Nia Nurdiani, - (2019) KERANGKA KERJA TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PENALARAN DAN PENGUASAAN KONSEP EMBRIOLOGI MAHASISWA CALON GURU BIOLOGI. S3 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas program pembelajaran dengan kerangka kerja TPACK dalam meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran dan penguasaan konsep Embriologi bagi mahasiswa calon guru biologi. Embriologi merupakan salah satu bidang kajian dalam Biologi yang harus dikuasai mahasiswa calon guru Biologi, namun konsep-konsep di dalamnya memiliki sifat abstraksi tinggi sehingga tidak mudah untuk dijelaskan dan dipahami. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan rancangan Educational Research and Development (R&D). Program pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah konteks pembelajaran Embriologi dengan penerapan kerangka kerja Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) yang memadukan pengetahuan konten Embriologi dengan pengetahuan pedagogis berupa penerapan metode blended learning, dan penggunaan pengetahuan teknologi informatika dalam bentuk pengubahan representasi bahan ajar ke dalam multimedia interaktif yang diunggah ke dalam learning manajemen system (LMS) Moodle sebagai perangkat mengelolaan kelas dalam konteks daring. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa peserta perkuliahan Embriologi di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, terdiri dari tiga kelas yang masing-masing mencakup 47, 49 dan 43 orang mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembelajaran dengan kerangka kerja TPACK, penguasaan konsep-konsep Embriologi ditingkatkan secara signifikan. Secara umum, pembelajaran ini efektif membantu mahasiswa berkategori kurang (D) dan gagal (E) untuk meningkatkan kategori penguasaan konsepnya hingga mencapai kategori baik (B) dan baik sekali (A). Melalui pembelajaran ini terjadi pergeseran positif pola penalaran dari kongkrit menuju formal, dengan kepemilikan modus penalaran dari proporsional dan atau korelasional menjadi kepemilikan kombinasi dua atau tiga modus penalaran di antara proporsional, probabilitas, kolerasional dan kombinatorial, serta membangun baik kecerdasan tilik ruang (visuospasial). Di samping itu, pembelajaran ini efektif membantu mahasiswa mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter yang mendukung pencitraan guru abad 21, yaitu disiplin, mandiri, antusias, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif. Hasil positif penelitian ini berimplikasi kepada kebijakan penerapan kerangka kerja TPACK dalam pembelajaran matakuliah yang berkarakter sulit dibelajarkan secara tradisional di LPTK. Direko-mendasikan untuk dilakukan penelitian-peniltian yang berorientasi pada pembangunan kemampuan TPACKing calon guru biologi melalui pengembangan model/metode pelatihan, serta penilaian dampaknya bagi peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik.----------The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of a learning program using TPACK framework in helping students of Biology prospective teachers to improve their reasoning skill and Embryology concept mastery. Embryology is one of the areas of study in Biology which Biology prospective teachers must master. However, the concepts of Embryology have high abstraction so that they are not easy to explain and understand. The research was conducted using an Educational Research and Development (R&D) design. The learning program that was developed was the learning context of Embryology with the application of TPACK combining content knowledge of Embryology with pedagogic knowledge of the application of blended learning method, and the use of knowledge of information technology in the form of changing the representation of teaching materials into interactive multimedia uploaded into the learning management system (LMS) Moodle as the class-management tool in online context. The subjects of this research were students who were having a contract in the Embryology lecture in the Biology Education Study Program, at an educational institute of educational personnel in Bandung, consisting of three classes respectively covering 47, 49 and 43 students. The result of the research shows that the mastery of Embryology concepts is significantly improved through learning using the TPACK framework. In general, this learning is highly effective in helping students with poor category of concept mastery (D) and failed (E) to improve their concept mastery so that they can be categoriezed into good concept mastery (B) and excellent concept mastery (A). Through this learning there is a positive shift in reasoning patterns from concrete to formal, with the ownership of the reasoning mode from proportional and/or correlational to the ownership of a combination of two or three reasoning modes between proportional, probability, correlational, and combinatorial, and the improvement of visuospatial intelligence as well. In addition, this learning effectively helps students improve character values that support the image of 21st-century teachers, namely (being) disciplined, independent, enthusiastic, collaborative, and communicative. The positive results of this research have implications for the policy of applying the TPACK framework in learning subjects that are difficult to learn traditionally in the institute. It is recommended to conduct research that are oriented to the improvement of TPACKing capabilities of biology prospective teachers through the development of training models/methods, as well as the impact assessments for the improvement of students’ learning outcomes.

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Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Additional Information: No. Panggil: S IPA NIA k-2018; Pembimbing: I. Nuryani Y. Rustaman, II. Wawan Setiawan; NIM: 1101261
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pembelajaran Embriologi, TPACK.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan IPA S-3
Depositing User: Santi Santika
Date Deposited: 19 May 2020 17:23
Last Modified: 19 May 2020 17:23

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