
Transformasi digital menuntut adanya integrasi teknologi digital dalam implementasi kurikulum sehingga menuntut peningkatan kompetensi digital guru melalui program pelatihan. Akan tetapi program pelatihan yang selama ini didapatkan kurang optimal, sehingga dibutuhkan program pelatihan yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kondisi faktual tingkat kompetensi digital guru dan kebutuhan kompetensi digital guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum, mengevaluasi kelayakan dan menganalisis keefektifan desain serta diseminasi desain program pelatihan kompetensi digital guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Design and Development Research. Tahap analisis kebutuhan dengan mengukur tingkat kompetensi digital guru (413 orang) dan kebutuhan kompetensi digital guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum dengan melibatkan 100 orang guru SD dan 25 orang ahli kurikulum dan pembelajaran SD. Tahap desain dan pengembangan kurikulum pelatihan menggunakan model pengembangan kurikulum Tyler yang kemudian dilakukan uji kelayakan oleh pakar dengan metode Delphi survey. Tahap uji coba menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen yang melibatkan 100 guru. Tahap diseminasi dilakukan kepada guru, Kepala Sekolah, Dinas Pendidikan dan berbagai pihak terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kompetensi digital guru SD berada dalam kategori rendah (42,9%). Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kompetensi digital guru berdasarkan gender dan jenjang kelas mengajar (pvalue< 0.005), hal tersebut menjadi sesuatu hal yang penting dalam mendesain program pelatihan. Hasil terkait kompetensi digital yang dibutuhkan guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum berdasarkan hasil uji beda Mann-Whitney menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan mengenai persepsi kompetensi digital guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum antara guru SD dan pakar pembelajaran SD. Kebutuhan kompetensi digital dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum mencakup 3 hal yaitu; perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pengembangan kurikulum pelatihan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan kurikulum Tyler menghasilkan Whole school training kompetensi digital guru dengan prisip Reflektif, berpikir kritis dan inovatif, kerja kolaboratif yang dinilai layak oleh pakar untuk dilakukan uji coba. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa desain program pelatihan kompetensi digital guru hasil pengembangan terbukti efektif meningkatkan kompetensi digital guru (p-value<0.005). Diseminasi program pelatihan dilakukan secara road show ke dinas pendidikan kota dan kabupaten di DIY melalui forum diskusi ilmiah dan publikasi ilmiah melalui jurnal dan seminar internasional. Kata kunci: Kompetensi digital guru, kurikulum program pelatihan, implementasi kurikulum SD. Digital transformation demands the integration of digital technology in the implementation of the curriculum, thus requiring an increase in the digital competence of teachers through training programs. However, the training programs that have been obtained so far have been less than optimal, so an effective training program is needed. This study aims to analyze the factual conditions of the level of digital competence of teachers and the digital competence needs of primary school teachers in implementing the curriculum, evaluate the feasibility and analyze the effectiveness of the design and dissemination of the design of the digital competence training program for primary school teachers in implementing the curriculum. The Themethod used in this study was Design and Development Research approach. The needs analysis stage by measuring the level of digital competence of teachers (413 people) and the digital competence needs of primary school teachers in implementing the curriculum by involving 100 teachers and 25 primary school curriculum and learning experts. The design and development stage of the training curriculum used the Tyler curriculum development model which is then tested for feasibility by experts using the Delphi survey method. The trial stage used quasi-experimental method involving 100 teachers. The dissemination stage is carried out to teachers, Principals, the Education Office and various related parties. The results of the study showed that the level of digital competence of primary school teachers was in the low category (42.9%). There are differences in the level of digital competence of teachers based on gender and teaching class level (p-value <0.005), this is something important in designing training programs. The results related to the digital competence needed by primary school teachers in implementing the curriculum based on the results of the Mann-Whitney difference test showed that there was no significant difference in the perception of digital competence of primary school teachers in implementing the curriculum between teachers and learning experts. The need for digital competence in implementing the curriculum includes 3 things, namely, planning, implementation and evaluation. The development of the training curriculum using the Tyler curriculum development model resulted in Whole school training of digital competence of teachers with the principles of Reflective, critical and innovative thinking, collaborative work which were considered feasible by experts to be tested. The results of the trial showed that the design of the digital competence training program for teachers from the development was proven to be effective in improving digital competence of teachers (p-value <0.005). Dissemination of the training program was carried out through a road show to the city and district education offices in DIY through scientific discussion forums and scientific publications through international journals and seminars. Keywords: Teacher digital competence, training program curriculum, implementation of the primary school curriculum.

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Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Mohammad Ali : 5980905 Asep Herry Hernawan: 5992721
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kompetensi digital guru, kurikulum program pelatihan, implementasi kurikulum SD Teacher digital competence, training program curriculum, implementation of the primary school curriculum
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan > Pengembangan Kurikulum-S3
Depositing User: Isniatun Munawaroh
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2024 02:21
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2024 02:21

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