Awaliah, Yatun Romdonah (2014) ÉKRANISASI NOVEL CARMAD KARYA TJANDRAHAYAT KANA PILEM BOSS CARMAD KARYA CHAERUL UMAM (Uilikan Struktural). S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Ti mimiti muncul jeung mekarna pilem di Indonésia, nepi ka kiwari aya genep karya Sastra Sunda nu diékranisasi, di antarana novel Carmad. Saméméh dinovelkeun, Carmad téh carita nyambung nu dimuat di majalah Manglé, caritana loba nu mikaresep. Dina taun 1990, ieu novel diékranisasi jadi pilem Boss Carmad ku Chaerul Umam, jeung kungsi meunang sawatara panglélér dina acara Festival Pilem Indonésia 1991. Dumasar kana hal éta, ieu panalungtikan téh dijudulan Ékranisasi Novel Carmad Karya Tjandrahayat kana Pilem Boss Carmad Karya Chaerul Umam, Ulikan Struktural. Tujuanana nya éta pikeun ngadéskripsikeun unsur-unsur struktural nu aya dina novel Carmad jeung pilem Boss Carmad, nganalisis hubungan-hubungan strukturalna, nganalisis prosés ékranisasina, jeung maluruh bébédaan antara unsur-unsurna. Métode nu digunakeun nya éta déskriptif komparatif ku cara ngagunakeun téhnik dokuméntasi. Tina hasil panalungtikan aya sawatara hal nu kapaluruh. Hiji, novel Carmad téh onjoy lain ukur tina unsur téma jeung amanatna, tapi ogé dina unsur latar, tokoh jeung penokohan, jeung gaya basana. Kadua, pilem Boss Carmad téh pilem sosial komédi nu mibanda galur, tokoh jeung penokohan, sarta latar nu unik. Katilu, ayana hubungan unsur-unsur struktural antara novel Carmad jeung pilem Boss Carmad. Kaopat, prosés ékranisasi ngajadikeun ayana bébédaan antara unsur-unsur struktural novel Carmad jeung pilem Boss Carmad, balukar tina ayana prosés nambahan, ngurangan, jeung robah varasi nu dilakukeun ku sutradara dumasar kana waktu puter jeung kapentingan bisnis. Sejak muncul dan berkembangnya film di Indonesia, sampai sekarang ada enam karya sastra Sunda yang diekranisasi, di antaranya adalah novel Carmad karya Tjandahayat. Sebelum dinovelkan, Carmad merupakan cerita bersambung yang banyak disukai di majalah Mangle. Pada taun 1990, novel ini diékranisasi menjadi film Boss Carmad oleh sutadara Chaerul Umam dan pernah mendapatan beberapa penghargaan pada acara Festival Film Indonesia tahun 1991. Karena hal tersebut, penelitian ini diberi judul Ekranisasi Novel Carmad karya Tjandrahayat pada Film Boss Carmad Karya Caherul Umam, Kajiann Struktural. Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis unsur-unsur struktural yang ada pada novel Carmad dan film Boss Carmad, mengkaji hubungan-hubungan strukturalnya, mengkaji proses ekranisasinya, dan mencari perbedaan antara unsur-unsurnya. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif komparatif dengan menggunakan tekhnik dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh beberapa temuan. Pertama, novel Carmad memiliki kelebihan bukan hanya dari unsur tema dan amanat, tapi juga dalam unsur latar, tokoh dan penokohan, dan gaya bahasanya. Kedua, film Boss Carmad ialah film sosial komedi yang memiliki alur, tokoh dan penokohan, serta latar yang cukup unik. Ketiga, ada hubungan unsur-unsur struktural antara novel Carmad dan film Boss Carmad. Keempat, proses ekranisasi menjadikan adanya beberapa perbedaan antra unsur-unsur struktural novel Carmad dan pilm Boss Carmad, karena adanya proses penambahan, pengurangan dan perubahan variasi yang dilakukan oleh sutradara berdasarkan waktu putar dan kepentingan bisnis Since film has risen in Indonesia, there are six Sundanese literary works which had an ecranisation. Carmad novel by Tjandahayat is one of them. Before it turned into novel, Carmad was the favorite serial in Mangle magazine. In 1990, this novel had an ecranisation to the Boss Carmad by Chaerul Umam as the film director and got some awards in Indonesia Film Festival in 1991. Therefore, this study is entitled “An Ecranisation of Carmad novel by Tjandrahayat to the Boss Carmad film by Chaerul Umam, Structural Research.” This study was aimed at analyzing the structural elements in the Carmad novel and the Boss Carmad film and finding out the difference between its elements. The comparative descriptive method was employed as the theoretical framework by using documentation technique in this study. There are some findings obtained from this study. First, the Carmad novel has some advantages, not only in the theme element and message, but also in the setting, characters and characterization, and its figurative languages. Second, the Boss Carmad film is a comedy social film which has the unique plot, unique characters and characterization, and unique setting. Third, there is the relation of structural elements between the Carmad novel and the Boss Carmad film. Fourth, there are some differences between the structural elements of the Carmad novel and the Boss Carmad film due to the ecranisation process, because of the expansion, reduction, and the change of variation by the film director based on the film duration and the business interest.


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Official URL: http://repository.upi.edu
Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: No. Panggil : T BSUN AWA e-2014; Pembimbing : I. Dedi Koswara II. Dingding Hasrudin
Uncontrolled Keywords: ékranisasi, novel, pilem, struktural, ekranisasi, ecranisation
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LT Textbooks
P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Daerah
Depositing User: Mr. Tri Agung
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2015 07:26
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2015 07:26
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/15670

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