Jenni Alfikri, - (2023) PENGARUH MODEL PERMAINAN AIR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR BERENANG. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh proses pembelajaran aktivitas air yang dilakukan ditingkat sekolah dasar masih belum optimal, seperti adanya permasalahan dalam pembelajaran aktivitas renang antara kesulitan dalam melakukan teknik-teknik gaya pada posisi tubuh, gerakan kaki, gerakan tangan, pengambilan nafas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat apakah terdapat pengaruh dari model permainan air terhadap hasil belajar berenang. Penelitian ini melibatkan anak dengan rentang usia 10-12 tahun di salah satu club renang Cimahi, dengan teknik purposive sampling sehingga didapatkan hasil perhitungan sampel sebanyak 20 anak. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah 3 instrumen tes yaknik tes keterampilan psikomotorik, tes aspek kognitif dan tes aspek afektif. Data yang didapat diolah menggunakan software SPSS melalui Uji Paired Sample T Test dan untuk pengelompokan kriteria rentang nilai menggunakan Penilaian Acuan Norma (PAN). Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa hasil belajar berenang dengan aspek psikomotorik, kognitif dan afektif anak meningkat dengan perbedaan yang siginifikan antara hasil pretest kemampuan psikomotorik, kognitif dan afektif anak yang artinya sebelum diberikan treatment dan posttest kemampuan psikomotorik, kognitif dan afektif anak setelah diberikan treatment. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model permainan air terhadap hasil belajar berenang. Melalui penelitian ini khususnya guru pendidikan jasmani di sekolah dasar agar dapat lebih sering memberikan permainan air dalam memulai pembelajaran berenang agar anak lebih semangat untuk memulai pembelajaran berenang. Selain itu, guru pendidikan jasmani juga harus mampu mendesain aktivitas permainan air dengan lebih menarik dan beragam dengan berbagai macam permainan air. This research is motivated by the process of learning water activities carried out at the elementary school level which is still not optimal, such as problems in learning swimming activities between difficulties in carrying out force techniques in body position, leg movements, hand movements, taking breaths. The purpose of this study was to see whether there was an influence from the water play model on swimming learning outcomes. This study involved children with an age range of 10-12 years at one of the Cimahi swimming clubs, using a purposive sampling technique so that the results of a sample calculation of 20 children were obtained. The instruments used were 3 test instruments namely psychomotor skills test, cognitive aspect test and affective aspect test. The data obtained was processed using SPSS software through the Paired Sample T Test and for grouping criteria for ranges of values using Norm Reference Assessment (PAN). The results of the study found that the results of learning to swim with the psychomotor, cognitive and affective aspects of children increased with a significant difference between the pretest results of the children's psychomotor, cognitive and affective abilities, which means before being given treatment and posttesting the children's psychomotor, cognitive and affective abilities after being given treatment. It can be concluded that there is an influence of the water game model on swimming learning outcomes. Through this research, especially physical education teachers in elementary schools so that they can provide water games more often in starting learning to swim so that children are more enthusiastic about starting learning to swim. In addition, physical education teachers must also be able to design more interesting and varied water play activities with various kinds of water games.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Suherman Slamet: 5996323 Anira: 6745717
Uncontrolled Keywords: Permainan Air, Renang, Aktivitas Air, Hasil Belajar Water Games, Swimming, Water Activities, Learning Outcomes
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan > Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga > PGSD Penjas
Depositing User: Jenni Alfikri
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2023 08:16
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2023 08:16

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