Atie Mujiarti, - (2023) ANALISIS GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMATIONAL KEPALA SEKOLAH DASAR PROGRAM SEKOLAH PENGGERAK DI KECAMATAN CIAMIS ( Studi Kasus pada SDN 1 Cisadap Kabupaten Ciamis ). S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen kepemimpinan transformasional yang dimiliki oleh kepala sekolah Sekolah Penggerak di SDN 1 Cisadap yang meliputi idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intelectual stimulation, individualized consideration. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru, dan staf. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yaitu sebuah proses penyelidikan, pemahaman didasarkan pada perbedaan tradisi-tradisi metodologis pada penelitian yang menjelaskan permasalahan sosial atau manusiawi (Cresswell, 2013). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut. (1) Idealized influence yang dimiliki Kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Cisadap yang termasuk sekolah penggerak yaitu melibatkan guru, karyawan, pengawas pembina, komite sekolah dan tokoh masyarakat baik dalam penyusunan visi, misi, tujuan, dan program kegiatan sekolah. Melalui kolaborasi guru diajak melakukan perubahan dalam pendekatan pembelajaran melalui implementasi kurikulum merdeka yang mengusung pendekatan paradigma baru dalam pembelajaran (2) Inspirational motivation yang dimiliki Kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Cisadap yang termasuk sekolah penggerak yaitu kepala sekolah tidak hanya memakai satu gaya kepemimpinan tapi selalu melihat situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Kepala sekolah telah memberikan cara berpikir baru bagi kepala sekolah dalam mengelola sekolah dan memimpin pembelajaran (3) Intellectual stimulation yang dimiliki Kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Cisadap yang termasuk sekolah penggerak yaitu kepala sekolah menanamkan penyelesaian kerja secara cekatan, tepat waktu, dan kepala sekolah membuka wawasan cara belajar baru bagi guru dan siswa melalui platform digital dan berbagi pengalaman. (4) Individualized consideration yang dimiliki Kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Cisadap yang termasuk sekolah penggerak yaitu kepala sekolah selalu menindaklanjuti kebutuhan guru, karyawan maupun siswa, selalu mengadakan workshop, pelatihan in-house training ( IHT ) atau focus group discussion ( FGD ). Melakukan perbaikan pembelajaran secara berkelanjutan melalui pengembangan budaya refleksi, dan penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila. This study aims to determine the components of transformational leadership possessed by the school principal of the Mobilization School at SDN 1 Cisadap which includesidealized influence, inspirational motivation, intelectual stimulation, individualized consideration. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were school principals, teachers and staff. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques, observation, and documentation.This study uses a qualitative research method, which is a process of inquiry, understanding based on differences in methodological traditions in research explaining social or human problems (Cresswell, 2013). The results of the research show as follows. (1) The idealized influence that belongs to the Principal of Cisadap 1 Public Elementary School which is a driving school, namely involving teachers, employees, supervising supervisors, school committees and community leaders both in the preparation of the vision, mission, objectives and school activity programs. Through collaboration, teachers are invited to make changes in the learning approach through the implementation of an independent curriculum that carries a new paradigm approach in learning.(2) Inspirational motivation of the Principal of Cisadap 1 Public Elementary School, which is a driving school, that is, the principal does not only use one leadership style but always looks at the situation and conditions faced. The principal has provided a new way of thinking for the principal in managing the school and leading learning (3) Intellectual stimulation owned by the Principal of Cisadap 1 Public Elementary School which includes a driving school, namely the principal instills work completion in a deft, timely manner, and the principal opens insight a new way of learning for teachers and students through digital platforms and sharing experiences. (4) Individualized consideration that belongs to the Principal of Cisadap 1 Public Elementary School which is a driving school, that is, the principal always follows up on the needs of teachers, employees and students, always holds workshops,pelatihan in-house training (IHT) orfocus group discussion ( FGD ). Continuously improving learning through developing a culture of reflection, and strengthening the profile of Pancasila students.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing : Heri Yusuf Muslihin: 6118136 Sima Mulyadi: 6682859
Uncontrolled Keywords: kepemimpinan transformasional, kepala sekolah, sekolah penggerak transformational leadership, school principals, driving schools
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya > PGSD S2 UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya
Depositing User: Atie Mujiarti
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2024 07:37
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2024 07:37

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