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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya tingkat kreativitas siswa, hal ini dapat terlihat dari ketika guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk membuat kliping, siswa hanya mencari gambar di internet kemudian menempelkannya secara sederhana ke dalam sebuah kertas, ketika guru meminta siswa presentasi, tampilan power point yang dibuat siswa tampak monoton dan materi yang disajikan pun hanya berupa paragraf-paragraf yang disalin dari internet, selain itu juga ketika guru memberikan tugas berupa pertanyaan kepada siswa, jawaban siswa cenderung teks book atau jawabannya hanya menyalin dari buku atau dari internet tanpa menuangkan ide-ide nya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan utama, yaitu meningkatkan kreativitas siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS melalui model project-based learning. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan menggunakan desain Kemmis Taggart. Pelaksanaan PTK desain Kemmis Taggart dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan pada setiap siklusnya, yaitu tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Instrumen yang digunakan diantaranya lembar panduan observasi, catatan lapangan, pedoman wawancara dan rubrik penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini, penggunaan model project-based learning telah berhasil meningkatkan kreativitas siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS di Kelas VIII-E SMPN 5 Bandung. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil pelaksanaan penelitian siklus I berada pada kriteria cukup, siklus II meningkat pada kriteria baik. Dan siklus III kriteria meningkat lagi menjadi sangat baik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi pihak sekolah dan guru untuk dapat mengembangkan pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa. ;--- This research background is the low of student creativity rate, this can be seen when teachers give assignments to students to make clipping, students just looking for pictures on the internet and then copy paste it into a paper, when the teacher asks the students presentations, power point display made the students seem monotonous and material that is presented only in the form of paragraphs, that are copied from the internet, in addition when the teacher gives assignments in the form of questions to students, the answer just copying from the book or from the internet without pouring his ideas. Thus, this research has the main purpose, that is increase student’s creativity in Social Study through project-based learning model. The research method used is the research of class acting research or Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) with Kemmis Taggart design. The PTK implementation in Kemmis Taggart design has finished in several step on each cycle, that is planning, execution, observation, and reflecting. The data collection used is observation, field note, interview guidance and rubric assessment. Based on this class acting research result, the use of project-based learning model had success increasing student creativity when learning Social Study in VIII-E class of 5 Bandung Junior High School. Its seen by the result of research implementation which done in three cycle that show the enough significantly increase in each cycle. The first cycle show in one student creativity cycle in enough category. The second cycle that change category become good position. And on the third cycle, it increase again, student creativity is on the very good category. The results of this research can be a recommendation for the school and the teacher to be able to develop the learning that can enhance the creativity of the students.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Additional Information: | No. Panggil: S PSIPS HID p-2016; Pembimbing: I.Dadang Sundawa, II.Kokom Komalasari |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Project-Based Learning, Kreativitas, Pembelajaran IPS, Project-Based Learning, Creativity, Social Studies Learning. |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) L Education > LB Theory and practice of education |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan IPS |
Depositing User: | Mr mhsinf 2017 |
Date Deposited: | 21 Aug 2017 07:55 |
Last Modified: | 21 Aug 2017 07:55 |
URI: | http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/25045 |
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