Kusumaryono, R.Suyato (2013) MODEL PEMBELAJARAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KREATIVITAS NYATA PADA MATA PELAJARAN MUATAN LOKAL PENDIDIKAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP :Studi di SMP Kabupaten Garut. eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Hakekat penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kesenjangan antara harapan yang diinginkan melalui: “menampilkan kreativitas melalui kegiatan nyata dalam rangka meningkatkan daya dukung lingkungan dan upaya pelestarian keseimbangan lingkungan hidup” sebagaimana tuntutan salah satu isi tujuan kurikulum Muatan Lokal Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (Mulok PLH), dengan kenyataan yang terjadi berupa kurang optimalnya kreativitas nyata sebagai hasil belajar peserta didik pada jenjang pendidikan SMP di Kabupaten Garut, akibat dari kondisi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru secara seadanya. Rendahnya kreativitas nyata peserta didik dimungkinkan karena guru: (1) kurang memahami konsep kreativitas, sehingga tidak tahu bagaimana proses kreatif dilakukan pada peserta didik, (2) adanya keraguan apakah kreativitas dapat diterapkan pada PBM melalui metode atau model pembelajaran di kelas, dan (3) guru dalam pembelajarannya lebih pada pencapaian nilai akademik dari hasil proses hafalan (konvergen) ketimbang berpikir kreatif (divergen). Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan produk model pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kreativitas nyata peserta didik, yang sekaligus pula sebagai perbaikan mutu implementasi kurikulum PLH di SMP melalui pendekatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Research and Development). Adapun tahapan penelitian ini meliputi : (1) studi pendahuluan (prasurvey), guna mengidentifikasi kondisi pembelajaran PLH yang sedang berlangsung, (2) dari hasil pemetaan studi pendahuluan tersebut tindak lanjut berikutnya mengembangkan model pembelajaran, yang dilakukan melalui serangkaian tahapan ujicoba hingga menjadi produk model yang siap pakai, dan (3) setelah diuji coba, dilakukanlah uji validasi guna memperoleh tingkat efektivitas model, kepada 6 (enam) sekolah yang tersebar di 6 (enam) kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Garut. Dari keseluruhan sekolah yang digunakan untuk uji validasi tersebut selanjutnya dikelompokkan menjadi dua bagian, yaitu menjadi sekolah Kelompok eksperimen (KE) dan sekolah Kelompok Kontrol (KK), lalu dibandingkan dalam proses pembelajaran antara model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan kepada kelompok eksperimen, dengan model pembelajaran secara konvensional kepada kelompok kontrol. Hasil uji validasi berdasarkan skor posttest setelah dibandingkan dari hasil skor pretest, melalui pengujian statistik dengan uji t, menunjukkan tingginya hasil belajar berupa peningkatan kreativitas siswa pada kolompok eksperimen, jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Dengan demikian berdasarkan temuan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, secara signifikan cukup efektif dapat meningkatkan kreativitas nyata peserta didik sebagaimana tujuan kurikulum Mulok PLH, oleh karenanya menjadi sangat penting apabila model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan tersebut dapat direkomendasikan sebagai salah satu alternatif bagi perbaikan kualitas pembelajaran PLH. The background of this research is the gap between one of the demands of the local curriculum goals of environmental education (PLH), that is to show "creativity” through concrete activities in order to increase the capacity of the environment and the preservation of environment balance", andthe condition of learning that takes place in the junior high school (SMP), which is apparently done by the teacher not optimally, so it impacts on less optimal creativity of learners as a result of PLH learning . Lack of real creativity of learners could be causedby (1) the teacher is lack of understanding of the concept of creativity, so he or she does not know how the creative process is done by the learners, (2) there is doubt whether creativity can be applied to the teaching-learning process through a method or model of learning in the classroom, and (3) the teacher in learning process emphazisesmore on the mark of academic achievement (convergent) rather than creative thinking (divergent). Therefore the problem of this research is how the learning model is, and how high the effectiveness of the developed learning model can improve the real creativity of learners in the PLH learning. The purpose of this study is to produce a learning model to increase learners' real creativity, and at the same time, to improve the quality of implementation of PLH curriculum in junior high school through Research and Development approach (Research and Development). The steps of the study are (1) preliminary studies (prasurvey), in order to identify the condition of PLH ongoing learning, (2) mapping the results of a preliminary study, then developing a model of learning, which is processed through a series of steps of test and trial to produce aready-use model product, and (3) after being tested, then conducting validation tests in order to obtain the effectiveness of the model. The validation tests were conducted on six (6) schools with different qualifications across 6 (six) sub districts in Garut district, which are divided into 3 (three) schools as experimental groups (EGs), and the other 3 (three) schools as control groups (CGs). This validation process was conducted by comparing learning model developed to the experimental group, with conventional learning models implemented to the control group. The result of validation tests is based on the posttest scores after being comparedwith the results of the pretest scores, through statistical test (t test). The result of validation showes that there is higher increase creativity on EGs than CGs. Therefore, based on these findings it can be concluded that the developed learning model is significantly effective enough to improve the real creativity of learners, and also effective to improve the quality of learning so it is relevant to the purpose of PLH learning. The finding of this reserch have implications, both theoretically and practically to the development of the curriculum. In terms of theoretical implications, it leads to the development of effective learning model, which is conducted through the structured steps of the creative process, to make learning more meaningful and more fun in approaching the curriculum. While in the practical implications, the model can be used as an alternative to overcome the low quality of teaching PLH, to increase the creativity of students of the junior high school, as well as the quality of teaching and the teacher’s performan.


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Item Type: Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd)
Subjects: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia > Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pengembangan Kurikulum S-3
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pengembangan Kurikulum S-3
Depositing User: Riki N Library ICT
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2013 08:06
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2013 08:06

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