
ABSTRAK Pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) diselenggarakan untuk membekali siswa agar menjadi lulusan mandiri yang kompeten dan dapat bekerja pada bidang tertentu. Namun pada kenyataannya, kesenjangan antara kompetensi yang diperoleh oleh lulusan dengan persyaratan yang diajukan oleh pasar kerja telah menimbulkan sejumlah permasalahan berupa ketidaksesuaian antara pekerjaan yang diemban dengan karakteristik keterampilan yang dimiliki, stagnasi dalam pengembangan karier, dan hambatan dalam memasuki sektor pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan spesialisasi yang dimiliki, sehingga pada proses pembelajaranya diperlukan bimbingan adaptabilitas karier untuk memenuhi tuntutan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Design-Based Research (DBR) dengan metode mix methods research, bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model bimbingan adaptabilitas karier bagi siswa SMK yang berorientasi pada keberhasilan karier masa depan dengan indikator kebermaknaan hidup. Tren riset adaptabilitas karier bagi siswa SMK sejalan dengan pemikiran Savickas, bahwa setiap orang harus memiliki kesiapan dalam menghadapi pekerjaan serta adaptasi pada perubahan dan situasi kerja yang dinamis. Tren berkembang pada isu kelayakan pekerjaan, permasalahan ekonomi sebagai dampak perkembangan karier dan perkembangan riset untuk motivasi dan kemauan kerja. Kecukupan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh siswa dan lulusan SMK diakui oleh industri sebagai hasil dari pembelajaran. Namun mereka masih memiliki kendala pemenuhan kompetensi kerja pada komponen karakter dan etos kerja. Beberapa permasalahan lain terkait karier lulusan SMK ditemukan pada kondisi sulitnya memasuki dunia kerja, bekerja tidak sesuai dengan kompetensinya, karier stagnan dan tidak memiliki rencana karier yang baik. Kondisi ini mengisyaratkan pentingnya bimbingan karier bagi siswa yang sejalan dengan Pendidikan di SMK untuk membentuk kelayakan kerja yang sesuai dengan bidang keahlian serta berorientasi pada pembentukan kebermaknaan hidup. Penelitian yang menggabungkan aspek adaptabilitas karier (career concern, career control, career curiousity, career confidence) dengan elemen Ikigai (passion, mission, vocation, dan profession) menghasilkan model bimbingan adaptabilitas karier bagi siswa SMK yang dinamai Vocational Career Table. Model ini berisi tahapan pemenuhan kualifikasi karier bagi siswa SMK yang dapat meningkatkan adaptabilitas karier siswa sehingga memiliki kesiapan dan adaptasi karier yang selaras dengan tujuan hidup pada masa yang akan datang. ABSTRACT The purpose of education at Vocational High Schools (SMK) is to prepare students for independence as graduates who are qualified to work in certain sectors. But in reality, there are a number of issues resulting from the mismatch between the work held and the skills possessed, stagnation in career development, and barriers to entering the job sector that matches the specialization possessed. As a result, career adaptability guidance is required during the learning process to meet these demands. These issues include a mismatch between the competencies obtained by graduates and the requirements proposed by the labor market. This research uses a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach with a mixed methods research method, aiming to produce a career adaptability guidance model for vocational school students that is oriented towards future career success with indicators of the meaning of life. The current research trend on career adaptability for vocational school students is in line with Savickas' thinking that everyone must have readiness to face work and adapt to changes and dynamic work situations. Research is developing on the issue of job suitability, economic problems as an impact on career development and the development of research on motivation and willingness to work. The adequacy of skills possessed by vocational school students and graduates is recognized by industry as a result of learning. However, they still have obstacles in fulfilling work competencies in the components of character and work ethic. Several other problems related to the careers of vocational school graduates were found to be in difficult conditions entering the world of work, work not in accordance with their competencies, stagnant careers and not having a good career plan. This condition indicates the importance of career guidance for students which is in line with Vocational School education to establish work suitability in accordance with their field of expertise and is oriented towards creating meaningfulness in life. A career adaptability guidance model for vocational high school students called the Vocational Career Table is the result of research that integrates Ikigai elements (passion, mission, vocation, and profession) with career adaptability components (career concern, career control, career curiousity, and career confidence). This approach includes guidance steps for vocational high school students to complete professional requirements that can enhance their career flexibility and prepare them for careers that align with their long-term objectives.

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Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Additional Information: ID SINTA DOSEN PEMBIMBING Ade Gafar Abdullah SINTA ID : 257412 Isma Widiaty SINTA ID : 5978971
Uncontrolled Keywords: Siswa SMK, Bimbingan adaptabilitas karier, Ikigai.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
L Education > LC Special aspects of education
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan S-3
Depositing User: Rudi Haryadi
Date Deposited: 03 Sep 2024 08:11
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2024 08:11

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