Salva Yuriva Paramanandani, - (2024) KIPRAH PAOMAN ART SEBAGAI PELESTARI BATIK DERMAYON DI KABUPATEN INDRAMAYU (1981-2023). S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis mengenai sejarah lokal khususnya daerah asal penulis yaitu Indramayu. Budaya khas Indramayu yang salah satunya disebut Batik Dermayon memiliki keadaan yang kurang dikenal dan terancam punah. Hadirnya Paoman Art di Kabupaten Indramayu yang bergerak di bidang industri pemasaran batik dianggap sebagai babak baru pelestarian Batik Dermayon. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji peranan dan dampak keberadaan Paoman Art di Indramayu dalam melestarikan Batik Dermayon. Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode historis seperti heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, pertama, Paoman Art berdiri atas rasa peduli Ibu Siti Ruminah mengenai keadaan batik buatan tangan para istri nelayan yang menunggu suaminya pulang melaut, dimana saat itu batik ini hampir punah, hal ini pun menjadikan Ibu Siti Ruminah tergerak untuk mewadahi para pembatik agar dapat memasarkan batiknya dengan bantuan dan relasi yang dimilikinya, agar Batik Dermayon tetap lestari keberadaannya. Kedua, upaya Paoman Art dalam melestarikan Batik Dermayon yakni melalui berbagai cara seperti, pendaftaran hak paten motif batik, pelatihan dan edukasi membatik ke pelajar sebagai generasi muda daerah dan pembatik, dan melakukan promosi di pameran-pameran dan acara di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri dengan tujuan memperkenalkan batik khas Indramayu ke lingkup yang lebih luas. Ketiga, dampak keberadaan Paoman Art di Kabupaten Indramayu dalam melestarikan Batik Khas Dermayon yaitu terbukanya lapangan pekerjaan yang diikuti dengan berkembangnya taraf hidup masyarakat sekitar, berkembangnya daerah pembatikan di Desa Paoman yang kemudian menjadi desa wisata batik khas Indramayu, serta merubah sikap pemerintah daerah maupun masyarakat terhadap pentingnya pelestarian Batik Dermayon. This thesis is motivated by the author's interest in local history, especially in the author's hometown of Indramayu. The distinctive culture of Indramayu, including the endangered Batik Dermayon, has not gained much recognition. The emergence of Paoman Art in the Indramayu Regency, which is involved in the batik marketing industry, is considered a new chapter in the preservation of Batik Dermayon. This research aims to examine the role and impact of Paoman Art in Indramayu in preserving Batik Dermayon. The methods employed include historical methods such as heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography.Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that, firstly, Paoman Art was established out of concern by Mrs. Siti Ruminah regarding the state of handcrafted batik made by the wives of fishermen waiting for their husbands to return from the sea. At that time, this batik was nearly extinct, prompting Mrs. Siti Ruminah to provide a platform for batik makers to market their batik with her assistance and connections, ensuring the continued existence of Batik Dermayon. Secondly, Paoman Art's efforts to preserve Batik Dermayon include various methods such as registering the patent rights for batik motifs, providing training and education in batik making to students as the younger generation in the region, and promoting batik in domestic and international exhibitions and events to introduce the unique batik of Indramayu to a wider audience. Thirdly, the impact of Paoman Art's presence in the Indramayu Regency in preserving Batik Dermayon includes the creation of employment opportunities followed by an improvement in the living standards of the surrounding community. This has led to the development of the batik industry in the Paoman Village, which has subsequently become a batik tourism village unique to Indramayu. Furthermore, it has changed the attitude of the local government and the community towards the importance of preserving Batik Dermayon.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Erlina Wiyanarti: 5992644 Iing Yulianti: 5992636
Uncontrolled Keywords: Paoman Art, Batik Dermayon, Pembatik Paoman , Pelestarian Budaya. Paoman Art, Dermayon Batik, Paoman Batik Makers, Cultural Preservation
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General)
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan Sejarah
Depositing User: Salva Yuriva Paramanandani
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2024 06:19
Last Modified: 26 Feb 2024 06:19

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