Dendy Maulana Gusmawan, - (2024) PENGARUH BLENDED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS MATEMATIS DAN SELF-REGULATED LEARNING SISWA: Studi Meta-analisis. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, mengevaluasi, dan membandingkan dampak Blended learning terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan self-regulated learning (SRL) siswa. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menyelidiki serta menguji beberapa faktor potensial yang dapat menjadi penyebab heterogenitas dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan SRL siswa melalui metode studi reviu sistematik dan meta-analisis. Hasil pengumpulan data menunjukkan bahwa penerapan blended learning pada submodel flex, self blend, dan eriched virtual masih rendah. Hal serupa juga terjadi untuk penerapan blended learning pada jenjang pendidikan Sekolah Dasar yang masih rendah. Dari 17 data studi primer yang disintesis, ditemukan bahwa implementasi blended learning memiliki dampak yang tinggi terhadap berpikir kritis matematis siswa. Sedangkan, dari 12 data studi primer yang disintesis, ditemukan bahwa implementasi blended learning memiliki dampak yang sangat tinggi terhadap kemampuan SRL siswa. Lebih lanjut, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa yang menerima blended learning ditinjau dari submodel yang digunakan, jenjang pendidikan, demografi penduduk, tahun penelitian, dan kapasitas kelas. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam kemampuan SRL siswa yang menerima blended learning ditinjau dari jenjang pendidikan, demografi penduduk, tahun penelitian, dan kapasitas kelas, namun ada perbedaan signifikan dalam kemampuan SRL siswa yang menerima blended learning ditinjau dari submodel blended learning yang digunakan. Temuan ini memberikan saran bagi para praktisi pendidikan matematika untuk mempertimbangkan blended learning sebagai metode pembelajaran alternatif guna meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan SRL siswa. Selain itu, dalam menerapkan blended learning untuk mengembangkan kemampuan SRL siswa, perhatian terhadap submodel yang digunakan dengan mengutamakn submodel station rotation dibandingkan dengan submodel flipped classroom. This research aims to describe, evaluate, and compare the impact of Blended Learning on students' mathematical critical thinking abilities and Self-regulated learning (SRL). Additionally, the study seeks to investigate and test several potential factors that may contribute to the heterogeneity in mathematical critical thinking abilities and SRL among students through a systematic review and meta-analysis method. The data collection results indicate that the implementation of blended learning in the flex, self-blend, and enriched virtual submodels is still low. A similar situation is observed for the application of blended learning at the Elementary School level, which is also low. From the synthesis of 17 primary study data, it is found that the implementation of blended learning has a high impact on students' mathematical critical thinking. Meanwhile, from the synthesis of 12 primary study data, it is found that the implementation of blended learning has a very high impact on students' SRL abilities. Furthermore, the research results show that there is no significant difference in students' mathematical critical thinking abilities who receive blended learning, considering the submodel used, educational level, population demographics, research years, and class capacity. Additionally, the research results indicate that there is no significant difference in students' SRL abilities who receive blended learning, considering educational levels, population demographics, research years, and class capacity. However, there is a significant difference in students' SRL abilities who receive blended learning when considering the specific submodel of blended learning used. These findings suggest that mathematics education practitioners should consider blended learning as an alternative teaching method to enhance students' mathematical critical thinking abilities and SRL. Furthermore, when implementing blended learning to develop students' SRL abilities, attention should be given to the preferred use of the station rotation submodel compared to the flipped classroom submodel.

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Dadang Juandi: 6042761 Bambang Avip Priatna Martadiputra: 6124136
Uncontrolled Keywords: blended learning, Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis, Self-regulated learning (SRL), Meta-Analisis Blended learning, Mathematical Critical Thinking Abilities, Self-regulated learning (SRL), Meta-Analysis
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Matematika S-2
Depositing User: Dendy Maulana Gusmawan
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2024 07:24
Last Modified: 30 Apr 2024 07:24

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