Fatimah Aroufah, - (2022) STRATEGI REPAIR PADA FENOMENA SPOONERISM (Studi Kasus: Isyana Sarasvati). S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Spoonerism adalah fenomena linguistik yang melibatkan pertukaran bunyi ataupun suku kata diantara kata ataupun frasa. Penutur dengan spoonerism seringkali mengoreksi tuturannya. Penelitian ini ialah penelitian d kajian psikoliguistik dan analisis percakapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah wujud spoonerism, strategi repair dalam konteks percakapan yang digunakan oleh penutur dengan spoonerism dan hubungan antara spoonerism dan strategi repair. Melalui purposive sampling, peneliti mengumpulkan transkripsi percakapan Isyana Sarasvati yang berasal dari 31 video Youtube dan 3 podcast dari Spotify, hasilnya adalah 39 tuturan spoonerism dengan perbaikan dan 2 tuturan yang tidak diperbaiki. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan teori analisis percakapan khususnya repair organization yang digagas oleh Schegloff, Jefferson, dan Sacks (1977:361-82) dan spoonerism oleh Motley (1973). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penutur cenderung menuturkan spoonerism utuh pada setiap tuturannya yaitu sebanyak (87,80%). Sementara itu, strategi repair yang paling sering digunakan ketika adanya tuturan yang mengandung spoonerism adalah strategi Self-Initiated Self-Repair sebanyak (78,50%) dari total keseluruhan tuturan. Hal tersebut teridentifikasi dari seringnya penutur menginisiasi dan melakukan perbaikan atas tuturannya yang mengandung spoonerism. Hubungan antara realisasi strategi repair dan spoonerism yaitu penutur cenderung menyadari kesalahan berbicaranya yang mengandung spoonerism utuh dan memperbaiki tuturannya oleh penutur itu sendiri, maka dari itu penutur lebih banyak menggunakan strategi Self-Initiated Self-Repair. Temuan dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat baik secara teoritis maupun praktis untuk para peneliti berikutnya. Spoonerism is a linguistic phenomenon that involves the switch of sounds or syllables between words or phrases. Speakers with spoonerism often correct their speech. This research is an interdisciplinary study of psycholinguistics and conversational analysis. This study aims to examine the form of spoonerism, the repair strategy in the context of the conversation used by spoonerism speakers and the relationship between spoonerism and repair strategy. Through purposive sampling, researcher collected the transcription of conversations of Isyana Sarasvati from 31 Youtube videos and 3 podcasts from Spotify. This study applies the theory of conversational analysis, mainly repair organization initiated by Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977:361-82) and spoonerism by Motley (1973). The results of this study reveal that speaker tends to convey complete spoonerism in each of her utterances. This is identified from the number of spoonerism data calculations that most frequently appear in the speech, complete spoonerism appears in the speech as much as (87.80%). Meanwhile, the most frequently used repair strategy when there is an utterance containing spoonerism is the Self-Initiated Self-Repair (SISR) strategy as much (78.50%) of the total utterance. This is identified from the frequency of speakers initiating and making repair to their speech that contains spoonerism. The relationship between the realization of the repair strategy and spoonerism is that speaker tends to realize her speech errors that contain complete spoonerism and correct her speech by the speaker herself, thus the speakers often use the Self-Initiated Self-Repair strategy. The findings of this study are expected to provide benefits both theoretically and practically for the future researchers.

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Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Additional Information: Google Scholar dosen pembimbing 1 Google Scholar dosen pembimbing 2
Uncontrolled Keywords: Spoonerism, Strategi repair, analisis percakapan, psikolinguistik.
Subjects: P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Linguistik S-2
Depositing User: Fatimah Aroufah
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2022 03:08
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2022 03:08

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