Syaiful Ihsa Badarsyah, - (2023) ANALISIS KINERJA STRUKTUR GEDUNG FPSD UPI AKIBAT BEBAN GEMPA DENGAN METODE PUSHOVER. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki aktivitas gempa yang tinggi, karena letak Indonesia berada pada wilayah cincin api pasifik. Terjadinya gempa dapat berdampak kerusakan bagi struktur bangunan. Bangunan Gedung Fakultas Pendidikan Seni dan Desain (FPSD) adalah salah satu gedung bertingkat di lingkungan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) yang berada di indonesia. Struktur gedung tersebut rawan terhadap beban gempa bumi. Maka perlu dilakukan analisis kinerja struktur bangunan tahan gempa, guna mengurangi kerusakan pada struktur serta timbulnya korban jiwa saat terjadi kejadian gempa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui level kinerja struktur gedung berdasarkan nilai maksimum drift. Metode beban gempa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Respon Spektrum, Statik Ekivalen, serta Pushover. Pemodelan struktur serta analisisnya menggunakan program SAP 2000. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan nilai total drift gedung FPSD UPI berdasarkan beban gempa respon spektrum, nilai maksimum drift pada lantai atas terhadap lantai basement pada arah X sebesar 64,801 mm untuk arah Y sebesar 46,998 mm. berdasarkan beban gempa statik ekivalen, nilai maksimum drift pada lantai atas terhadap lantai basement pada arah X sebesar 65,039 mm untuk arah Y sebesar 14,496 mm. berdasarkan beban gempa pushover dengan ATC-40, nilai maksimum total drift pada lantai atas terhadap lantai basement pada arah X sebesar 406,193 mm dan arah Y sebesar 134,355 mm. sedangkan untuk hasil bedasarkan FEMA-440, nilai maksimum drift arah X sebesar 114,4808 mm dan arah Y sebesar 281,5201 mm. Nilai level kinerja struktur gedung FPSD berdasarkan peraturan ATC-40 pada arah X sebesar 0,0099 dan arah Y sebesar 0,0033 sedangkan berdasarkan peraturan FEMA-440 pada arah X sebesar 0,00281 serta pada arah Y 0,00627. Karena nilai yang didapatkan < 0,01 maka dapat disimpulkan nilai kinerja struktur gedung FPSD termasuk kedalam golongan level Immediate Occupancy (IO). Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has high seismic activity, because Indonesia is located in the Pacific ring of fire. The occurrence of an earthquake can impact damage to the building structure. The Faculty of Art and Design Education (FPSD) building is one of the high-rise buildings within the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) in Indonesia. The building structure is prone to earthquake loads. So it is necessary to analyze the performance of earthquake resistant building structures, in order to reduce damage to the structure and the incidence of casualties when an earthquake occurs. This study aims to determine the performance level of building structures based on the maximum drift value. The earthquake load method used in this research is Spectral Response, Equivalent Static, and Pushover. Structural modeling and analysis using the SAP 2000 program. The results of this study show the total drift value of the FPSD UPI building based on the earthquake load response spectrum, the maximum drift value on the upper floor to the basement floor in the X direction is 64.801 mm in the Y direction is 46.998 mm. based on the equivalent static earthquake load, the maximum value of drift on the upper floor to the basement floor in the X direction is 65.039 mm for the Y direction is 14.496 mm. based on pushover earthquake loads with ATC-40, the maximum value of the total drift on the upper floor to the basement floor in the X direction is 406.193 mm and in the Y direction is 134.355 mm. While for the results based on FEMA-440, the maximum value of total drift in the X direction is 114.4808 mm and in the Y direction is 281.5201 mm. The performance level value of the FPSD building structure is based on ATC-40 regulations in the X direction of 0.0099 and Y direction of 0.0033 while based on FEMA-440 regulations in the X direction of 0.00281 and in the Y direction 0.00627. Because the value obtained is <0.01, it can be concluded that the performance value of the FPSD building structure is included in the Immediate Occupancy (IO) level category.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA: Budi Kudwadi : 5995921 Ben Novarro Batubara : 6710018
Uncontrolled Keywords: Respons Spectrum, Static Equivalent, Pushover, Performance Point
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology > TH Building construction
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Teknik dan Industri > Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil > Program Studi Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Syaiful Ihsa Badarsyah
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2023 04:39
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2023 04:39

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