Mawardini, Sinta (2017) PENGARUH CUSTOMER DELIGHT TERHADAPCUSTOMER LOYALTY DI ASTON BRAGA HOTEL & RESIDENCEBANDUNG : Survei terhadap Tamu Member yang Menginap di Aston Braga Hotel & Residence. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Industri pariwisata dalam berkembangannya mengalami pertumbuhan yang sangat pesatdanmenjadisalahsatuindustriterbesarsebagaipenggerakperekonomiannegarapadasaatinisertapadawaktu yang akandatang. Pariwisatasebagaisalahsatusektorkehidupantelahmengambilperanpentingdalampembangunanperekonomianbangsa-bangsa di dunia, khususnyapadadekadeterakhir, yang ditunjukandenganmeningkatnyaperekonomianbangsa-bangsa di dunia yang semakinbaikdanmaju. Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung sebagai salah satu hotel internasionalbintang empat di Kota Bandung selalu berupaya untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan eksisitensidansegala aspek penting yang menyangkut tujuan utama hotel yang salahsatunya mendapatkan profitabilitas. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh Aston Braga & Residence adalah tingkat loyalitastamu memberyang mengalamipenurunandaritahunsebelumnya. Oleh karena itu Aston Braga Hotel & Residence harus memiliki strategi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sehubungandenganhaltersebut, peneliti memilih customer delight sebagai salah satu strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkandanmenambah tingkat customer loyalty. Penelitian ini terdiridarivariabel indipenden (X) yang digunakan yaitu customer delight yang terdiri dari justice, esteem, security, trust, dan variety. Variabel dependen (Y) yaitu customer loyalty tamu member. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory surveydanpendekatancross sectional.Sampeldalampenelitianinisebanyak 110 respondenyaitutamu memberyang menginap di Aston Braga Hotel & Residencedenganteknikpenarikandata yang digunakanyaitusystematic random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanadakahregresiberganda.Pelaksanaancustomer delightdi Aston Braga Hotel & Residenceberada pada kategoritinggi, dimensitrustmendapatkanpenilaiantertinggi dan penilaian terendah yaitu variety. Kemudian tanggapan mengenai customer loyalty di Aston Braga Hotel & Residence berada pada kategori tinggi, dimensi liking of the brand mendapatkan penilaian tertinggi dan dimensi commitment mendapatkan penilaian terendah.Hasil penelitian menunjukkanadanyapengaruhsignifikanantaracustomer delightdancustomer loyalty. Kata Kunci : Customer Delight, Customer Loyalty, Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung, Tourism industry in its development has been increased rapidly and became one of the biggest industry as economic activator nowadays and in the future. Tourism become the important part of economic development in a lot of countries in the world particularly in this decade. Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung as one of four star international hotel in Bandung always try to maintain and improve its existence and every important aspect concerning the main goals of the hotel such as profitability. The problem that face by Aston Braga Hotel & Residence is loyalty of guest member. Hence Aston Braga Hotel & Residence must have a strategy to overcome the problem. Therefore the researcher choose customer delight as one of the solution that can be implemented to improved and to increase loyalty of the guest member. In this research, the independent variable (X) use are customer delight consisting justice, esteem, security, trust and variety. Dependent variable (Y) is customer loyalty. The type of research use are descriptive and verificative with method used are explanatory survey and cross sectional approach. The sample in this study is 110 respondents that member guests who stay at the Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung, the sampling technique used systematic random sampling. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. Implementation of customer delight at Aston Braga Hotel & Residence is located in the high category, the dimension of trust get the highest ratings and lowest ratings is variety. Then the feedback regarding the customer loyalty at Aston Braga Hotel & Residence is located in the high category, the dimension of the liking of the brand get the highest ratings and the dimension of commitment get the lowest ratings. The results showed there is a significant influence of customer delight and customer loyalty. Key words :Customer Delight, Customer Loyalty, Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : S MPP MAW p-2017; Pembimbing : I. Eeng Ahman, II. Dewi Pancawati; NIM. 1305367
Uncontrolled Keywords: Customer Delight, Customer Loyalty, Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung, Customer Delight, Customer Loyalty, Aston Braga Hotel & Residence Bandung
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Manajemen Pemasaran Pariwisata
Depositing User: Users 163009 not found.
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2018 03:20
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2018 03:20

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