Ulfa Ladayya, - (2024) APLIKASI MOBILE SIPJUHOG (SISTEM PRESENSI JURNAL HARIAN ONLINE GURU). S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Seorang guru mempunyai banyak tanggung jawab, mulai dari kegiatan mengajar hingga memenuhi seluruh administrasi yang ada. Adanya kesenjangan sosial antara ASN dan non-ASN terkait presensi menjadi salah satu permasalahan di sekolah. Permasalahan lainnya adalah presensi ditulis secara langsung pada agenda kelas, sehingga menyulitkan pihak sekolah memantau kehadiran guru dan juga belum terdapat sistem presensi jurnal harian guru di SMKN 2 Purwakarta. Berdasarkan inilah dibangun aplikasi mobile SiPJuHOG (Sistem Presensi Jurnal Harian Online Guru) untuk menyelesaikan permasalahannya. Tujuan dari penelitian : 1) Mempermudah dan mempercepat guru dalam mengisi presensi jurnal hariannya; dan 2) Mempermudah pihak sekolah merekap kehadiran guru ASN dan non-ASN ketika mengajar. Jenis penelitiannya yaitu R&D dengan desain penelitian menggunakan metode prototype. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan : 1) Aplikasi Mobile SiPJuHOG dibangun menggunakan bahasa dart, framework flutter, PHP, SQL, dan menggunakan wampserver. Berdasarkan manual testing menggunakan “Browserstack” semua fungsi berjalan baik; dan 2) Hasil uji fungsionalitas aplikasi mobile kepada user berhasil melalui semua instrumen fungsi. Hasil uji usability memperoleh nilai total 71,59 dengan kategori “GOOD” (adjective ratings), grade C (grade scale), dan “ACCEPTABLE” (acceptability ranges). Sedangkan, uji efisiensi memakai “DevTools” diperoleh frame per second rata-ratanya sebesar 58. Artinya aplikasi berjalan cukup baik dalam hal kinerja visualnya. Terakhir ialah uji portabilitas yang dilakukan ketika user testing mobile dan menggunakan “BrowserStack” memperoleh hasil sesuai kriteria, yakni berjalan di handphone Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, dan Motorola. ----- A teacher has many responsibilities, from teaching activities to fulfilling all existing administration. The existence a social gap between ASN and non-ASN regarding attendance is one of the problems at the School. Another problem is that attendance is written directly on the class agenda, making difficult for the School to monitor teacher attendance and there's no daily teacher journal attendance system at SMKN 2 Purwakarta. Based on this, SiPJuHOG (Teacher Online Daily Journal Presence System) mobile application was built to solve the problem. The purpose of research: 1) Make easier and faster for teachers to fill in their daily journal attendance; and 2) Make easier for schools to recap the attendance of ASN and non-ASN teachers when teaching. Type of research is R&D with research design using prototype method. Based on research, conclusions were obtained: 1) SiPJuHOG Mobile Application was built using dart language, flutter framework, PHP, SQL, and using wampserver. Based on manual testing using ‘Browserstack’ all functions run well; and 2) Results of mobile application functionality test to users succeeded through all function instruments. Usability test results obtained total score of 71,59 with the category ‘GOOD’ (adjective ratings), grade C (grade scale), and ‘ACCEPTABLE’ (acceptability ranges). Meanwhile, efficiency test using ‘DevTools’ obtained an average frames per second of 58. This means that the application runs quite well in terms of visual performance. Finally, portability test conducted during mobile user testing and using ‘BrowserStack’ obtained results according to criteria (running on Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, and Motorola mobile phones).

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=f_UZnwEAAAAJ&hl=id&authuser=1 Dian Permata Sari : 6160445 Suprih Widodo: 5978120
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aplikasi Mobile SiPJuHOG, Framework Flutter Bahasa Dart, PHP, SQL, WampServer. SiPJuHOG Mobile Application, Dart Language Flutter Framework, PHP, SQL, WampServer.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: UPI Kampus Purwakarta > S1 Pendidikan Sistem Teknologi dan Informasi
Depositing User: Ulfa Ladayya
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2024 02:59
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2024 02:59
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/119653

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