (4) the students’ responses regarding the character education at Angkasa Sulaiman high schools showed a positive attitude as they got exemplary attitude from their history teachers, principal, as well as the support from a conducive school environment; (5) one of the advantages of character education in Angkasa Sulaiman high school includes the presence of habituation in the school culture. Meanwhile, some of the disadvantages were also found, namely the involvement of military sanctions (push-ups, bending, and "the attitude of repentance") and the high density of self-development activities outside the classroom (extracurricular activities till late, participation ceremonial activity around the area of the military).


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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: No. Panggil: T SEJ GIL: p-2016 ; Pembimbing: Didin Saripudin
Uncontrolled Keywords: pendidikan karakter, pembelajaran sejarah, cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan, displin, tanggung jawab.
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Sejarah S-2
Depositing User: Mr. Tri Agung
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2016 03:19
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2016 03:19

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