Sikap peduli lingkungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari diartikan sebagai reaksi peduli seseorang terhadap lingkungannya. Sikap peduli lingkungan yang dimaksudkan dalam penelitian ini merupakan suatu kecendrungan peserta didik untuk selalu menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan agar tidak menjadi rusak, tercemar, bahkan menjadi punah. Hasil pengamatan sementara secara singkat oleh penulis terhadap sekolah-sekolah pada tingkat SMA di Kabupaten Cianjur, masih banyak peserta didik yang belum begitu peduli akan lingkungan. Hal tersebut dapatdikarenakan beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah peranan dari lingkungan sosial peserta didik itu sendiri. Oleh sebab itu maka penulis dalam penelitian ini mengambil judul “Peranan Lingkungan terhadap Pembentukan Sikap Peduli Lingkungan Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Cianjur” dengan 3 rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana peranan lingkungan keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat terhadap pembentukan karakter sikap peduli lingkungan peserta didik di SMA Negeri Kab. Cianjur?Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survey. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh peserta didik program IPS kelas XI SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Cianjur, penentuan jumlah sampel dengan teknik sampel acak sederhana dibantu menggunakan rumus Slovinjadisampel penelitian berjumlah 100 peserta didik. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini berupa kuesioner, studi literatur, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan lingkungankeluarga, sekolah, danmasyarakat, sama-samamemilikiperanan yang berarti serta tanggung jawab terhadap pembentukan karakte rsikap peduli lingkungan. Dari ketiga lingkungan tersebut, lingkungan masyarakat/teman sebaya yang berperan paling tinggidalampembentukankaraktersikappedulilingkungan, hal tersebut dikatakan sesuai dengan kenyataan di lapangan, karena pada masa-masa remaja, peserta didik lebih banyak mendapatkan atau menghabiskan waktu dengan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sosialnya/kelompok bermain (berkomunikasi dan bekerjasama), belajar mengemukakan pendapat dan perasaan pada orang lain, belajar tentang norma-norma kelompok, dan memperoleh pengakuan dan penerimaan sosial. Dengan terbentuknya sikap peduli lingkungan diharapkan peserta didik mampu menciptakan kehidupan yang seimbanga ntara kecintaan pada lingkungan alam dan ketentraman lingkungan social sehingga terhindar dari berbagai masalah lingkungan.;--- The attitude of care for the environment in our daily lives is interpreted as a someone reaction to care to the environment. Attitude care environment for the purpose of this research is a tendency of students to always maintain and preserve the environment in order not to be damaged, contaminated, and even become extinct. Observations while briefly by the author of the schools at the high school level in Cianjur, there are still many students who do not really care about the environment. This can be due to several factors including the role of the social environment of learners themselves. Therefore, the authors in this study took the title "The Role Of Social Environment On Formation Of Students Attitude In Care For Environment At Cianjur State District High School “with 3 formulation of the problem, namely how the role of the family, the school and the community towards the formation of students character attitude in care for environment at cianjur state district high school ? This study uses survey research methods. The study population was all students of class XI Social Program at Cianjur State District High School, determination of the number of samples with simple random sampling technique aided by using Slovin formula so the study sample of 100 students. Instruments in this study a questionnaire, literature, and documentation study.Analysis of data using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed the family, schools, and communities, both have a significant role and responsibility towards shaping the character of environmental care attitude. From three variables, communities / peers that contribute the most in shaping the character of the attitude of care for the environment, it is said to correspond to the reality on the ground, because in the teenage years, students get more or spend time interacting with their social environment / group play (communication and collaboration), learn to express opinions and feelings of others, learn about group norms, and to gain recognition and social acceptance. With the formation of the attitude of care for the environment it is expected that the students is able to create a balanced life between the love of the natural environment and social environment of peace, so avoid the various environmental problems.
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Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Additional Information: | No.panggil : T GEO TAM p-2016; Pembimbing : I. Enok Maryani. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Social Environment, Attitude Environmental Care, Lingkungan Sosial, Sikap Peduli Lingkungan. |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Geografi S-2 |
Depositing User: | Mrs. Santi Santika |
Date Deposited: | 31 Jan 2018 06:27 |
Last Modified: | 31 Jan 2018 06:27 |
URI: | http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/28862 |
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