Fadhila Arieka, - (2024) REPRESENTASl FEMINISME DALAM ALBUM (G)I-DLE I LOVE: Kajian Semiotika. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa representasi feminisme berlandaskan fenomena 4B movement yang marak digaungkan di negeri asalnya Korea Selatan yang lambat laun menyebar ke berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Pada gerakan ini perempuan bergerak untuk memisahkan diri dari laki-laki sebagai bentuk protes akan ketidakadilan yang mereka terima. Penelitian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan teori semiotika Roland barthes untuk mengkaji simbol-simbol yang terdapat pada lirik, video musik, konsep, dan pakaian yang dipakai dalam album I Love. Simbol-simbol tersebut dikaji ke dalam tiga pemaknaan, yaitu denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Dalam temuan rumusan masalah pertama, terdapat 4 tangkapan layar dari video musik Nxde dan 1 tangkapan layar dari video musik DARK (X-File), 6 temuan pada lirik lagu Nxde, 3 temuan pada lirik lagu “조각품 (Sculpture)”, 2 temuan pada lirik lagu LOVE, 1 temuan pada lirik lagu Reset, dan 1 temuan pada lirik lagu DARK (X-File) yang kemudian dikaji dengan teori semiotika Roland Barthes. Dari temuan tersebut, terdapat representasi feminisme yang mengarah pada aliran feminisme radikal dimana isu yang dibahas berupa masalah objektifikasi, seksualisasi, kekerasan, glorifikasi pernikahan, dan pembebasan diri dari belenggu laki-laki. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan yang substansial dalam mengembangkan topik feminisme dalam ranah K-Pop dan kajian semiotika Roland Barthes. Kata kunci: album I Love (G)I-DLE, analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, feminisme dalam industri musik K-Pop, feminisme radikal. ABSTRACT his research aims to analyze the representation of feminism based on the 4B movement phenomenon that has been widely promoted in its country of origin, South Korea, and has gradually spread to various countries, including Indonesia. In this movement, women are advocating for separating themselves from men as a form of protest against the injustices they have experienced. This study is conducted using a descriptive qualitative method and Roland Barthes' semiotic theory to examine the symbols found in the lyrics, music videos, concepts, and clothing featured in the album "I Love." These symbols are analyzed through three levels of meaning: denotation, connotation, and myth. In the findings of the first research question, there are 4 screenshots from the music video "Nxde" and 1 screenshot from the music video "DARK (X-File)," 6 findings in the lyrics of the song "Nxde," 3 findings in the lyrics of the song “조각품 (Sculpture),” 2 findings in the lyrics of the song "LOVE," 1 finding in the lyrics of the song "Reset," and 1 finding in the lyrics of the song "DARK (X-File)," all of which are then analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. From these findings, there is a representation of feminism leaning towards radical feminism, where the issues discussed include objectification, sexualization, violence, the glorification of marriage, and liberation from the confines of men. This research is expected to serve as a substantial reference for developing topics related to feminism within the realm of K-Pop and Roland Barthes' semiotic studies. Keywords: Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, feminism in the K-Pop industry, radical feminism, I Love by (G)I-DLE 초록 본 연구는 한국에서 시작되어 점차 인도네시아를 포함한 여러 나라로 확산된 4B 운동 현상을 바탕으로 한 페미니즘의 재현을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 이 운동에서 여성들은 자신들이 겪은 불공정에 대한 항의로 남성으로부터 분리되기 위해 움직이고 있습니다. 이 연구는 서술적 질적 방법과 롤랑 바르트의 기호학 이론을 사용하여 앨범 "I Love"에 나타난 가사, 뮤직 비디오, 콘셉트, 의상 속의 상징을 분석합니다. 이러한 상징들은 기호학의 세 가지 의미 수준인 기의, 기표, 신화를 통해 분석됩니다. 첫 번째 연구 문제의 결과로는, 뮤직 비디오 "Nxde"에서 4개의 스크린샷, 뮤직 비디오 "DARK (X-File)"에서 1개의 스크린샷, "Nxde" 노래 가사에서 6개의 발견, “조각품 (Sculpture)” 노래 가사에서 3개의 발견, "LOVE" 노래 가사에서 2개의 발견, "Reset" 노래 가사에서 1개의 발견, "DARK (X-File)" 노래 가사에서 1개의 발견이 있었으며, 모두 롤랑 바르트의 기호학 이론으로 분석되었습니다. 이러한 발견을 통해 객관화, 성적 대상화, 폭력, 결혼의 미화, 남성으로부터의 해방과 같은 문제를 다루는 급진적 페미니즘을 향한 페미니즘의 재현이 나타납니다. 이 연구는 K-팝 분야에서 페미니즘 주제와 롤랑 바르트의 기호학 연구를 발전시키는 데 있어 중요한 참고자료가 되기를 기대합니다. 키워드: 롤란드 바르트스의 기호학적 분석, K-팝 산업 내 페미니즘, 급진적 페미니즘, (여자)아이들 앨범 I Love

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing Didin Samsudin: 6102061 Risa Triarisanti: 6102047
Uncontrolled Keywords: lbum I Love (G)I-DLE, analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, feminisme dalam industri musik K-Pop, feminisme radikal. Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, feminism in the K-Pop industry, radical feminism, I Love by (G)I-DLE. 롤란드 바르트의 기호학적 분석, K-팝 산업 내 페미니즘, 급진적 페미니즘, (여자)아이들 앨범 I Love .
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Korea
Depositing User: Fadhila Arieka
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 07:12
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 07:12

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