Supiadi, Epi (2011) MODEL CAPACITY BUILDING ORGANISASI MASYARAKAT LOKAL DALAM MENCEGAH PENYALAHGUNAAN NAPZA :Studi di Kelurahan Maleber Kecamatan Andir Kota Bandung. eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Disertasi “Model Capacity Building Organisasi Masyarakat Lokal dalam Mencegah Penyalahgunaan NAPZA (Studi di Kelurahan Maleber Kecamatan Andir Kota Bandung)” dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah penyalahgunaan NAPZA di masyarakat yang semakin marak karena rentannya masyarakat dan kurangnya kapasitas organisasi-organisasi masyarakat lokal dalam mencegah masalah tersebut. Hal ini berakar pada kurangnya kesempatan organisasi masyarakat lokal mengikuti pelatihan dan lemahnya sistem pelatihan yang ada. Penelitian ini kemudian menawarkan model capacity building menjadi solusi permasalahan tersebut. Model ini sesuai dengan konsep Bank Dunia dan sesuai dengan konsep pendidikan orang dewasa non formal yang dikombinasikan dengan konsep pengorganisasian dan pengembangan masyarakat. Model yang disusun dan dikembangkan terdiri atas 3 komponen proses utama yakni pelatihan dan pengembangan SDM, penataan organisasi tim kerja dan pendampingan. Model dikembangkan dengan metode Research & Development dan divalidasi internal melalui uji ahli, uji praktisi dan uji lapangan secara terbatas sehingga menjadi model yang siap diimplementasikan. Untuk mengetahui keefektipannya, model divalidasi eksternal didalam implementasi lapangan dan diukur dengan one group pretest-posttes design dan diuji statistik. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah model efektif dilihat dari (1) meningkatnya pengetahuan peserta pelatihan dan pengembangan SDM tentang materi yang dilatihkan dengan keefektipan mencapai 86,76%, didukung bukti statistik bahwa treatmen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan; (2) meningkatnya sikap positip peserta pelatihan dan pengembangan SDM terhadap pencegahan penyalahgunaan NAPZA dengan keefektipan mencapai 70,88%, didukung bukti statistik bahwa treatmen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan sikap; (3) terbentuknya tim kerja pencegahan penyalahgunaan NAPZA dengan kelengkapan pancasarana organisasi; (4) tersusunnya rencana kegiatan pencegahan penyalahgunaan NAPZA; (5) dampak positip nya terhadap berjalannya kegiatan pencegahan penyalahgunaan NAPZA dan berkurangnya tingkat kerawanan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan (1) agar peneliti selanjutnya melakukan penelitian tentang aspek pendidikan non formal dalam pencegahan penyalahgunaan NAPZA berbasis masyarakat; (2) agar pendidikan luar sekolah (PLS) mengembangkan konsep penataan organisasi tim kerja dalam kurikulum PLS khususnya yang membahas materi pelatihan serta pengorganisasian dan pengembangan masyarakat; (3) agar Kementerian Sosial sebagai pembuat kebijakan merumuskan pedoman impelementasi model ini dan disosialisasikan di seluruh Indonesia disertai himbauan agar setiap Provinsi dan kabupaten/Kota melaksanakannya melalui dana dekonsentrasi dan APBD; (4) agar pengguna model mengalokasikan waktu implementasi model sedikitnya 18 bulan yang terbagi menjadi 3 periode per 6 bulanan. Juga ketika model ini diaplikasikan pada beberapa desa/kelurahan dalam satu kecamatan, maka pada tingkat kecamatan perlu dibentuk forum tim kerja kecamatan untuk pemberdayaan masing-masing tim kerja dan pengembangan program serta penyusunan rekomendasi kebijakan bagi pemerintah daerah. Dissertation on Capacity Building Model of Local Community Organization in Preventing Drugs Abuse (Studies in Maleber Village of Andir Sub-District on Bandung City), motivated by the problem of drug abuse in society is increasingly widespread because of the vulnerability of society and lack of capacity of local community organizations in preventing such problems. It is rooted in the lack of local community organizations the opportunity to follow the training and the weakness of the existing training system. The study thus offers a model of capacity building be a solution to these problems. This model practiced in accordance with the World Bank and in accordance with the concept of non-formal adult education, combined with the concept of community organizing and development. Models are conceived and developed consists of three main components namely the process of training and human resource development, structuring the organization of work teams and facilitation. The model developed by the method of Research & Development and internally validated through expert testing, test practitioners and field tests are limited, so model be ready to implemented. To determine their effectiveness, externally validated models in the implementation of the field and measured with a one group pretest-posttes tested design and statistics. Conclusion effective model of research is seen from (1) increasing participants' knowledge of training and human resource development of the material that trained with the effectiveness reached 86.76%, supported by statistical evidence that the Treatment significantly influence the increase of knowledge, (2) increased positive attitudes of participants of training and human resource development on the prevention of drug abuse with the effectiveness reached 70.88%, supported by statistical evidence that a significant Treatment effect on improving attitudes, (3) formation of working teams organization of drug abuse prevention with the completeness five facilities; (4) compilation plan drug abuse prevention activities, (5 ) its positive impact on the passage of drug abuse prevention activities and reduced levels of community vulnerability. Based on the results of the study recommended (1) so that next researchers conducted research on aspects of non-formal education in community-based drug abuse prevention, (2) for non formal education (PLS) developed the concept of teamwork in organizational management curriculum that addresses the particular PLS training materials and organizing and community development, (3) that the Ministry of Social Affairs as policy makers to formulate guidelines implementation this model and socialized throughout Indonesia with the appeal that each province and regency / city carry it out through the deconcentration and regional budgets, (4) so that the user model implementation model to allocate time at least 18 months which is divided into 3 periods per 6 months. Also when this model is applied to several villages / urban villages in one district, then at the district level task force be formed sub-forum for the empowerment of each team work and program development and preparation of policy recommendations for local governments


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Item Type: Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd)
Additional Information: No Panggil D PLS SUP m-2011
Uncontrolled Keywords: Organisasi Masyarakat
Subjects: L Education > LC Special aspects of education
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Luar Sekolah S-3
Depositing User: Staf Koordinator 3
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2014 02:25
Last Modified: 12 Jun 2014 02:25

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