Tingkatan perkembangan intelektual siswa memiliki peran penting pada penguasaan konsep siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Kemampuan berpikir logis dapat mendasari kemampuan berpikir lainnya. Sebuah penelitian deskriptif tentang analisis profil kemampuan berpikir logis, penguasaan konsep, dan miskonsepsi siswa SMA pada materi sistem saraf manusia dilakukan pada sejumlah siswa kelas XI SMA di Kota Tangerang (n=113), dengan teknik sampel bertujuan (purposive sampling). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki profil kemampuan berpikir, penguasaan konsep dan miskonsepsi siswa terhadap materi sistem saraf manusia, serta pola-pola miskonsepsi yang ada dengan menggunakan teknik Certainty Response Index (CRI). Data dijaring melalui instrument pilihan ganda yang dilengkapi oleh pilihan tingkat keyakinan (CRI). Instrumen soal tes terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda dengan empat pilihan jawaban (ranah C1, C2, dan C4) berdasarkan proses kognitif dari Bloom Revisi pada dimensi pengetahuan faktual dan konseptual. Instrumen test penguasaan konsep materi sistem saraf manusia yang dilengkapi dengan teknik Certainty Response Index (CRI) yang memiliki tingkat keyakinan berskala enam (0-5) yang diberikan sebagai pretest dan posttest, Test of Logical Thingking (TOLT), pedoman wawancara siswa dan guru. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisa statistik deskriptif berupa data penguasaan konsep siswa, data kemampuan berpikir siswa, dan data konsepsi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kebanyakan memiliki tingkat intelektual operasi transisi (40,71%). Kemampuan penalaran yang paling banyak dimiliki oleh siswa adalah pada penalaran proposional, yakni sebanyak 74,34%. Kemampuan penguasaan konsep pada materi sistem saraf tertinggi ada pada rumpun struktur dan fungsi sel saraf (86%), sedangkan hasil penguasaan konsep terendah pada susunan saraf tepi (37%). Sementara miskonsepsi tertinggi pada rumpun susunan saraf tepi sebesar (44.61%) dan terendah pada rumpun struktur dan fungsi sel saraf (19.65%). Pola miskonsepsi yang terbanyak adalah pola tidak tahu konsep – miskonsepsi (TK--MK) sebesar 29,31%. ;---Level of intellectual development on students has an important role in students' concept mastery in the learning process. Logical thinking ability may underlie other thinking skills. A descriptive study of profile analyzes logical thinking skills, mastery of concepts and misconceptions high school students on the human nervous system material was carried out on a number of high school students of class XI in Kota Tangerang (n = 113), with the purposive sampling technique. The purpose of this study was to invesstigate the profile of thinking skills, mastery of concepts and misconceptions of students to the human nervous system material, as well as patterns of misconceptions that exist by using a technique Certainty Response Index (CRI). Data gathered through multiple-choice instrument which is complemented by a large selection of confidence level (CRI). Instruments of test consists of 30 multiple choice questions with four possible answers (the realm of C1, C2 and C4) based on the cognitive processes of the Revised Bloom on the dimensions of factual and conceptual knowledge. Instrument test mastery of the material concept of the human nervous system, incorporating techniques Certainty Response Index (CRI), which has a six-scale level of confidence (0-5) given as a pretest and posttest, Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT), interview form for students and teachers. Yield data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, the data in the form of students 'mastery of concepts, the data is thinking skills of students, and students' conceptions of data. Research findings showed that most students have the intellectual level of the transition operation (40.71%). Most students' thinking skills profile in the operating phase transition of girls (39.73%) and boys (42.5%). Reasoning capabilities of the most widely held by students is on proportional reasoning, which is as much as 74.34%. The ability to master the concept of the nervous system material is highest in the structure and function of nerve cells (86%), while the lowest concept mastery results on the composition of the peripheral nerves (37%). While the highest misconceptions on the edge of nervous system (44.61%) and the lowest in the group of the structure and function of nerve cells (19.65%). The patterns are patterns misconception that most do not know the concept - misconceptions (TK - MK) amounted to 29.31%.
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Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Additional Information: | No. Panggil : T BIO RAH a-2017; Pembimbing : I. Nuryani, II. Didik Riyandoko. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | kemampuan berpikir logis, penguasaan konsep dan miskonsepsi siswa, sistem saraf, logical thinking ability, mastery of concepts and misconception, human nervous system. |
Subjects: | Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Biologi S-2 |
Depositing User: | Mrs. Santi Santika |
Date Deposited: | 31 Jan 2018 06:29 |
Last Modified: | 31 Jan 2018 06:29 |
URI: | http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/28880 |
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